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~No Ones P.O.V~
After Dachi had met with Matatabi,  he had developed a strong bond with the tailed beast. After that last night of interacting with Matatabi in his dream.

He had woken up today and ate breakfast. He yawned and stretched. 'Oh crap! I remembered that I had training with Morihro-Sensei for Earth Style Jutsu! Yes!' Dachi thought.

He got prepared, and gathered up his weapons and ran out the door. He then ran to the Hokage's office slamming the door open wide. "Dachi,  please try knocking before you enter." The fifth Hokage slightly irritated.

"Sorry Lady Hokage! I'm just eager with my training with Morihro-Sensei. Anyways, where is he?" Dachi asked.

"Waiting in the forest, for you." She said normally.

"What?!" Dachi freaked out.

He then ran out the door and quickly to the forest. "Why hello Dachi." He said.

Dachi panted from exhaustion. "Morihro-Sensei....  I'm here... " He breathed.

"I can see that." He said.

"Well, let's get down to training!" Dachi said eagerly.

"Alright then, watch me carefully." He said.

He stepped on the mossy ground making some of the terrain into a rocky terrain. Then, with one step of his foot on the ground, he formed many things on the terrain.

Walls, mountains, and boulders all made out of rock. "Cool!" Dachi said amazed.

"Now with this terrain, it gives many advantages to earth users, you can form the landscape anyway you want  as long it's rock or a type of stone." Morihro said.

Dachi nodded listening every word. "But this takes a lot of chakra, but since you are a jinchuriki, you almost have unlimited amounts of chakra. So it won't exhaust your chakra completely." He said.

"Morihro-Sensei, so how far can I make the rocky terrain go?" Dachi asked.

"Probably miles and miles, this could also take up a whole biome or a whole habitat possibly. But the farther the terrain is that you make it, you'll have more chakra usage." Morihro answered.

"Wow. Amazing." Dachi said.

"Anyways, time for me to show you how to do it." Morihro said.

He stepped on the ground with one foot. "Now focus your chakra on the foot you stepped with and try making your chakra surge through the ground." He explained.

Dachi stepped forward with his right foot, and focused his chakra at the bottoms of his feet. He concentrated hard, then he made his chakra surge through the ground. "Now try imagine mentally, that this grassy terrain turns into a rocky terrain." He said.

He imagined hard of a rocky terrain. Then, the grassy, mossy ground turned solid and became rock and hard. He at least made the rocky terrain twenty four feet long across.

"As always Dachi, you always make progress easily. It always impresses me." He compliemnted.

"Sensei, if you know how to use this method, how come you don't use it during fights with enemies?" Dachi asked.

"Good question Dachi. Since it takes a large amount of chakra, I couldn't possibly keep attacking our opponents with this terrain. It could possibly drain my entire chakra. While your a completely different story, you have large amounts of chakra." He said.

"Oh I see." He said.

"Now, keep training until you have completely mastered it." Morihro-Sensei said.

Nikku was currently training with Jiraiya. He was practicing how to maintain her nine tails chakra. "Nikku." He said.

"Hm?" She asked.

"Can I see that Byakugan of yours?" He asked.

"Sure Master Jiraiya." She said.

She walked towards him and lifted up her eye patch. Her eye was slightly was damaged.

"Nikku, you did say that when you use your Byakugan for a long period of time, you could possibly go blind. And you Byakugan isn't like the Hyuga's functional one." Jiraiya said.

"Yes." She said.

"How did you discover this?" He asked.

"I discovered it myself. One time, I had used my Byakugan for too long and I felt a pain on my eye, and I was losing vision of that eye. The sand village had healed it before it got any worse." She expalined.

"I see then." He said.

"Why Master Jiriaya?" Nikku asked.

"It's seems like a mystery of how you got that Byakugan, the only way you could've got it is that someone implanted it into your eye. Since you claimed that you didn't put that Byakugan in your eye." He said.

"I don't know much about this Byakugan got into my eye." Nikku said.

"Soon we'll know for sure." He said.

"Back how to manipulation of wind. Right?" Nikku said.

"Right." He said.

Asuka was at a lake. She was trying to achieve a method that made water a healing property. Then she could try making a water cycle. Either making the healing water into a water vapor,  rain, snow, hail, or regular water.

She had learned practicing that method from her mother.

Well! It's almost been a week since an update! And of course I will not let a story get updated more than a week. Anyways, hoped you like the chapter. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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