
23 4 1

~No Ones P.O.V~
Kronosa stared at snake that was around her. The snake hissed. It seemed that the snake had no intention of biting or attacking her.

Kronosa had no intention to learn a snake jutsu. 'No... I will never accept Orochimaru as my father. Just because a snake is fond of me, it doesn't prove anything.' She thought.

The snake slithered away from her leg. It hissed after it released its body from her.

Kronosa watched the snake as it slithered away. She sat down and looked at the sky. She wondered.

How was she related to that freak?

She started walking back near the base. She thought about it as she walked.

Nikku was talking to Naruto for a while now. She still needed to gather some more intel. "Naruto..." Nikku said.

"Yeah?" He said.

"I have a question for you..." She said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Why give up so much for your friend Sasuke...? If he left the village purposely... why would you save him even though he doesn't want to saved?" Nikku asked.

"Sasuke's my friend... he's the one who really understands me.." Naruto said.

"How..?" Nikku asked.

"I don't have parents, just like him." He said.

"Actually Naruto, I never even knew who my parents were. Not a single trace of them.. like you. But Sasuke is a bit more different, he did know his parents. The bond with them would hurts him more. But not knowing them, gives you more agony." Nikku said.

"You're right... Nikku.." Naruto said.

"Although I'm not a jinchuriki, I've felt the pain of a jinchuriki. I don't really get it, we've done nothing wrong. Yet their judgement is so hurtful." Nikku said.

"We can relate a lot... we barely just met, and you're so open to me." Naruto said.

"You're pretty open to other people too Naruto. I bet your more open than I am. I'm hidden most of the time, you aren't just an exceptional ninja, you're also really nice." Nikku said.

Naruto turned away with embarrassment from the compliment. "Maybe I know the feeling of what it feels to have family." Nikku said.

"...Yeah..." he said.

"You think of Sasuke as a brother right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do." He said.

"That feeling is delightful isn't it..? To have some family or someone close to family..." Nikku said.

"It is, when you have no family, you get friends to fill in that void." Naruto said.

"You're right..." She said.

They both looked at the ground. "Hey Naruto!" A loud recognizable voice said.

It was Dachi.

"Oh hey Dachi!" Naruto said as he waved.

"I'll leave you guys to talk.. it's been a while anyway." She said.

"Huh? Why?" He asked.

"Well, remember you didn't get to talk to Naruto because of me?" She said.

"Well... um... yeah..." Dachi said.

"Yeah... plus I talk too much to my friends.." She said.

"Oh ok.." Dachi said.

Nikku walked off to the forest and climbed on a tree. She sat down on a thick branch of the tree.

She looked at the sky. 'Family.. I wonder what it feels to have one..' Nikku thought.

Kronosa walked into the base. She barely bothered with any of the members. The only members she would talk to would be either be Deidara or Pain.

She almost never talked to any of the members. She would only talk to the members if they were with a mission with her. That's what most of the members liked about her.

She was less bothersome and focused mainly on her missions. She would never complain, she would just take orders.

Of course her mind would mostly be focused on her goal, to find out about herself.

Thats all for this chapter. I know it's a bit short but whatever. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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