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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
I really wonder, why my creators gave life to me. So far, this world has been so amusing. If they want me to be a destructive weapon, they had to proabably give me more than one kekkai genkai. They gave me intelligence, speed, and strength. And their purpose for me, all I know, is used for evil purposes. After all, I am human, but inside, I am not human inside.

I woke up and got ready, since we had to go to the bridge again. I felt short pain on my arm. I took off a part of my net shirt and bandages. A cut eh..

It was proabably from guarding that box. I took some blood from the cut, and tasted it. I see...

I put my net shirt and bandages back. I'm starting to think I'm becoming a sadist... Hehe.. So much for giving me a human body..

But, I don't think I'll follow my creators instructions for their goal, most likely, I won't.

I looked at the weapon I was working on. I'll work on it later.

I walked to the bridge. My teammates were already there. "Yeah! We're first before you!" Dachi shouted.

"It's not like I'm late", I said.

"Hey guys", Morihro-Sensei said.

"Hi sensei", Asuka said.

He was holding a piece of paper. "What's that Morihro-Sensei?!" Dachi asked.

"The Chunin Exams", he said.

"The Chunin Exams?.." Asuka said.

"I signed you guys for the exams", he said.

"Is every genin going to take this?" I asked.

"If they want to", he said.

"Oh boy! I'm pumped!" Dachi shouted.

"If one of you decides not to take it, all of you won't take it", he said.

"What?!" Dachi shouted.

"Well, I want to take it", I said.

"Well! I'm definitely gonna take it!" Dachi shouted.

"I guess so, for your guys sake", Asuka said.

"Alright!" Morihro-Sensei said.

He started walking a direction and we followed him, he left us there and walked the opposite direction back.

We saw some people getting beat up. And two boys blocking the door to the Chunin Exams. And they were talking crap about a guy who had a short hair and not to be mean, big eyebrows and a girl who had short brown hair. "Hey get out of the entrance! Do you mind?" Dachi shouted.

"Brats", one of them said.

"Dachi, let it be. I want to watch how this happens", I said.

"Huh, what do you mean Kronosa?" He asked.

I whispered to Dachi and Asuka. "If you know it is that? Why would would you want to watch?!" Dachi shouted.

"To observe our possible opponents and what to see what happens", I said.

"I guess that is pretty clever", Asuka said.

Then, we saw Naruto and his duckbutt teammates. "Can you please step aside, we can see right through your plans. Reverse the genjutsu. Sakura, you must of seen this coming from a mile away", Sasuke said.

And everyone was murmuring about him.

"Uh, Yeah! Totally! This is only the second floor!" Sakura said.

Pfft, yeah right, your just saying that to impress Sasuke. And of course as usual, Sasuke acting like he knows everything.

"Well, that took shorter than expected", I said as I walked with my teammates.

I heard some kicks and turned around. That dude with the big eyebrows stopped Sasuke's and that other guy's kick. Sasuke looked surprised, from how that dude stopped his kick.

Well, you shouldn't just judge a book by its cover.

"Hey what happened to the plan, your the one to say to keep a low profile", a guy with brown long hair said to the guy with big eyebrows.

Clever... I'll acknowledge this team, for sure.. but, they will be sure to be good opponents..

The guy with big eyebrows, walked towards Sakura. "My name is Rock-Lee, your name is Sakura right?" He said.

She had a dumbfounded look. "Please be my girlfriend! I promise to protect you with my life!" Rock-Lee said.

"Uh no, your weird", she said.

At least he's stronger than you...

"BOI!! YOU JUST GOT REJECTED!!" Dachi shouted.

"Good one Dachi!" Naruto said.

Everyone was looking at Dachi. "Dachi, you can be aggravating sometimes", I said.

"Hey you over here, what's your name?" The dude with long brown hair asked Sasuke.

Sasuke is the popular one, isn't he?

"You should give your name first before me giving mine", Sasuke said.

"You're a rookie right, how old are you?" He asked Sasuke.

"Ok, if he didn't give his name at first, why would he give his age to you after?" Dachi asked.

"True", Asuka said.

"I'm not obliged to answer", Sasuke said.

"What was that?!" The guy with long brown hair said with anger.

We went upstairs, for the actual room for the Chunin Exams. "Hey Kronosa, if you already knew it was a genjutsu, why did you want to stay?" Dachi asked.

"I already answered your question", I said.

"Sasuke...." Asuka said as she blushed.

"And all of you..., don't even try to quit the Chunin Exams", I said.

"Of course I won't! Right Asuka?!" Dachi shouted.

"Right!" Asuka said.

They all smiled and grinned, causing my emotionless face to smile as well. "Alright guys, we're going to show just how powerful we are together to the other people", I said.

"Yeah!" Dachi said.

"Ok!" Asuka said.

That's all for this chapter, so stay swag, and peace out!

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