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~No One's P.O.V~
"Summoning Jutsu." Kronosa said as she implanted her hands onto the ground.

A puff of smoke appeared and as soon as it subsided, a giant snake with light grey scales with purple markings on them. It was Kronosa Yashagoro's snake summoning Mekura, son of the White Snake Sage.

Nikku held her ground as she maintained her fox form, so did Dachi and Ukkin with their own forms. Then Kronosa had whispered a strategy of hers to the other three. They all nodded and proceeded to perform the strategy.

Nikku had quickly lunged at Iur, her speed almost matching the speed of light. Nikku had dodged the repelling of the Rinnegan, and landed a blow on Iur, cutting his skin and clothing.

Ukkin had quickly lunged afterwards, she too was able to land many blows. Mekura lunged afterwards, baring his fangs at Iur. Iur repelled back Mekura, throwing the snake back. Ukkin had grabbed ahold of Iur, then Nikku took out a kunai in order to stab Iur.

Iur mechanized a part of his body to make another arm, to pull away from both shinobi and aimed a missile at Asuka. Then suddenly, a rumble in the ground was heard. Afterwards, a light grey snake sprung out of the ground, sinking their fangs into Iur. Then Kronosa weaved a single hand as she went into sage mode. "Sage Art: Inorganic Animation."

The ground below Iur was sharpened and extended in order to stab him. Mekura quickly retreated underground, preventing attacks that could be inflicted onto him. Iur coughed out blood, then Dachi fired a largely charged up tailed beast bomb at Iur. The missile headed for Asuka was quickly destroyed by Kronosa by a single punch.

Nikku sprung onto the air and charged towards Iur to injure him with bites and other hits. Ukkin did the same except that they were more humanoid attacks. Kronosa lunged forward and brutally punched Iur in face, cracking a part of his jaw.

Kronosa punched and kicked Iur  multiple times with heated chakra onto her limbs- also burning him in the process. Then Kronosa had landed an uppercut onto his jaw, then taking his head and smashing him onto the ground mercilessly.

She then placed her foot on his head, and stepped on him brutally, making a crater below his head. "Move and you will feel immense suffering from your insides. Mekura's venom will clot the blood running through your veins the more you move." Kronosa stated.

Ukkin had exhausted her chakra to the point that could she not maintain her nine tails aura form. Dachi was incapable of having enough chakra to keep his tailed beast form, so he returned back to his base form, panting heavily. Nikku was too tired to keep on her fox form, so she turned back to her human form.

Iur was bleeding immensely from the barrage of attacks. But Iur could not accept defeat, he did not know the concept of defeat. He still believed that he could prevail over these shinobi.

Then Iur had activated Shohega around him without the division of his chakra, trying to let himself rest a bit. Iur slowly stood up. "There's no way... after all those attacks?" Asuka said shocked.

Iur got up with a murderous grin filled with malicious intend. "Ji-kan-tei-do." He said slowly before activating it.

A fraction of time had stopped again and this time, the blood had splattered out of Asuka's chest. Asuka had coughed out blood, and fell down onto the ground.

Ukkin quickly approached him but he grabbed her by the neck and choked her. He choked her until she was no longer conscious and threw her onto the ground. "It's just you feeble shinobi left. I don't care about this venom that your snake constructed, as long as I live long enough to kill all of you and release the Infinite Tsukiyomi onto my timeline, at least I've fulfilled my reality." Iur said.

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