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~No Ones P.O.V~
Kronosa ran to the base. She had encountered Orochimaru a for a while. 'You are my child Kronosa.'

"Him? As my father? What a joke. From the likes of a man he is? Impossible." Kronosa thought.

Then, she remembered his other words.

'I infused different types of DNA when I created you, even my own DNA. I even put the DNA of the curse mark.'

"Never." She spat out.

'How? No. He's just telling lies. So he can get me by his side. But. He said he put that he put the DNA of the curse mark into me. It explains, the form I took two years ago with my battle with Dachi. No, that must be a lie. But, what reason could that explain my form? And his DNA..? Impossible. I will never become a traitor of the Leaf Village... like that ignorant brat Sasuke and him..." she thought.

The thing is.

That some people in the leaf village already verified her as a traitor of the Leaf Village.

That's all she thought of Orichimaru's words

Lies, lies, lies.

The Akatsuki was also one of Orochimaru's enemy. So, why didn't he have an intent to kill her?

Orochimaru used to be in the Akatsuki. Kronosa learned this information from Pain before.

Kronosa had some questions when she joined the Akatsuki. She decided to ask Pain after she had failed the mission with Kisame and Itachi.

"Leader." She said.

"What is it?" He said coldly.

"Do you have any information on Orochimaru?" Kronosa said.

Pain paused for a second. "Why Kasaku?" He questioned.

Kronosa tried to find the right words to say. "Orochimaru may have a connection with me. Or he might give me some answers about myself -I do not plan to betray the Akatsuki, my loyality will stay here and myself." Kronosa said.

"I see then Kasaku, what was your purpose again for joining the Akatsuki?" He asked.

"To learn more about myself." She said.

"Very well, I shall give you the privilege of accessing information about Orochimaru from me." He said.

Kronosa nodded. "The Akatsuki and Orochimaru had a history with each other. Orochinaru used to be in the Akatsuki. He couldn't make a move, because I was there -But he did gather some information from us. Then, he left the Akatsuki." He said.

"Why?" Kronosa asked.

Pain nodded. "His plans wouldn't succeed if I was around." He said.

"I see then. And your goal to bring peace right?" Kronosa said.

"Yes, Kasaku." He said.

Pain started to leave. "I shall take my leave now." He said.

End Of Flashback
Kronosa had arrived at the Akatsuki base. "I have encountered Orochimaru." She said.

"Orochimaru?" Pain said.

"Yes." She said.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He claimed ridiculous facts about me. And his little assistant Kabuto tried to attack me." She said.

"Interesting Kasaku. What were those facts that he told you that you think that was false?" He asked.

"He said that I was his daughter." She said.

"Daughter? That goon could never get  one." He said as he raised an eyebrow.

"No, he claimed that he created me." Kronosa said.


"I don't believe a word he says. Even if he was my father, I would never accept him as my father. Like the likes of man he is." She said.

"...I see then." Pain said.

"He tried to persuade to join him, but I refused his offer." She said.

"Hn." He nodded.

"I suppose that you're busy." Kronosa said.

"I actually am, Kasaku. But, tell me more about Orochimaru. He is a possible threat to the Akatsuki." He said.

"I see then. I shall not bother you anymore." She said as she left the base.

She was thinking how she was related to that creep. "Father?" Kronosa said questionably.

She laughed out loud sadistically. "WHAT A JOKE!" She said as she resumed laughing sadistically.

Nikku went to the hot springs. She saw Jiraiya on some girls in the hot spring. "No wonder Naruto calls you Pervy Sage." She muttered.

"Hey Master Jiraiya!" She called out to him.

"Wha-What?! Nikku?" He said as he stopped peeking at the girls.

"What do you need?" He asked.

"I need for share some information I got from my teammates and other people. You did tell me to keep a close eye on Naruto, Dachi, and Dachi's teammates." Nikku said.

"Well, this is more important than my research, so tell me." He said.

"Alright then." Nikku began.

That's all for this chapter. Yes, I corrected Pein's name to Pain. Since I was reading a Naruto book and they spelled Pain with an A. Well, thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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