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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
'Deidara is now dead.'

Those words echoed in my mind when I heard them a couple days ago. Deidara was my only friend in the Akatsuki. Now there's no one else.

Sasuke was the cause of his death. Deidara exploded himself in order to kill Sasuke. Meaning he killed himself to take down Sasuke along with him.

But I know it's not that easy to take down like a bastard like Sasuke who was trained by a snake like Orochimaru.

You know why I know?

Because Sasuke joined the Akatsuki recently.

That bastard has some nerve to join after he killed one of our members.

He's currently trying to hunt down and capture the eight tails. It should be interesting if he actually succeeds.

He also killed Itachi Uchiha. If Sasuke was that strong enough to take down two of members. Then, Orochimaru trained him well.

What will he do now? What will he do after he succeeded his so-called plan of revenge?

But. Why do I have concern for Deidara's death?

He was only a person that I acquainted with. I never had a feeling of concern for anyone until now. Why don't I feel empty like I did years ago?

But. Why do I feel concern for 'friends?'

And for that matter, why do I call certain people friends?

~Dachi's P.O.V~
We all reported back to the fifth Hokage about the mission and we all went back doing our own thing.

Nikku and I exited out of the Hokage's building and we saw Morihro-Sensei outside the building. "Morihro-Sensei, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Uh... I was waiting for you guys..." he said.

"Waiting for what- wait why for us?" I asked.

"I was going to ask you how the mission went." he said.

"Well, it went well." Nikku said.

"Well? WELL?!" I exclaimed.

Nikku flinched from the volume I got to in my voice. "Sorry Nikku. It DID not went well sensei! We found almost no trace of Kronosa and didn't find Sasuke. The only good thing that happened is that we captured Kabuto." I said.

"Kabuto Yakushi?" Morihro-Sensei questioned.

"Yeah. Don't worry sensei, we were told that Kabuto was going to be in jail with someone to question him." I said.

Morihro sighed in relief. "Anyways Dachi, I need to talk to you about something in private. Nikku, would you mind heading out?" Morihro-Sensei said.

"Uh.. sure!" she said as she walked away.


"Yeah sensei?" I said.

"It's about your new jutsu. And the new chakra nature that you made." he said.

"Debris Nature?" I questioned.

~Nikku's P.O.V~
Why was I asked to leave? I mean, I get if it was a really important conversation, but still.

There's no one to hang out with. Naruto is on a mission. And Dachi is having a conversation with Morihro-Sensei.

But I wonder. Master Jiraiya said that i had some nine tails chakra inside of me. How did I get that chakra inside of me?

I just don't get it. And how did I get the Byakugan implanted in my right eye? How did any of this happen?

I have so many questions about my own power.

And who were my parents? I always wonder.

~Dachi's P.O.V~
"Dachi. Debris Nature is a phenomenon close to Wood Style that the first Hokage created." he said.

The first Hokage? A phenomenon close to Wood Style? No way...

"Is my jutsu really that special..?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm surprised at the fact, that you were able to achieve something this great in such a short amount of time. At this rate Dachi, you'll be an exceptional shinobi in time.

I didn't know how amazing Debris Nature was until now. I mean, I knew it was amazing, but not THIS amazing.

"Although your new discovery is amazing Dachi, I recommend you not to use it. But I'll let you use it on some terms. You can either use it to experiment, or if it's your last weapon in your arsenal." he said.

"I know this isn't the best advice from me since this jutsu is really risky." he said with some nervousness in his voice. "But I believe that you should do everything that you can to protect the ones that you love and care about."

"Thanks... sensei.." I said.

He nodded his head at me.

"Oh by the way sensei, is there anybody I can train with on my Taijutsu?" I asked.

I really need to improve my taijutsu. And I need to train. To become acknowledged, and to protect my friends.

"Hmm... you could train with Guy." he suggested.

"Guy-Sensei?!" I asked.

Guy-Sensei isn't bad at all. He seems like a cool guy. But from what it looks like, the training with him will be vigorous.

"He specializes in Taijutsu. So I think he's your best bet." Morihro-Sensei said.

"Alright then! Where is he anyway?" I asked.

"Over there," he said as he pointed at a direction that lead to a grass field. "He's over there training with Rock Lee."

"Alright! Thanks sensei!" I said as I ran over to the direction he pointed.

Soon enough, I was at the location that Morihro-Sensei pointed at. Soom enough, I both saw Guy-Sensei and Rock Lee training together. "Guy-Sensei?" I said.

They paused their training and they both turned to look at me. "Dachi? What are you doing here?" Rock Lee asked.

"Well, I wanted to improve my Taijutsu, and Morihro-Sensei suggested to come to you Guy-Sensei." I said.

"Well. You've come to the right place Dachi!" Guy-Sensei said as he did a thumbs up as he grinned.

"But Guy-Sensei-"

"No Lee, this is perfect! You two can be rivals, just like me and Kakashi!" Guy-Sensei said.

"You're right Guy-Sensei!" Rock Lee said.

"Alright then, I want you two fight right here and now!" Guy-Sensei said.

"Wait now?!" I questioned.

"Yep!" Guy-Sensei said.

Rock Lee and I both went into our fighting stance.

I can feel that this training will definitely help me out.

That's it for this chapter guys! (The picture above is one of my favorites XD) So, stay swag, and peace out!

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