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~No One's P.O.V~
Dachi and Asuka watched the fighting unfold happen between Naruto and the Pains. "Shouldn't we help Naruto Dachi?!" Asuka questioned.

"No. Naruto wants to fight this fight on his own." Dachi said.

"W-We can't afford to lose any more comrades!" Asuka shouted.

"Asuka, calm down. You have to rest anyway, you exhausted almost all your chakra. Naruto is my best friend, I want to respect his wishes." Dachi said.

"Fine." Asuka said with reluctance.

~Time Skip~
Dachi and Asuka watched the fight for a long period of time. The most devastating thing that happened was that Hinata stepped in and tried to help Naruto with his fight. But Hinata was killed, right in front of Naruto's eyes. Causing Naruto to turn into nine tails form.

Asuka was devastated by Hinata's death, which caused her cry as soon as she saw Hinata get slaughtered.

Naruto and Pain's fight made a distance away from the leaf village, to the point that they were out of sight.

Asuka was still crying at this point. Dachi hated the feelings of depression around him. "Asuka. Please stop crying, everything will be alright." Dachi said, trying to convince Asuka to stop crying.

"E-Everything is not okay Dachi!" Asuka sobbed as she choked on her words. "Hinata is dead! Everyone is dying Dachi! And we can't do anything to help! I-I just feel so helpless."

"Asuka. Everything will be okay soon. We are not vulnerable. The least we can do is hope. Hope that people will survive. Hope that Naruto will win. Let's hope for everyone Asuka. Let's not give up on faith for this moment. Asuka." Dachi assured.

Asuka wiped away her tears away. "I hope so. I hope that you're right Dachi."

Soon enough, Nikku's eyes slowly opened up. "Nikku!" Dachi and Asuka said happily as their face lit up with joy.

"D-Dachi? A-Asuka? What happened?" Nikku asked as she got up.

"You tried to help Naruto but you were knocked out by one of the Pains." Asuka said.

"Wait! Where's Naruto?! What happened to him?!" Nikku panicked.

"Nikku, rest. Naruto is currently fighting Pain. But he's in his nine tails form." Dachi said.

"N-No, that's bad! If he's in that form-"

"Nikku, everything will be fine. Naruto is holding on his own. He'll probably overcome the nine tailed fox." Dachi said.

Nikku sighed. "I guess you're right Dachi. Afterall, Naruto was trained by Master Jiraiya."

Dachi was worried inside, he was telling everyone it would be okay, but he was worried as well. He kept trying to convince himself that everything was going to be okay.

Soon enough, Katsuyu informed everyone that Naruto won the fight against Pain. Then, Katsuyu soon informed that Naruto wanted to speak to the real Pain.

"Why would Naruto do that? Pain killed Master Jiraiya and killed our comrades of the leaf village." Nikku said.

"Maybe Naruto has a plan.." Asuka said trying to calm Nikku.

"Yeah, I agree with Asuka." Dachi said.

Nikku still had a sense of worry for Naruto. A couple minutes later, a green chakra appeared everywhere in the leaf village. It seemed like it was healing everyone. It also seemed that it brought the deceased back to life. It almost seemed like a miracle.

"What is this?" Nikku questioned.

"I-Impossible..." Asuka stuttered as she saw a corpse come back alive.

"Naruto. Naruto must have done this." Dachi said.

"H-He what?" Asuka said.

"I knew he can do it!" Nikku said.

Then, Asuka saw that Sakura was healing Hinata from a distance. "Hinata!" Asuka shouted as she ran towards them.

Nikku saw as well and ran along. Dachi did as well. Asuka saw that Hinata's eyelids were slowly lifting up. "Hinata!" Asuka and Nikku shouted as they both hugged her.

'Thanks Naruto, you really are the best.' Dachi thought.

Soon enough, people gathered in a crowd to welcome back the hero of the village. Naruto soon made his appearance, and everyone was cheering for him. 'I knew that you'll get everyone to acknowledge you soon Naruto. But one day, I'll make them acknowledge me too.' Dachi thought with determination.

Naruto soon made through the crowd after being swarmed by a bunch kids and getting punched by Sakura. "Nikku." Naruto said.

"Oh! Hi Naruto!" Nikku said.

"When I was turning into the nine tailed fox, I met my father... the fourth hokage." Naruto said.

"Wait, your father is the fourth hokage?!" Nikku said, surprised.

Nikku didn't know why Naruto was telling her this information. Sure, they were sibling apprentices but shouldn't he be telling this to Team Kakashi first?

"Yeah, he stopped me from turning into the nine tailed fox. But he told me something about you." Naruto said.

'Me? How does the fourth hokage know me? He was borned way before I was. And isn't the fourth hokage already dead?' Nikku thought.

"How does the fourth hokage know me? And what did he tell you about me?" Nikku questioned.

"To take care of your sister, Nikku." Naruto said.

News already had reached Kronosa that Pain was dead. 'It looks like that I'm done with the Akatsuki. If the leader of the Akatsuki died, there's no reason for me to stay here.' Kronosa thought.

She made sure her mask was on tightly. She threw her Akatsuki cloak on the ground and her ring as well too. "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu." she said.

She burned the two items and then put on her old black cloak before she joined the Akatsuki. With Pain gone, she felt suspicion.

'The one with the orange mask. I don't trust him. His personality must be a facade, the Akatsuki would never take someone like that. I feel like he knows every one of the members, including me. Only Pain, Kisame, and Itachi knew what village I originated from. Kisame can easily pass that information or Pain proabably already has. They'll soon find me in the bingo book and hunt me down. While that masked one is out hunting for Team TAKA, this is a perfect time for me to escape.' Kronosa thought.

Kronosa was too suspicious of the Akatsuki to stay. She couldn't wait any longer, she needed to find who she was.

And with that, she left. She was no longer an Akatsuki member. She jumped from tree to tree. 'I might as well find my secondary source of my past. Kabuto.' Kronosa thought.

I kinda rushed this chapter, but I think it turned out well in my opinion. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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