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~No One's P.O.V~
The alliance eventually arrived at the hidden rain village. They suddenly were met with the three tails, five tails, six tails, seven tails, eight tails and nine tails. 'So Iur put the rods back into the eight tails.' Ukkin thought.

Then the giant mult-headed dog, ox, and the drill-beaked bird appeared in front of them. "It's time for all of you to perform your duties in order to win this war." Ukkin announced.

All of the shinobi alliance took their places. Lower ranked shinobi like chunin started fending off the summoning animals. Then the mist and sand went to their cues. "Hidden Mist Jutsu!" A hidden mist shinobi said.

The hidden sand shinobi stood in guard in front of the dog. They would fend against if anything went wrong. Stone shinobi used their jutsu to implant giant holes into the ground to trap the tailed beasts. Then they started using their quicklime to restrain the tailed beasts. Yamato also assisted by restraining the nine tails with his wood style.

A shinobi approached the nine tails in order to receive it's rod, but the nine tails broke out of the trap and restrainments. The nine tails started forming a tailed beast bomb. Meanwhile, a rod was sucessfully pulled out of the five tails. Multiple shinobi tried pulling out rods of the other tailed beasts, the the tailed beasts broke out of it and started forming tailed beast bombs.

The shinobi dodged the tailed beasts bombs and tried redoing their restrainment process again. Ukkin finally announced something. "Might Guy, Rock Lee, and team twelve except Morihro Shuii, come with me. Shikamaru Nara, stay here and guide the alliance."

"What is this all about?" Morihro questioned.

"We will be fighting Iur. You will stay here to assist the alliance." Ukkin said.

Morihro wanted to retort, but he stopped himself from doing so. "I see." he said.

Ukkin and the people she called on followed after her. They made their way in the building to where Iur was. Iur's merciless eyes stared at everybody that Ukkin had brought. "Bold aren't you? You think these children and a single jonin can defeat me?" he questioned.

Ukkin closed her eyes, opened them, and looked at Iur. "There's still time for you to turn back Iur. More shinobi shinobi don't need to be slaughtered."

"You mean your shinobi. Look at me, I don't have any shinobi by my side. Why do I care if any more shinobi get slaughtered?

You always say that mother, but hopeful wishes are never fulfilled. Life only grants us pain and despair. Nothing else, that glimmer of hope you seek was never there. That imaginary glimmer was just your hopeful wish that will never come true.

This is what life has molded me into. A shinobi seeking to stop the wars. And I only have to sacrifice a couple shinobi to do so. Just hand me the two tails mother and I won't have to do any more harm." Iur said.

"No. I refuse. I will not drag or sacriface shinobi in your delusional mess. You only believe in the sad truth and nothing else." Ukkin said.

Iur started chuckling. "Delusional huh? I only believe the sad truth because it is the truth. I knew you would refuse, but it was worth a try.

No matter, if I must be be a hopeless and murderous tyrant in order to obtain peace, then I shall become one. I'll massacre everyone if I need to."

Iur quickly increased his speed and took Dachi. "Lightning Style: Thunder Binding."

Iur quickly opened a wormhole leading to his timeline and escaped through it with Dachi. "Dachi! No!" Nikku shouted as she tried chasing after him into the wormhole.

"Stop, if you don't have the necessary eyes once you enter that timeline, your whole body will tear apart from the unresistance to warping time." Ukkin said.

"Then what do we do?!" Nikku shouted as she panicked.

"Stay calm, I have a way to time travel in order to get Dachi back. I'll let you borrow my Jougan in order to time travel with both powers of the Byakugan and Jougan. If I time travel instead then I cannot return back to this timeline. Time travel is only limited to one person at a time. Nikku, you will be able to time travel and travel back to this timeline due to it being your first time time traveling." Ukkin explained.

Nikku nodded. "I see."

Ukkin started to take out her Jougan out of her eye socket and handed it to Nikku. Ukkin's eye socket began to bleed slightly. "Luckily I have a container to keep in dojutsu. I'll keep your original eye in here while you borrow the Jougan. Nikku took out her own eye and implanted the Jougan into her empty eye socket. She gave her eye to Ukkin and Ukkin placed it inside the container.

"So just how do I time travel Ukkin?" Nikku asked.

"You think of a mental image of a wormhole and concentrate chakra into your eyes." Ukkin answered.

"I see, thank you." Nikku said.

Nikku did as Ukkin instructed and opened up a wormhole. "Good luck." Ukkin said.

Nikku jumped into the wormhole and saw different events flash inside the wormhole. As soon as she got off, she stood on the ground of a barbaric future.

Nikku looked around, everything around her looked like a complete wasteland. Multiple corpses could be located nearby. She suddenly then spotted Iur with a hold on Dachi. She turned into her nine tails aura form.  Nikku ran as fast as she can towards Dachi. 'Nikku.' Dachi thought as he did not want Nikku to get spotted by speaking out loud.

Iur had sensed her chakra. Nikku then suddenly teleported closer to Dachi and grabbed him and ran away. Iur chased after her and grabbed a ahold of Dachi to try and pull him away. But Nikku's grip was as strong as her willpower to protect Dachi.

Nikku used her chakra to manipulate the air around herself in order to stop Iur. The wind was strong, but not strong enough. Eventually, she had to pull the two back into the wormhole.

Nikku had finally arrived back in her timeline with Dachi, but unfortunately Iur was back as well. Dachi finally broke out of the thunder bindings and he he turned to Nikku. "Thank you Nikku." He said.

Nikku nodded then turned to look at Iur. "I see then, looks like I'll have to have thrash all of you until your down on the ground." Iur said.

'Good thing that Iur is not aware that we cannot time travel more than once. We'll be able to hold him off.' Ukkin thought.

"No, you will not. We will defeat you Iur and end this war." Ukkin said.

"So you still hold onto that false glimmer of hope. Eventually, the glimmer that you think that exists will cease to exist as soon as you're defeated." Iur said.

Welp that's it. The action will begin next chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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