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~No Ones P.O.V~
Kronosa charged at Dachi. Nikku was up alone against Itachi since Morihro was distracted by Kisame. Morihro and Asuka was against Kisame while Nikku was up alone against Itachi.

"You Akatsuki members are the ones who took our friend away from us!" Dachi shouted.

"Friend? I don't know what your talking about." Kronosa said.

"Lies!" Dachi shouted as he took out his katana and charged at Kronosa.

Kronosa dodged every swing that he swung at her.

Nikku was alone against Itachi. "Wind Style: Air Blade!" She shouted.

Nikku had a air sword and charged at Itachi with it. Itachi dodged each attack she did with her sword. Then Nikku threw some shurikens and needles at him. Itachi also dodged those.

Itachi activated his Sharigan and used his genjutsu on Nikku. Nikku was caught in his genjutsu. In reality, she fell down and landed on the ground.

"Fire Style: Divine Fire!" I shouted.

In the illusion, it destroyed Itachi. While in reality, she didn't hit him at all with her jutsu. Then, she finally had to do something to defeat Itachi.

Nikku morphed into a fennec fox which canceled out the genjutsu since morphing into a fox gave her lots of chakra.

Itachi was a bit surprised by her new form. She ran in her fox form and charged at Itachi. "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" He said.

"Rasengan!" Nikku shouted as the orb formed from her mouth.

Her teammates and sensei was surprised when she used that jutsu. Itachi dodged the Rasengan. "Fire Style: Pheonix Fire Jutsu." He said.

Nikku dodged the fire and proceeded to attack more.

Morihro and Asuka had to team up against Kisame. "Water Style: Strangling Water!" Asuka said.

"Earth Style: Mud Dragon!" He said.

"Water Style: Shark Bomb!" Kisame said as he countered the attack.

The water that Asuka summoned still sped through. It chased Kisame while he tried to dodge it. "Water Style: Shock Wave!" He said as he threw up a whole sea of water.

Everyone had to focus chakra on the bottom of their feet so they didn't slip or drown in the water.

"Water Style: Water Clone Jutsu." He said as two clones of himself.

The first clone went near Asuka and used Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu. The real Kisame faced Morihro. "Now.. this can be more easier for me." Kisame said.

His clone and him charged at Morihro.

Kronosa was tired of dodging Dachi's pointless attacks. She had her Sharigan activated which helped her predict his moves. "Lightning Style: Thunder Binding." She said as something squeezed Dachi's body.

"Ugh!" He grunted.

Dachi struggled to get out. "Kisame, Itachi, I think our objective is done." She said.

"No!" Nikku shouted as she ran with her fox form and used her Rasengan to break the binding.

"What a nuisance. You're just a replacement for their friend, saving him won't do you any good." Kronosa said.

"You're right, I'm just a replacement. But... I want to save them! Or I would be abandoning my comrades!" She said.

"Hm.. do what you want." Kronosa said.

"Wind Style: Wind Vortex Jutsu!" Dachi shouted.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" Itachi said as he aimed at Nikku.

Nikku dodged the attack and ran towards Itachi. "Fire Style: Blinding Fire." She said.

The fire blinded Itachi for a good 20 seconds. Nikku transferred back to herself as she threw shurikens and needles at Itachi. Itachi looked at the last second and dodged the attack.

Kronosa dodged the jutsu that Dachi aimed at her. "Lightning Style: Electric Needles!" She said.

The electric needles inflicted some injury on Dachi. "Summoning Jutsu!" She said again.

Smoke appeared and three giant wolves appeared. Kronosa commanded all three of them to attack Dachi. "Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones!" Dachi shouted.

The stones landed on the wolves and almost hit Kronosa. Luckily for her, she countered the attack with some kunai. "Fire Style: Pheonix Flower Jutsu!" She said.

Dachi dodged the attack. "Wind Style: Gale Palm!" He said as he clapped his two palm together creating a great force of wind.

Dachi activated his Jougan and teleported behind Kronosa when she distracted by the wind. "Wind Style: Typhoon Dual Swords Jutsu!" Dachi shouted.

Kronosa quickly took off her glove and used her Dark Release to absorb the jutsu. "What?!" Dachi said dumbfounded.

Dachi still held the other sword. Kronosa manipulated the chakra that she absorbed and released it towards Dachi. Dachi teleported with his Jougan to dodge the attack. He threw the other sword at her.

Kronosa dodged the attack using her Sharigan. They both realized that they were wasting too much chakra and they both knew that their chakra would run out. They both charged at each other, and tried Taijutsu using their dojutsu.

Kronosa took out some throwing needles dipped in poison and threw them at Dachi. As usual, he dodged the attack. The poison that Kronosa used for her needles was Sasori's poison that she found from his remains.

If the needles did hit, it would be painful for Dachi but it wouldn't kill him. After all, they had Tsunade as the Hokage and other medical corps.

The water prison still held Asuka captive. "Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet Jutsu!" Morihro said.

Kisame countered the attack. "Water Style: Shark Bomb!" He said.

Then Kisame launched another jutsu at Morihro. "Water Style: Water Missile Jutsu!"

Morihro dodged the attack. "Earth Style: Boulder Jutsu!" He shouted.

It summoned a thrown boulder that was aiming for Kisame. He then threw a bunch of kunai at him. Kisame got hit with the boulder but he took the attack well.

"Water Style: Shark Bomb Jutsu!" Kisame said.

Morihro went for dry land. "Earth Style: Mud Wall." He said.

The wall blocked the jutsu that's as launched at him. He took out the other clone but he needed to set Asuka free from the water prison. Then, he had an idea. "Earth Style: Stone Pistol Jutsu!"

The stones enlarged and hit the water clone causing it to disappear and letting the water prison subside. Resulting in freeing Asuka.

The three battles still waged from fighting what they want. The attacks kept on coming and coming. There was no rest.

That's all for this chapter. The ending was a bit of a CLIFFHANGER but whatever. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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