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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
"The test begins!" She said as the gates opened.

My teammates and I ran threw the forest. "All we have to do is just find an Earth Scroll", Dachi said.

"Yeah, but we should stay conscious for the the time being", Asuka said.

"True, let's keep running", I said.

"We should avoid enemies as possible, and if we do get attacked by enemies, let's fight back!" Dachi said.

"We should stay quiet too, we don't want anyone hearing us", I said.

"We should also think of a strategy", Dachi said.

"Yeah, I agree", Asuka said.

"Then, let's use the shadow clone jutsu to detect any enemies up ahead, and to confuse our oppenents and let's use the substitution jutsu as well", I said.

"Good idea, but we already disposed a bit of our chakra", Dachi said.

"True, but we can recover some", Asuka said.

"Hey guys, let's stop for a bit", I said.

"What? You're tired already?" Dachi asked.

"No, I have a strange feeling", I said.

"I feel it too", Asuka said.

"We've been going around, but we see no one", I said.

"True", Dachi said.

"Could this be..?" Asuka paused.

"A genjutsu!" I said.

"Release!" We all said.

For some reason, it didn't work for Asuka. Then, Dachi's right eyeball turned black except his pupil in it. Asuka fainted. "Asuka!" Dachi shouted.

"I felt a genjutsu, it proabably had effect on Asuka. But, it didn't work on us", I said.

"Kronosa! Your eyes!" Dachi shouted.

"Also, your eyes too Dachi!" I shouted.

I took a kunai from my pocket and looked at it. My eyes....

Dachi did the same. "What's wrong with my right eye?" Dachi asked.

"My eyes, it's the Sharigan! And your eye are the Jougan!" I shouted.

"What?!" He said.

"Our eyes resist genjutsu, but Asuka couldn't", I said.

"Well, we need to know where the enemy is!" Dachi said.

"We have to leave Asuka here. Show yourself! We know right through your genjutsu!" I shouted.

Smoke was near Asuka's body. It turned into a mist ninja. "Huh?! Where's Asuka you weirdo?!"Dachi shouted.

"Oh yes, her. We'll give her back when you give us your scroll!" He said.

"Lets use force then!" I shouted.

"Stubborn aren't you? I'm not alone as well too", the Mist ninja said.

Two other mist ninja appeared along with the Mist ninja. "It's three against two, our chances of winning are way higher", the other mist ninja said.

"Argh", I said.

"How did you get Asuka so quickly?!" Dachi shouted.

"Well, after she fainted from the genjutsu, as you were admiring your eyes, we took her. And I transformed into her", he said.

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