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~No One's P.O.V~
Today was the supposed next morning of war. For the shinobi alliance, this morning marked the real battle. The five kage prepared for the battle and Ukkin did as well. They were well aware that Iur would eventually attack them.

Soon enough, an unexpected ally would also join the fight. All shinobi in the alliance were placed strategically in the battlefield. In each division, their individual supreme commanders stood in front of all of them.

Each of the jinchuriki were surrounded by three anbu members and two jonin ranked shinobi. 'I see then. This is the plan, this time, hopefully we'll defeat Iur.' Nikku thought.

'We need to defeat Iur. For the sake of my friends and Ukkin's timeline.' Dachi thought.

"Iur will come here any second now. I can guarantee that he's sensing the jinchuriki's chakra." Ukkin said.

Everybody was tense and on guard. Iur could teleport in a good spot or a bad spot for an advantage.

'I see then. I can sense multiple chakra in the battlefield. I've marked this place very often with my chakra. These foolish shinobi thinking they can stand up to me with their power. It's almost mocking me on how they think their weaknesses can match up with my abilities. Just for that, I'll slaughter them all.' Iur thought.

Iur eventually teleported to the battlefiel. Ukkin and Nikku were both immediately able to sense his chakra on the battlefield. "Iur is here. He's near the two tails jinchuriki!" Ukkin warned.

Everyone looked towards Dachi's direction. Unfortunately, most of the jonin and the anbu members protecting Dachi were unable to their duties. "Don't think your pitiful strength will ever match up to mine, lowly shinobi. Using my Rinnegan against you is not even worth my time." Iur said.

Iur grabbed one of the anbu members and threw them against the other opposing anbu member. Iur then proceeded to quickly exterminate the other three jonin. Iur was then swarmed with multiple shinobi. 'They remind me just like little parasites. I'll waste no time killing each and every one of them.' Iur thought.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Iur said as he implanted both of his hands to the ground.

Before the smoke had dissipated, it revealed seven of the tailed beasts; the one tail, three tails, four tails, five tails, six tails, seven tails, and the eight tails. All seven started to fire their tailed beast bombs to the shinobi around them. "Get in formation!" the fourth raikage shouted.

Every shinobi in the shinobi alliance did as they were commanded to. The five divisions split themselves to seven sections to hold off each tailed beasts.

Naruto was about to charge towards the eight tails but his shoulder was pulled back by a hand. It was one of the anbu members guarding him. "Naruto Uzumaki, please do not charge headfirst. You'll endanger yourself, we are here to protect you."


"Naruto Uzumaki, you will not move from this spot unless if you are attacked directly. The shinobi alliance are taking care of the tailed beasts. At the moment, you should be believing in the alliance instead of you doing all the work yourself." A jonin member said.

"But look what happened to the anbu members and jonin surrounding Dachi! They were brutally slaughtered! I don't want any of you guys to die!" Naruto retorted.

"Yes, but we cannot afford to get you captured. We are ready to die for the greater good and the leave of this world. They took a sacrifice, so if needed to, we will sacrifice our lives." The second anbu member said.

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