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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
I heard that Shikamaru was promoted to Chunin. And he was the only one to be promoted to Chunin, which is very impressing. It isn't fair for the people who couldn't battle, becuase of Orichimaru. But whatever, I'll retake the exams sooner or later. For some reason, the name Orichimaru seems familiar to me. I don't know, it just sounds familiar, I just don't why. But, whatever, it's nothing too important.

I also heard that Rock Lee's injuries are terrible. The fifth Hokage advises him to quit being a shinobi. But judging by his character, I don't think he will quit of being a shinobi. In my honest opinion, I don't think he deserves it, Rock Lee is a hard worker and a good person. I'm sure he will heal soon.

I decided to head out, and get some fresh air. Then, I ran into Dachi. "Oh hi Kronosa!" He said.

"Hi", I said in a civilized manner.

"Well, I'm bored. There are no cool missions or anything. So what should we do in our spare time Kronosa?!" Dachi asked.

"Well, we could hang out as a team and invite Asuka", I said.

"Alright! Let's go! To the Kurokawa household!" He shouted as he zoomed over there.

I followed him, except that I walked. "Why so excited about everything", I thought.

We arrived at the Kurokawa household. Quiet as usual. Asuka answered the door. "Oh hi guys", she said.

"Hey Asuka! Wanna hang out with us?! I'm like, super bored!" Dachi said.

"Uh sure.. I'm really worried about Sasuke though, I haven't heard of him for a while", she said.

"Judging how high his pride is, that douchebag is going to fine", I said.

"Um... please don't refer him to that word.." Asuka said.

"Oh yeah, you do like Sasuke", Dachi said.

Asuka blushed and hid her face on how embarrassed she was. "Dachi, sometimes you should close your mouth for a bit", I said.

"Yeah..." he said.

"So you were inviting me, what are you guys going to do?" Asuka asked.

"Well, we're still thinking on that", Dachi said.

"Hn", I nodded.

"Hey I got a good idea! Let's drag Morihro-Sensei over for an idea!" Dachi shouted.


"Alright! I'm doing that, see ya guys!" Dachi said as he zoomed away.

"I really need to train", I said.

"Why did you go with Dachi?" Asuka asked.

"He dragged me here", I said.

"Oh", she said.

"Alright guys! I got sensei here!" Dachi said as we saw him drag sensei.

"Uh, what are you doing guys?" He asked.

"Well, we needed an idea on what to do", he said.

"That's why... you dragged me here...?" Sensei groaned.

"Well, it's a good reason!" Dachi said.

"It really isn't", I said.

"I agree with Kronosa", Asuka said.

"Well... you guys could train", he said.

"Alright! You are a genius sensei! Can you train with us?!" Dachi asked.

"Sorry guys, I got things to do", he said as he disappeared.

"What?! A shadow clone?!" Dachi shouted.

"Well, sensei isn't an idiot to be dragged by you for no good reason", I said.

Dachi sighed. "You're right..." he said.

"Well, we should take sensei's advice and train", Asuka said.

"Yeah", I said.

"Well..." Dachi said.

"Guys, come with me to train. I need to practice something, and also I have a good training spot", I said.

"Alright", they both said.

We arrived at the location. "Asuka, is it alrighr that I test something on you?" I asked.

"I guess, but I don't want to be hurt physically", she said.

"Alright, you won't be hurt physically", I said as I activated my Sharigan.

She looked at my eyes. Alright..

I practiced genjutsu on her. I wanna learn and improve more in genjutsu. She fell down out of fright of my genjutsu. "What did you to Asuka?!" Dachi shouted.

"I didn't harm her physically. You can say that I harmed her mentally. You can release her from the genjutsu Dachi", I said.

"Oh sorry for overreacting", he said as he ran to Asuka and released her from the genjutsu.

"What happened?!" She shouted.

"You were just under Kronosa's genjutsu, it's alright", Dachi said.

"Well, it's my turn to test something on you Kronosa!" Dachi said.

"Ok", I said

"Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones!" He shouted then slammed his hands to the ground.

A bunch of stones flew over me and thrown at me. Good thing I was letting Dachi use a shadow clone secretly. "How did you learn that jutsu?"I asked.

"Well, I peeked a little in the book when you showed me how to use Gale Palm", he said.

"I see", I said.

"I also learned the hidden mist jutsu from my uncle", Asuka said.

"Well, I learned a new jutsu as well and I won't test it on you", I said.

"Alright", they said.

I targeted a rabbit. "Lightning Style: Thunder Binding!" I said.

I binded the rabbit in a barrier. "Woah", Dachi said.

"Thats amazing", Asuka said.

"Well, I guess that's enough for us for a day", I said.

"Okay!" They both said.

"Let's call it a day and go home", I said.

"See ya guys!" Dachi said.

"Bye", Asuka said.

"See you", I said as I walked home.

I set down my stuff on my table. I layed down on my couch and looked up. Today was fun.

That's all for this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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