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~No One's P.O.V~
Rock Lee and Dachi were both training by sparring and practicing other techniques. Nikku stayed near where Dachi was training and was practicing on some ninjutsu. Then suddenly, loud rustles on the grass were heard.

"Guys!" Asuka shouted.

Rock Lee, Dachi, and Nikku stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Asuka. "Lady Hokage is well again!" Asuka said.

All their faces lit up. "That's amazing!" Dachi exclaimed.

"That's very good news!" Rock Lee said.

"That's really good!" Nikku said.

"I need to tell you guys something, Rock Lee, could you stay for a while?" Asuka asked.

"Alright then." Rock Lee said as he stayed behind.

"So, what is it Asuka?" Nikku asked.

"There's going to be war." Asuka said, almost whispering.

Then a rush of memories came through Dachi's mind. He remembered how the villagers said that his parents died in the third great ninja war. War. Something that killed his parents. Something that could possibly kill something close to him.

His friends.

Dachi scratched the thought out of his brain and tried to not to think of it. While Nikku, feared war. She disliked war, or even hated war.

Nikku was a pacifist, she didn't get why people had to fight. Why people needed to shed blood. Why war even existed. People die just to satisfy someone's greed. It just wasn't fair.

"What?! Why?!" Dachi shouted.

"No... why... why do the all the nations have to fight again..?" Nikku said.

"The nations aren't fighting each other. We're fighting against a force that's way more stronger than us. So strong that all the nations have allied with us." Asuka said.

"The first ever shinobi alliance...?" Nikku said.

"An enemy that strong? Who is it..?" Dachi questioned.

"According to Lady Hokage, she was told that it was someone named Madara Uchiha. A shinobi that was in the First Hokage's era." Asuka informed.

"What?! Wouldn't he be dead? And who is Madara Uchiha?" Dachi asked.

Dachi knew that the Uchiha clan was very notorious according to their history. "Someone who had monstrous power and who rivaled against the First Hokage. And according to Lady Hokage, the real leader of the Akatsuki." Asuka said.

'The real leader of the Akatsuki...? One of the members were strong enough to destroy our village. Darn the Akatsuki! They've caused pain to Team Morihro, Naruto, the village, they took Kronosa away making her doing their dirty work, and caused everyone else pain.' Dachi thought.

"On top of that, they have six tailed beasts in their possession." Asuka said.

"I see..." Nikku said.

"Who knows what kind of powers Madara has..." Asuka said.

"Yeah..." Dachi and Nikku said.

~A Couple Hours Later~
All of Team Morihro was training. Dachi was training with Rock Lee, Nikku training by herself, and Asuka training with the fifth hokage so she could prepare for the upcoming war.

Then a white poof of smoke appeared in front of Dachi, Rock Lee, and Nikku. The smoke obviously caught the attention of all three of them. As soon as the white smoke subsided, it revealed Morihro.

"Sensei!" Nikku and Dachi both shouted.

"Dachi. Nikku. I need both of you to go to the Hokage's office. It's very urgent. See you guys there." Morihro said before disappearing into a puff of white smoke.

"Wha-?" Is what Dachi managed to say before Morihro disappearing.

"Come on Dachi, we have to go the Hokage's office. Sorry Rock Lee, maybe next time you can spar with Dachi!" Nikku said as she ran towards the Hokage's building.

Dachi waved goodbye to Rock Lee and ran after Nikku. 'I wonder who I should spar with then?' Rock Lee thought.

Dachi and Nikku ran as fast as they can to the Hokage's office due to the urgent message from Morihro. The met Morihro at the entrance. "Follow me guys." he said.

Morihro led the two to the Hokage's office. When Morihro opened the door, it revealed Naruto. Dachi beamed due to seeing his childhood best friend.

"Yo what's up Naruto!" Dachi said.

"Oh hi Dachi!" Natuto said.

It was very awkward to Nikku since she wasn't used to the thought and fact that Naruto was her biological brother. Also not to mention the fact that she was the daughter of the fourth hokage.

So she didn't beam like when she thought as a sibling apprentice. Instead she was quiet. "This is not a matter to be joked about!" the fifth hokage said as she slammed her fist on her desk.

The sudden slam startled Naruto and Dachi which caused them to both flinch. "U-Uh yes Lady Hokage." Dachi said as he quickly turned his attention to her.

"I'm assigning you three an S rank mission." the fifth hokage said.

"Alright!" Naruto shouted.

"It's been a while since one of us Team Morihro team members went on a mission. Right Nikku?" Dachi said as he turned his head towards Nikku.

"Yep." she said.

"You three are going ride on a ship to an island to get to your mission." The fifth hokage said.

"Alright! This is going to be sweet!" Naruto said.

"Morihro and Yamato will both accompany you three on your mission. Now go." she said.

"Yes ma'am." the three of them said.

And soon they were on their way to their mission. On the ship, they were also accompanied by cloud shinobi. Nikku and Dachi noticed, but they assumed that cloud ninja were also assisting them on their mission.

Dachi and Naruto were talking. But soon enough, Dachi went out to get some food. Due to this, Nikku started a conversation with Naruto. "Hi Naruto. It's really weird to get used the fact that you're my brother." Nikku said.

"Same." Naruto said.

"Anyway Naruto, what do you plan to be in the future? I'm quite unsure what I'm going to be, but I'll probably know when I'm in the future." Nikku said, trying to change the subject of their past conversation.

"I plan to become the Hokage!" Naruto said.

"Wow, the Hokage? That's a huge achievement that requires lots of time, but I'm sure you'll make it in time." Nikku encouraged.

"Thanks." Naruto said.

The two siblings continued to talk about things until Dachi came back with food. "Oh- hey guys! I came back with a lot more food than expected so I guess we three can share and have a conversation together." Dachi recommended.

"That's a great idea!" Naruto beamed.

Nikku nodded her head. And so they did.

Welp that's it for this chapter. So. stay swag, and peace out!

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