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~Dachi's P.O.V~
I ran to look for Naruto. I looked everywhere in the village. I decided to go to the forest. Where I saw a lot of blood. I saw Iruka-Sensei and Naruto walking together. Iruka-Sensei was bleeding from behind. "WHAT happened to you guys?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh Dachi, what are you doing here?" Iruka-Sensei asked.

"I was looking for Naruto, but what happened to you guys?!" I asked again.

"Don't worry, it's not that bad as it looks", Iruka-Sensei said.

"Dachi" Naruto said.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Why do you care about me so much? Instead of yourself?" Naruto asked.

"Because..." I paused. "We're friends", I smiled.

"Oh, alright!" Naruto smiled.

"Wait Naruto, the headband on your head?" I said.

"Yup! Believe it! Iruka-Sensei passed me!" Naruto said.

"Congratulations!" I said.

"Thanks Dachi!" Naruto said.

"No problem! But, let me help you guys!" I said.

I helped them get to the hospital. I left the hospital after. Oh! I remember! We're gonna be assigned teams tomorrow! And do some missions and stuff. I'm so excited and pumped! Just hope I don't get a team that's weak.

I walked towards my home.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
I read more of my books. I drew the different kekkai genkai on my sketchbook. I sipped my water cup while reading and sketching. I looked more to the kekkai genkai on the palms. "Hm, interesting", I said as I sketched it on my sketchbook.

I took off my right glove off my hand. I looked at the kekkai genkai and my palm. They definitely look the same, this kekkai genkai, could be quite useful. But, I don't know how to control it. It's better to be safe than sorry. I won't use it unless I know the contents of it. I think that's the only kekkai genkai, but I'm not sure. I put back my glove back. I only know four jutsus so far. Flame Style: Fire Ball Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu, and Shadow Clone Jutsu. And I saw a weapon that caught my eye, I drew it on my sketchbook. I'll design this weapon when I'll proabably need it. I closed my books, and grabbed for my fictional book and flipped to the first page and started reading. I remembered something.

Tomorrow is where we get out team assigned.

I smiled and sipped more of my water. Heh, I wonder who I get assigned with, just hope they won't get in my way.

Okay guys, that's all, next chapter gets real interesting. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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