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~No One's P.O.V~
Nikku proceeded to attack Iur with a punch, she got repelled back due to Iur's Rinnegan. Then Killer Bee, Dachi, the fifth Hokage, and the fourth raikage proceeded to attack after that. "Strong Fist!" Dachi shouted.

Killer Bee proceeded to punch Iur, while the fifth Hokage and the fourth raikage proceeded to punch Iur as well. Ukkin also tried particpating with a kick. Iur used his Hakaigan to increase his strength to hold them off. But the two tailed beasts were able to overpower Iur.

Iur was pushed back but he kept his ground. "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" He shouted.

The fire from his jutsu was larger then usual. Dachi used his tailed beast form to blow away the fire in one blow with his paw.

Iur then proceeded to summon a multi-headed giant dog and a giant drill-beaked bird. Both giant summoning animals had the Rinnegan as eyes.

Both summoning animals proceeded to attack the tailed beasts that Dachi and Killer Bee had transformed in to. Nikku, Naruto, Ukkin, the fifth hokage, and the fourth raikage were the only ones left to face Iur.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu." Iur said.

Iur began to weave another set of signs. "Wind Style: Air Bullet." Multiple forces of air were projected towards the direction of the remaining defending members.

The air bullets hit the fire of the phoenix fire jutsu and increased the power of the fire. Due to the force of wind, the speed of the fire was even faster.

The fourth raikage, Nikku, Naruto, and Ukkin were able to dodge the fire bullets while the fifth hokage was not able to dodge the attack and got injured.

"Tch!" the fifth hokage grunted as she got injured by the fire bullets.

"Hokage! Are you okay?" the fourth raikage said.

"Yeah, I should be able to heal this." the fifth hokage said.

Nikku teleported behind Iur and tried to kick him but she was flailed back due to the repelling power that the Rinnegan possessed. Ukkin and Naruto quickly teleported near Iur and punched him in the face. Iur held his ground and used his Rinnegan to repel Ukkin. Ukkin and Naruto made sure to hold their ground.

"How were you able to master some of the Rinnegan's abilities when you barely just obtained it?" Ukkin questioned.

"Another ability of my Rinnegan. Being able to tap into the fullest potential of any kekkei genkai besides my Hakaigan without trying to master anything. When I have it, of course." Iur smirked.

"What?" Ukkin said, clearly surprised.

"There's so much you don't know about the Hakaigan, mother." Iur said.

"He's your son?!" Nikku asked.

"Yes, but it seems that my son has directed himself to a path of pursuit of launching the Infinite Tsukuyomi in our timeline." Ukkin explained.

"I see." Nikku said.

Meanwhile, Dachi had defeated the giant drill-beaked bird, while Killer Bee was struggling in defeating the giant multi-headed dog. It seemed like that everytime the giant dog was attacked.

The two were defending themselves repeatedly. But at this rate, they would eventually run out of chakra.

Nikku had a worried expression on her face since she was worried about Dachi. She wished she could help him, but she was occupied fighting Iur.

Soon enough, the fifth hokage recovered from her wounds and punched the ground near Iur. The ground surrounding Iur exploding into fragments of debris.

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