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~No One's P.O.V~
Kronosa has currently passed the trials of Ryuchi Cave and started training under the White Snake Sage. She started practicing senjutsu and had to train with patience to achieve sage chakra. Kabuto watched her as she honed her skills at senjutsu.

It would take a lot of time until she mastered senjutsu.

Ukkin was using her sensory skills to track Iur. Eventually, she had found him, looming in the forest. There was no point in hiding, Iur was a sensory type as well. But his sensory skills weren't as good as his mother, Ukkin.

"Ah, I see you're here mother. Took father's Jougan in order to time travel here in order to try and stop me." Iur turned around, revealing the newly implanted Rinnegan in his right eye. "Too bad that your efforts will be all for nothing." Iur made a devious grin as he said that.

"Rinnegan?! Iur, how did you obtain such power?" Ukkin questioned with demand in her voice.

"I killed Obito Uchiha in this timeline. Took his Rinnegan and Mangekyou Sharigan." Iur said.

"What do you plan to do in this timeline with those eyes?" Ukkin asked.

Iur chuckled. "I plan to collect the remaining tailed beasts in this timeline and cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi in our timeline. That way, wars will all stop! Don't you agree that would a great idea, mother?" Iur said.

'So after the hidden cloud killed two of it's jinchuriki, so it kill two of the tailed beasts to try and stop war since the hidden mist offered them peace if they did. But the hidden mist are bunch of lying individuals. They even offered that to all the hidden villages, most of us accepted the offer. But the hidden cloud were most fooled under their schemes. Now, casting the Infinite Tsukuyomi in our timeline is impossible.' Ukkin thought.

"No. It's not a great idea to cast fake harmony into people's minds." Ukkin said.

"It's either fake harmony or endless war, mother." Iur said.

"I see that you have lost all hope in our timeline Iur. But one day, all nations will have peace together like this timeline." Ukkin said.

"There is no peace in our wretched world of ours! Have you not learned from our endless war? It baffles me how you think that you still hold on the belief that there's such a thing called peace." Iur sneered.

"Fake harmony is no different from war, Iur." Ukkin said.

Iur scoffed. "Believe what you want, I'll still cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi on our timeline."

"You don't have to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi, you can still strive for the goal of real peace." Ukkin said.

"I am striving for peace, whether if it's real or not. It doesn't matter anymore of what's an illusion, as long as there will be no more wars." Iur said.

'I wish I can steer you to the right path, my son. I wish I could talk you out of this. But no matter how much your father and I love you, we must stop you from doing this.' Ukkin thought with sorrow.

"I see, you've made your decision permanent." Ukkin said.

Afterwards, Ukkin teleported away from Iur. 'Tch. I can't teleport to go after mother. Her added five kilometers radius on her teleportation prevents me from me teleporting right at her due to my ten kilometer radius.

And she's able to teleport as much as she wants as long as she as chakra. While I have a limit of only teleporting once per hour. No matter, I'll still track down the tailed beasts and cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi in my timeline.' Iur thought.

Meanwhile, Ukkin had teleported to the first division, which was the farthest location from Iur. 'There was no point to attack Iur, he is able to repel ninjutsu with his Rinnegan which is more proficent than my taijutsu. I wasn't intentionally trying to pinpoint Iur's chakra because I already knew what his chakra felt like. I was trying to convince him one last time to come back to the path of good. I had to lie to the third division on that one part or they would find me suspicious.

But what I told Morihro wasn't a complete lie. If there was an alternate version of Iur in this timeline, then that version would have different chakra. But since this is a past timeline, that alternate version has not been borned yet since my alternate version is still very young. My alternate version, Nikku, would have different chakra from me since we're from different timelines no matter how similar we are.' Ukkin thought.

As soon as I teleported, I was confronted by a large amount of shinobi of the first division. "Hey, who are you? Are you our enemy?" A cloud shinobi said.

'He's in front of everyone, that must mean that he's the commander of this division.' Ukkin thought.

"Ukkin Namikaze. And I am not your enemy. But you have been informed about my whereabouts by the third division and intel division?" She said.

"I see then. Did you already pinpoint the enemy's chakra from the intel we got?" The commander of the first division said.

"Yes, I've already pinpointed it and I teleported over here to get away from the enemy." Ukkin said.

"I see. Since you know the enemy more than any of us, you should tell us about his best abilities, and which abilities that are dull." The commander of the first division said.

"Your enemy Iur, is highly skilled in ninjutsu and taijutsu. He doesn't use any genjutsu, but he's capable of teleportation only once per hour in a ten kilometers radius, and sensory skills. He is also capable of increasing strength, flexibility, his sense of smell, able to see chakra points, and immune to genjutsu." Ukkin said.

"I see then." the first division commander said.

"However, he has stolen a Rinnegan and a Mangekyou Sharigan, due to this, he has obtained great power. His genjutsu skills have increased immensely, and he has inherited all powers of both eyes." Ukkin said.

"So this Iur guy is really something huh? Being able to take down the infamous Madara Uchiha and able to take his eyes. And not to mention, also possessing another kekkei genkai." the first divison commander said.

"Yes. That's how strong Iur truly is. Also, I believe you haven't introduced yourself as well." Ukkin said.

"Darui, it's a pleasure to meet you." he said.

"I'll stay near the first division to sense any chakra and assist with the fighting if the time comes. If that's okay with you." Ukkin said.

"Sure." Darui said.

Well this is the 100th chapter, hope you guys enjoyed it! So, stay swag, and peace out!

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