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~Nikku's P.O.V~
While Morihro-Sensei distracted Kisame by fighting him, I distracted Kronosa. But we had more than that in plan.

"Fire Style: Blinding Fire!" She said.

The fire blinded both of them. I ran passed them, and got Dachi. "Rasengan!" I shouted.

The broke the strings of chakra attaching to him.

'Your safe... Dachi.... I just hope your okay... But I'm sure your tailed beast is still inside you.' I thought.

I took Dachi and ran away. After that, the blinding fire wore off. Morihro ran away with me, carrying Asuka. I then deactivated my Byakugan.

'Good..' I thought in relief.

The two finally realized what we had done, and tried to chase us. "Her speed, is too fast for us to keep up with." The Akatsuki member that Dachi and I fought earlier said.

We rushed to the hospital. I healed Dachi the best I could. He finally regained consciousness. "Dachi!" I shouted.

"What... happened...?" He said.

"Rest all of you." Morihro said.

"Huh what?" Dachi said.

"Dachi!" Asuka said.

We were all so relieved when he woke up. "Guys... I need to tell to tell you guys something important..." Dachi said.

"What is it?" Morihro questioned.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
"You let the jinchuriki escape, both of you." Pain said.

Kisame and I both nodded. "I see that you tried, but your failure irritates me." He said.

"I see." I said.

"Kasaku, Kisame, succeed next time." He said.

"Of course..." I said.

"Now, we must move our location." He said as his hologram disappeared.

I went outside the old Akatsuki base. 'My identity has been revealed, but not to the Akatsuki.' Kronosa thought.

~No Ones P.O.V~
"I know who was the Akatsuki we fought..." Dachi said.

"Yeah?" Asuka said.

"Go on." Morihro said.

"That masked Akatsuki member is Kronosa." He said.

"What?! Impossible!" Morihro said.

"No... it's true..." Dachi said.

"What?! Kronosa joined the Akatsuki?!" Asuka said.

"Yes..." he said sadly.

"Why?!" Morihro shouted.

"She said... it was none of my concern.. but she said... she had a goal.." Dachi said.

"So... they were right about her... she is just like Sasuke.. isn't she? Betraying the hidden leaf..." Nikku said.

Asuka got irritated and angered by her words and released her anger. "NO SHE ISN'T! SHE IS NOTHING LIKE SASUKE! YOU BARELY EVEN KNOW HER IN THE FIRST PLACE! HOW CAN YOU EVEN JUDGE HER IF YOU BARELY KNEW HER!" Asuka shouted in anger.

"She didn't betray the village! She said it so herself, it wasn't her intention!" Dachi shouted.

"But... look at the condition your in Dachi... and also Nikku..." Morihro said.

Dachi looked at his injuries and Nikku's injuries and his face saddened. "No... why...?" He said.

"Nikku tried to save you, she wanted to risk her life for you." He said.

"Oh...." Dachi said.

"I must report this to Lady Hokage." Morihro said as he disappeared.

"Nikku... she isn't like that... I promise...  she may be cold and emotionless... but she cared about us... " Dachi said.

"Maybe, she changed.. or you're right Dachi..." Nikku said.

Their expressions all saddened. Asuka's eyes became full of tears. Tears started to stream down her face. "Why...? We just want to save Kronosa.. And she just... joined the Akatsuki..." Asuka said as she sobbed more.

Nikku started treating Dachi injuries. "Maybe... we could change her..." Nikku suggested.

"No... she set her mind on a goal. Just like how I set my mind of my goal. I want to be respected in the village, and know that I can be dependable.." he said.

"I see..." Nikku said.

Asuka stopped her tears, and wiped them with her hand. "We all need to take a good rest for our wounds and injuries to heal." Asuka said.

"She's right. Since we're both medical ninja, we know what's best." Nikku said.

"I agree." Asuka said.

Nikku went to bed and started to rest. Asuka did the same as well. But, Dachi couldn't. He was too focused on what just happened.

He couldn't believe what he just found out. 'I know... she didn't want to betray the village... but she joined the Akatsuki... what was her goal to make her take extreme measures and join them? She said it's none of my concern... but it is.. to me at least.. but.'

'At least she's nothing like Sasuke.' Dachi thought.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please vote and  comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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