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~No One's P.O.V~
It was the next day. Dachi and Nikku, along with two members of Team Kakashi and Team Kurenai were assigned to a mission.

The purpose of the mission was to find Sasuke Uchiha and Kronosa Yamiyaka or find Itachi Uchiha and capture him. Morihro was discussing about the mission with the fifth Hokage, in the day before.

"Lady Hokage." Morihro said.

"Morihro, what is it?" she asked.

"I heard that you plan to send leaf ninja to find Sasuke, Kronosa, or capture Itachi Uchiha." he said.

"Yes, what about it?" she questioned.

"I know, you're sending out Team Kurenai and Team Kakashi... but..." he paused.

"But what?" she said.

"Let two of my members join the mission."


"If you're going to look for Kronosa as well, you should send some people that knew her." he then paused. "My team has incredible abilities! They've been all training so much lately! Dachi has good ninjutsu, and strength. Nikku has amazing agility, she can heal and use ninjutsu. And Asuka has excellent healing, and good water ninjutsu! It's been a while since my team has been in some missions and-"

"Alright, alright, that's enough. Fine I will. I'll take Nikku and Dachi. And remove Shino and Sakura from the mission. I'll tell my reasons tomorrow why they were removed." she sighed.

"Thank you so much Lady Hokage." Morihro said as he bowed and left.

"Your welcome Morihro...."

~Flashback Ends~

"Alright! FINALLY a mission in like, forever! And my homie Naruto is here!" Dachi shouted.

"I agree!" Nikku said.

"I can't believe they removed Shino from the mission to be replaced by these two..." Kiba groaned.

"Hey Kiba! Don't underestimate us! You haven't seen what Nikku and I can do!" Dachi said.

"Heh, you are right, I haven't seen you fight ever before. So don't let me underestimate you Dachi." he said.

"I won't, Kiba." Dachi said.

Nikku waved at Hinata, it's been a while since both of them had seen each other face to face. "Hi Hinata." Nikku smiled.

"Hi.... Nikku...." she said shyly.

Then, Dachi approached Naruto. "Hey Naruto! How are ya doing!" Dachi asked eagerly.

"Fine, I guess." Naruto said.

"Still onto Sasuke aren't you? But don't worry! We'll find him! Plus, we are going through the same thing!" Dachi assured.

"You're right Dachi." Naruto brightened up.

"Listen up!" Kakashi shouted.

Kakashi started talking about the necessities, and the purposes of the mission to them. Soon enough, they were on the move.

'I'm going to find you Kronosa, along with Sasuke. And we'll take both of you back to the leaf village.' Dachi thought.

Kronosa was walking around the forest then, she was faced with a familiar foe.

'Kabuto.' she thought grimly.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned.

'I could use Kabuto to answer some of my questions.... so I need him to stay for a while.' she thought.

"Nothing much, Lady Kronosa. Since you are Lord Orochimaru's daughter, I need you to listen to me right now." he said.

"Still have your respect to that man don't you? Anyways, I have to assure this... did Sasuke really kill Orochimaru?" she asked.

"Yes, he did." Kabuto assured.

'Tch. Damn you Sasuke...' she thought furiously.

"Anyways, why are you here? Kabuto." she questioned.

"Well." he said with a smug look on his face. "Now that Lord Orochimaru is dead, maybe I can get one of his children to control what was left of him." he said.

Kronosa stated at him, listening contently. She started to laugh hysterically. "Children huh...? Orochimaru is nothing close to me. I don't believe your lies that he's my own father. You really think I'm going to control what was left of his legacy? Even if he was my father.... I wouldn't accept him. He's disgusting filth to my eyes Kabuto."

"Disgusting filth to your eyes...? That's really something.... when that disgusting filth created you!" Kabuto said.

"Tch. Impossible...." she said under her breath.

"He made you Kronosa! HE mixed different types of blood to make you! His blood, stole a Sharigan to make you, used several blood types to make that kekkai genkai that's on your right hand, and most importantly of all, made an artificial kekkai genkai that no shinobi has ever known." he said.

"And all for what." she said

"To be the perfect weapon." he said.

"I don't care. I dont believe anything you say. Even if it was the truth, I'm just a lousy experiment to him. A weapon? That was a bad idea, because his 'perfect' weapon despises him." she snapped.

"Well, Lady Kronosa. I knew you would never accept my offer, so this is what I did to myself." Kabuto said as he began to take off his glasses.

The half of him was completely different. Kronosa then activated her Sharigan. "What have you done to yourself?!" she questioned.

She could see that there was a large amount of chakra in his deformed side. "Simple, Lady Kronosa. I injected some of Lord Orochimaru's cells into me! I'm gonna overcome Lord Orochimaru, and find a new, stronger self!" he said.

"For what?" she questioned.

"Now, that Lord Orochimaru is dead, and you refuse to come along with me, and take over his position. I've completely lost of my identity, Lady Kronosa." he said.

'I don't know what to believe anymore. I don't know what to do anymore Kronosa thought furiously.

"Lady Kronosa, I can tell you're also going through the same problem. You don't know you are, and you refuse to believe me or Lord Orochimaru. But I assure you, you and Lord Orochimaru are flesh and blood." Kabuto said.

Kronosa looked at her gloved hand. "Flesh and blood? That isn't going to convince me Kabuto. Orochimaru will never be my father. HE is not my flesh and blood, and he'll never be. If you can find real proof, maybe I can believe you."

"I see then." he said.

"In my honesty Kabuto, you have good abilities, I would let you work for me. And maybe you would probably protect me like you protected Orochimaru. But here's the thing, he isn't my father... unless if you found proof." she said.

"You're right Lady Kronosa, I would respect and protect you just like Lord Orochimaru. But, you refuse to believe a word I say." Kabuto said.

'Maybe Orochimaru isn't dead, because if he's dead for sure, I won't know if Kabuto is telling the truth. And I'll be mindlessly walking around not knowing who I am. Or maybe, he is telling lies.' she thought.

"I guess it's farewell for now, Lady Kronosa." he said as he vanished.

"Hn." she scoffed.

Hey guys! If you haven't noticed, I've changed the cover for this book! Also I need something to share with you guys. There will be some plot holes in this story since RamenEatingMonsterOA and I changed quite a few things in the plot. And our ideal plot in the beginning when the story started is different from the Shippuden arc of TUT. Just needed to tell you guys that. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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