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~Dachi's P.O.V~
I yawned and got up from bed. I got ready to go to the bridge. Morihro-Sensei said yesterday:
"Congratulations, on passing. Anyways, meet me at the bridge again at 6, I have something to show you all".

I wonder what he wants to show us. I ran to the bridge, and I encountered Asuka on the way. "Hi Asuka!" I said.

"Hi Dachi", she said.

"Well, since we met up, might as well go to the bridge together right?" I said.

"Yeah", Asuka said.

We came at the bridge, and Kronosa was already there. "Wha?! How did you get here so early?!" I shouted.

"Yeah, you proabably got ready really early", Asuka said.

"I skipped breakfast again, and only slept for 7 hours", she said.

"You missed one hour of sleep! And you must be starving!" I shouted.

"No, I'm not. I have food in my bags just in case." She said.

"Can I have some?" I asked.

"You proabably already had some breakfast, but I'll give you guys some food when you need it", Kronosa said.

"Ok", Asuka and I said.

"Hey guys", Morihro-Sensei said as he walked in.

"Oh hi Morihro-Sensei!" I said.

"What was it that you wanted to show us?" Asuka asked.

"Well, since you guys passed, we have some missions to do", Morihro-Sensei said.

"Yay!" I shouted.

"Well, Morihro-Sensei, is it fun for Dachi to enjoy?" Kronosa asked.

"Well, not quite..." he said.

"At least we are doing something!" Dachi said.

"What's the mission?" Kronosa asked.

"Well, you guys have to guard a valuable just in case anybody takes it", Morihro-Sensei said.

"That's all?.." Asuka asked.

"You guys are pretty good in teamwork, so some enemy ninja who try to rob the valuable won't be much a problem", he said.

"Isn't the job taken?" Kronosa asked.

"Well, most of the ninja are doing missions", Morihro-Sensei said.

"Why couldn't they a jutsu or something?" I asked.

"Well, we don't have a ninja that has a jutsu like that, except the Hokage, but he's too busy", he said.

"Well, at least we can have a conversation or something while doing it", Asuka said.

"Yeah", Kronosa said.

"Follow me guys", our sensei said.

We came to a place, that was lit up a bit. We came towards a box. "What's inside in that box?" I asked.

"Well, it's something that we can't know. And you guys, don't open it, it's very sacred", he said.

"Alright", we all said.

"Kronosa, you go behind the box, Dachi, you go to the right side of the box, and Asuka, go to the left side of the box. I'll go in front of the box", Morihro-Sensei said.

We went to our places. The box was placed on top of a pedestal.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
We guarded the box for hours and hours. Dachi was snoring away since he was bored. I took some of my food and ate it. Asuka was just talking to sensei. I took a book and started reading it. "You guys keep your guard up", he said.

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