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~No One's P.O.V~
Team twelve kept walking and eventually reached their destination. They were met with two sound shinobi but the supposed third shinobi not found. "So Koi and Iro couldn't even hold these shinobi off." The male said.

"Pitiful." The female said.

"I assume that your Chisani Hozuki. And you are Jikken Iburi." Nikku said as she looked the them.

Chisani was the female one with short dark brown hair and orange eyes whole Jikken was the one with orange hair and dark brown eyes. Both of them wore white lab coats.

"Tell us, why are you experimenting on other shinobi just to carry on Orochimaru work?" Nikku asked.

"Just to carry on Lord Orochimaru's work? It's way more than that my dear. We will grow stronger as being scientists! The sound village will be under our control just like Koi and Iro!" Jikken said.

"Guess we'll have to stop you!" Dachi shouted.

Dachi tried landing a punch on Chisani, but she just turned into water. "What?!" Dachi shouted.

"I thought so, Chisani seems to be part of the Hozuki clan, which grants them the ability to turn into water." Kronosa said.

"Right you are, but you haven't seen my ability yet. This my ability, the ability of the Iburi clan." Jikken said.

Jikken then turned into smoke and swirled around Nikku. Jikken used his smoke form to oxidize Nikku from the inside, making Nikku feel intense pain. He then went back to his smoke from and possessed Asuka. "She might be a good test subject Chisani, so I kept her alive." Jikken said talking from Asuka's body.

"That's understandable." Chisani smirked.

"What have you done with Asuka and Nikku?" Dachi said.

"Simple, I oxidized the redheaded girl from the inside making her feel immense pain. While I possessed this body of your friend." Jikken said

"Dachi I want you to keep hitting Chisani so she keeps turning into water and I want you to hold off Jikken if he interferes." Kronosa said to Dachi.

Dachi nodded and kept punching Chisani. "Are you stupid?! You clearly have eyes to see that this doesn't work!" She shouted.

Kronosa started weaving hand signs. Jikken tried interfering with Kronosa's jutsu by Dachi quickly stopped him by punching him. 'Man I feel bad for punching Asuka's body.' He thought.

"Lightning Style: Conduction of Torturous Electricity." She said.

The electricity had conducted with Chisani's water form, causing her to be electrocuted and fell down due to her injury. Jikken ran using Asuka's body and weaved a couple of hand signs. "Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones."

Both Kronosa and Dachi had dodged every single one of the stones. Kronosa then weaved a couple of hand signs. "Lightning Style: Thunder Binding."

The thunder bindings had restricted Jikken from moving in Asuka's body. "Oh well, I'll just go to another body." Jikken said as he went to his smoke form.

Jikken went towards Kronosa in order to possess her body. "Wind Style: Divine Wind." Dachi said as he weaved his hand signs.

The wind completely blew Jikken away, leaving no trace of him behind. "That was smart of you." Kronosa complimented.

"Well I just used common sense for that one. Now let's help out Asuka and Nikku." Dachi said.

"Right." Kronosa said.

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