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~No One's P.O.V~
Kronosa bit her thumb aggressively causing more blood to bleed than necessary. She then weaved a couple of hand signs and put her hands down onto the ground. She had summoned Mekura, who had possessed a deadly venom that had assisted in killing Iur.

"Mekura, go ahead in either kill him or weaken him." Kronosa commanded.

Mekura turned his head towards Kronosa. "His chakra is the same as your ally. Wait, he is your ally. Why would you want to kill your comrade Lady Kronosa?" Mekura asked.

"He is preventing me from achieving my objective Mekura." Kronosa simply explained.

"I see then, I shall not question any further." Mekura said as he bared his fangs at Dachi.

Kronosa quickly punched Dachi down onto the ground before Mekura got to Dachi. Mekura lunged towards Dachi but Dachi teleported away on a different location. Dachi then used his chakra to manipulate the wind around to cut Kronosa multiple times in order to weaken her. Blood bled from her cuts. The blood oozing on her skin, then dripping onto the ground.

Kronosa weaved one hand sign. "Sage Art: Inorganic Animation."

"I've learned to counter that Kronosa!" Dachi said.

Dachi concentrated chakra onto his feet, making the environment a rocky terrain. It stopped the spike from piercing him, however. "Fool, you only are trying to prevent the inevitable." Kronosa spoke.

Then a spike came out of the earth and pierced Dachi's shoulder, blood spluttering out. "I am able to manipulate the earth to my advantage." Kronosa said.

'Asking him to give up won't work. I know Dachi too well, he won't give up until he's a dying corpse.' she thought.

Dachi smashed the sharp rock with his fist. Dachi then focused his chakra onto the ground, then a sinkhole had formed under Kronosa. Kronosa only created ledges in the hole to get out. "I thought so, but it was worth a try." Dachi said.

Dachi unzipped his sweater and threw it onto the ground, leaving his black shirt on. He figured that his sweater would only infect the wound due to the immense dust and bacteria on it. Dachi quickly lunged at Kronosa trying to land a punch. Unfortunately for him, Kronosa had dodged it.

Dachi teleported behind Kronosa, landing a punch on the back of her arm. There was a slight crack heard from her arm. Kronosa avenged herself by elbowing his arm, which had the same damage as when punched her.

A slight crack was also heard from Dachi's arm. Both shinobi were injured. Dachi having multiple burns and Kronosa having multiple cuts. They then charged at each other throwing kicks and punches, sometimes dodging the other's attack.

Mekura tried biting into Dachi, but Dachi kicked him away, making Mekura disappear in a cloud of smoke. Dachi's two tails chakra form had wavered due to his chakra being exhausted. Kronosa finally inflicted one brutal punch on his face, knocking him down onto the floor. "Why can't you let me die? Why is that so hard of a concept for you grasp?" Kronosa asked.

"I think you know the answer." Dachi responded.

"I never hated you from the start Dachi. I've always acknowledged you and I knew you had capabilities. And I knew you didn't have parents like me at the time. We didn't even know what their names were. But I was always confused on how you were able to easily build your identity when I couldn't. And this is what our differences come into play.

I had found out Orochimaru was my father, so I seeked him out for more information about myself. But he had only given me information about what I was, not who I was. Then I asked myself, why should I live if I had no identity?

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