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~No Ones P.O.V~
"I'm sure Naruto would make you quite impressed about his abilities Nikku." Neji said.

"Seems so." Nikku said.

The time was a bit late. "Well, it looks like I should be taking my leave." Nikku said.

"See you tomorrow Nikku." Asuka said.

"Oh also.." Nikku paused.

"Yeah?" Neji and Asuka said.

"Who's this Sasuke.. that you mentioned Neji..?" Nikku asked.

"He was a leaf shinobi.. who left the village.. and went to Orochimaru for power. He was also.. one of Team Kakashi's members." Neji said.

"That's why you mentioned him with Kronosa..?" Nikku said.

"Yes.." Neji said quietly.

"Kronosa is nothing like Sasuke! She isn't power-hungry like he is! Plus, as I said, we have no proof if she left the village or not!" She argued.

"Then tell us.. if she didn't leave the village. Who would take her? How did she get captured?" Neji questioned.

"I don't know.." Asuka said sadly.

"We don't know. Some us assume that she left the village. Some us assume that she got captured." Neji said.

"Brother Neji.. is right.." Hinata said.

"I never met Sasuke or Kronosa. So I'll never know if they are similar or not." Nikku said.

"You're right." Asuka said.

"Maybe I'll meet them.. one day.." Nikku said as she walked towards the door.

She opened the door and left then  closed it. She walked around the village. Nikku didn't have a place to stay in the leaf village, she usually slept outside.

She didn't think that she was a part of the Leaf Village, she used to be a sand shinobi after all. She was just a replacement.

A simple replacement.

Nothing else. Nothing more.

That's at least what she thought of herself when she's in the leaf village. She didn't know that she can be something so much more than a replacement.

Dachi left the forest earlier and went home. Naruto was basically his best friend when he was younger. But, when he met his teammates and sensei, he had more friends.

The truth is.

He was always alone.

When he has true friends, he'll treasure them. Becuase they would be only people who cared about him.

Just like Naruto, he never knew his parents. But Naruto endured more pain than him. It wasn't known to the villagers that Dachi was a jinchuriki.

The fourth Hokage secretly sealed the two tails in Dachi while he sealed the nine tails in Naruto. In that tailed beast incident, someone or some people were controlling the nine tailed fox and the two tails.

Everyone knew that the demon fox was sealed inside Naruto. While, the two tails was sealed inside Dachi. And no one knew that, they thought the fourth Hokage had cast the two tails away.

Dachi's father wasn't there. Not the during the incident at least. He was already dead, at war before. Dachi's mother was only there to take care of him. Dachi's mother would do anything to protect the village and her own son.

Before, she was out on the battlefield, she told the fourth Hokage. If she died during battle, he had her permission to seal any of the tailed beast inside her son.

Unfortunately, she died in battle, trying to protect the village and her son. She felt like a failure as a mother when she died. Guilt took over her when she died.

So the fourth Hokage used her permission to seal the two tails inside Dachi.

Yet, the village didn't come to this information. But the fourth Hokage wrote in a scroll which children that he sealed the tailed beasts.

Morihro. He wasn't a prodigy of any kind. But, Kakashi was his friend when they were young. They were friends because they can relate so much to each other.

They had no parents when they met each other. They felt each other's pain.

Morihro was walking down to the hospital to greet Kakashi. He knocked on the door. "Kakashi?" He said.

"Come in." Kakashi responded.

Morihro walked into his room. "Here." Morihro said as he set down a vase of flowers on his table.

"Thanks." Kakashi said.

"Anyways, how are you?" Morihro asked.

"I'm okay, but the doctors say that I need more rest." Kakashi said.

"I see." Morihro said.

"How's your team Morihro?" Kakashi asked.

"Alright, even though one of my members aren't in my team anymore." Morihro said.

"Something related to Sasuke..?" Kakashi asked.

"I really don't know. We have no proof.." Morihro said.

"I see then." Kakashi said.

"Sasuke and Kronosa were both exceptional leaf shinobi." Morihro said.

"Right." Kakashi said.

"It's really a shame that they aren't in this village anymore. But, I think we'll get them back." Morihro said.

"Of course we will Morihro." Kakashi said.

"Uh.. the time is really late so I should get goin-"

"I'M HERE KAKASHI!!" A familiar voice shouted.

Morihro looked to see who it was. It was Guy carrying a vase of flowers while he slammed the door open. Kakashi sighed. "Guy.."

"You?! Morihro?! Next time I'll be first! And that's for sure!" Guy said.

"Alright then." Morihro said.

Guy put down the vase of flowers next to Morihro's vase. "Feel better soon, Kakashi! I'm only caring for you as an eternal rival! I want you to get better soon so we duel again!" Guy said.

With that, he zoomed out the door. "Thanks Guy..." Kakashi sighed.

"Well, see you Kakashi." Morihro said.

"See you soon." Kakashi said as he laid back.

With that, Morihro left the hospital and went to go home and to take a long rest.

That's all for this chapter. I will soon show you what Morihro's hairstyle looks like. Proabably next chapter that I will do that. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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