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~Asuka's P.O.V~
When I went outside, I saw a large barrier form around the village. Then, I felt a bad presence. I needed to find Morihro-Sensei along with Nikku and Dachi.

I started running to try and find him.

~Dachi's P.O.V~
I felt something bad in the air. I needed to find the others. I then started running.

And luckily, I encountered Nikku. "Dachi, I feel that there's something bad happening." She said.

"Yeah! Let's go find sensei and Asuka!" I shouted.

We both raced to the fifth Hokage's office. When we reached there, the place was a total wreck. "What...happened here...?" Nikku asked.

The fifth Hokage looked at us. "Sora tried to kill me." She said.

Our eyes were in shock with horror. "Naruto is currently chasing him." She said.

"Lady Hokage, are we being under attack...?" Nikku asked.

"Seems so." She said.

"What do we do?! We need to find Morihro-Sensei!" I shouted.

"Morihro is at the near of the entrance of the village, and he's defending our village from an army of resurrected shinobi, along with other leaf shinobi." She explained.

"What's with this barrier surrounding us...?" Nikku asked.

"Looks like the enemy put that barrier around us. Now go, the village is in grave danger." She said.

Nikku and I stormed out of the office and started running down. We started running towards the entrance of village. Then, we saw Asuka fighting the army of resurrected shinobi along with Morihro-Sensei.

Asuka was mostly healing our allies. "What's happening Morihro-Sensei?!" I asked.

"Just fight! It looks like the enemy is attacking us! And trapped us under this barrier!" He shouted.

"Alright! Wind Style: Wind Vortex!" I shouted.

"Fire Style: Divine Fire!" Nikku shouted.

"Water Style: Sapphire Water Razor Blades!" Asuka shouted.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet!" Morihro-Sensei shouted.

Our attacks finally destroyed the zombies. Everybody else was doing a good job at destroying the zombies. But, they kept coming, it seemed like they had no limit.

Everyone also had their complains. "It looks like this is just a distraction." Asuka said.

"Yeah." Nikku said.

We kept fighting the resurrected shinobi, but it seemed like that it did no good.

Then, the large barrier started to disappear and fade away. "Hey! The barrier disappeared!" I shouted.

"Well, it doesn't help us with our fight." Morihro-Sensei said.

"True." Asuka said.

After a while, I saw three streaks of lightning that was emitting from below. "What's happening?" I asked.

"In Team Kakashi's mission, there were graverobbers that planned to steal four of the Guardian Shinobi 12 bodies. In my hypothesis, they would probably use a reanimation jutsu to revive back their powers." Morihro-Sensei explained.

"But... what do you mean..?" Nikku asked.

"Maybe this is this some of the power of four of the Guardian Shinobi 12 that we see right now." He said.

"Those streaks of lightning?" Asuka asked.

"Yes, perhaps." He said.

"I see." Nikku said.

"Well, we have to still keep fighting! Wind Style: Gale Palm!" I shouted.

"You're right!" Nikku shouted as she shapeshifted into her fox form. "Rasengan!" She shouted.

"Water Style: Strangling Water!" Asuka shouted.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon!" Morihro-Sensei said.

Then the army of zombies started to disappear. And the muddy, dusty large substance started to deform. It seemed like they stopped coming.

Then, I saw a red light emit in the sky. "What's that?" I asked.

"Well, one way to find out." Kiba said.

Then, we started running towards the red light. Kiba's dog, Akamaru, was sniffing the way for us. Then, Shikamaru followed along.

We finally arrived at the red light. And Sora was cloaked in a crimson red ominous chakra. While Naruto was trying to fight off him, or trying to maintain him.

"Naruto!" I shouted.

"Let's go guys!" Kiba shouted.

Nikku formed a Rasengan near her mouth then charged at Sora. But Sora smacked her away. Choji tried doing his expansion jutsu, but his hands got burned by the chakra. Kiba tried doing Fang Over Fang. The attacks did no good.

"Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones!" I shouted.

But the stones did no good. Even Ino and Shikamaru's attacks did no good. Even Captain Yamato.

"Water Style: Sapphire Water Razor Blades!" Asuka said.

"Earth Style: Antlion!" Morihro-Sensei shouted.

Our attacks did almost nothing. We all looked at Naruto. "Damn! Is Naruto the only one who can do something?!" He shouted.

"Naruto..." I said.

He looked at me. "Don't worry... Dachi ..." he said.

I still had a worried expression on my face. "Naruto... I hope you really are..." Nikku said.

He was thrown away by Sora's power. What is this...?

Poor Sakura tried to heal him, but there was no time for that. Then, Sora blasted an orb of blinding at us.

No! Naruto!

Then, a dome of wood blocked us from a jutsu from Captain Yamato. I took a glance at Naruto.

He had takened the attack for Sakura....

"Naruto! Are you okay?!" I yelled.

"Don't... worry... I'm alright..." he said.

He persuaded Sakura to go back with us. He tried hard to stop Sora. But all we could do... was watch.

I felt helpless...

Naruto had grabbed a hold of Sora, trying to restrain him. He was bearing the pain that was searing in his hands.

Suddenly, the red crimson chakra began to form over to Naruto's body. He then backed away, and the the chakra still resonated in him.

Then, Captain Yamato tried to take out the crimson red chakra that emitted in him. Then, Nikku was surrounded by the same chakra as well.

"Nikku...?" I said.

She was in her fox form completely surrounded in the crimson red chakra.

What's happening to her...?

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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