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~1 Day Later/No One's P.O.V~
Two days has past after Team Morihro's return to the village from their mission. Yesterday, Dachi continued training with Guy-Sensei and Rock Lee. Also, Naruto, Captain Yamato, Sai, and Hinata have returned from their mission yesterday. The mission was successful luckily, and Nikku and Dachi welcomed back Naruto from his village.

Dachi had already woke up before Nikku. Dachi woke up early to train with Guy-Sensei and Rock Lee. But soon after that, Nikku had also woken up from her slumber. She didn't have anything better to do, so she planned to head over Asuka's house but something stopped her.

A cloud of smoke appeared before her, but after the gas had subsided, it revealed Morihro-Sensei. Nikku was startled by the sudden appearance.

"Morihro-Sensei?! Please don't startle me like that again." Nikku said.

"Sorry Nikku, but Lady Hokage has reported you to her office." Morihro said.

"Huh, why?" she questioned.

"You'll find out when you're there. Follow me." Morihro said as he started walking towards the Hokage's building.

Nikku sensed Morihro's glum demeanor and noticed that he wasn't himself. It was an unsettling silence between them that made Nikku suspicious. "Morihro-Sensei, what's wrong?" Nikku asked.

"We're here." Morihro said as he ignored Nikku's question.

They continued walking, and soon they were in the fifth Hokage's office. Nikku wondered why her sensei was like this.

Before entering the fifth Hokage's office, she saw Naruto walk out, when a glum expression on his face. Nikku decided not to speak when Naruto walked out, she felt like she would've made him feel worse if she did.

She entered. And she felt a shadiness around her. A feeling of depression. Everyone had a glum expression on their faces around her.

Also for some reason, there was a frog sitting on her desk.

"Lady Hokage? What's wrong? And why was Naruto upset when he walked out?" Nikku asked.

"I hate to address this again. But you were one of Jiraiya-Boy's students so I must." the frog spoke.

Nikku didn't speak. In fact, she didn't want to. This sense of depression made her feel uneasy.

"Jiraiya-Boy is dead." the frog spoke.

Those few words made Nikku break down. "What?! No! Master Jiraiya can't be dead! This can't be happening! Why... why... WHY... who killed him? Please, tell me! I just.. I..." Nikku panicked.

Tears began to form in her eyes. She started to break down crying. "Why.. why would anyone kill Master Jiraiya?" Nikku sobbed.

"The leader of the Akatsuki, Pain killed Jiraiya-Boy." the frog said.

"The leader of the Akatsuki? Pain?" Nikku repeated at she wiped away her tears.

She clenched her teeth and her fist. They all had sorrowful expressions on their faces. "Why... just why? Why would he kill Master Jiraiya?" Nikku asked.

"Jiraiya-Boy wanted to infiltrate the Rain Village." the frog said.

She never felt more somber in her life ever than this.

'He was my only mentor when I was in the sand village. And now, he's gone.' Nikku thought.

Nikku began to leave the fifth Hokage's office. "Nikku-"

"Sensei, just please leave me alone for now." Nikku said as she left.

"Only the ones close to Master Jiraiya can understand her pain." Morihro said as he looked at the fifth Hokage who was somber as well.

Nikku didn't feel like going to her friends anymore. Instead she went to her apartment and mourned for Jiraiya's death.

Meanwhile, Dachi was still training with Guy-Sensei and Rock Lee, not knowing the casualty of Master Jiraiya's death.

Rock Lee and Dachi both fought for training purposes so they can both get stronger physically.

Rock Lee was about kick Dachi, but Dachi teleported using his Jougan.

Rock Lee was fast and went towards Dachi to inflict a punch. Dachi eventually got hit, but he regained his strength and got up. "Wind Style: Wind Vortex Jutsu!" Dachi shouted as be formed hand signs.

The strong wind slowed down Rock Lee. "Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones!" Dachi shouted.

Rock Lee saw the stones and dodged every single one of them.

'He's really fast.' Dachi thought.

Dachi tried to find a way to counter Rock Lee. Then Dachi ran towards Rock Lee and tried to land a punch on him.

Rock Lee did the same as well. Dachi avoided his punch and punched Rock Lee in the chest. The force of Dachi's punch made Rock Lee go back in a couple of meters away.

"You really are a formidable opponent Dachi." Rock Lee said.

"You too Rock Lee." Dachi said.

Dachi teleported with his Jougan on a tree and started weaving hand signs.

"Wind Style: Gale Palm!" Dachi shouted.

Dachi clapped two of his palms together and released a force of strong wind. Rock Lee was then slowed down and distracted by the strong force of wind.

Dachi then teleported behind Rock Lee and took out a kunai and put it near his neck. "Good fight Rock Lee." Dachi said as he put away his kunai.

Nikku stopped crying and wanted to do something to avenge Master Jiraiya. She stood up and wiped away her tears.

She went outside and walked to her usual training spot. 'I will train in order to get stronger. Strong enough to take down the ones who were the reason of Master Jiraiya's death.' Nikku thought.

After wiping away a her tears, she started training.

Well that's it for this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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