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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
I threw some kunai at him first. He then pulled up his sleeve and used something in his arm to deflect it. It was emitting sound from it. It made my ears bleed. He chuckled a bit. I took my needles and used the fire ball jutsu. I threw the molten needles at him again, he used that thing again. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" I said.

I spit out some flames and it got him. All I know, is to break that little device of his. I took out my skull claws. I charged at him. He used his sound again. I fell down, coughing up some blood. That sound is so annoying!

I used Fire Ball Jutsu again, and he deflected it him with his sound. I charged through the fire and stabbed him with my claws. He coughed up some blood. I broke his device with my claws. "Noo!!" He shouted.

I scratched his chest. I grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground hard enough to end the battle. I also threw a kunai at him, to pin him down from moving. "The winner is Kronosa Yamiyaka", the proctor said.

"Disappointing, I didn't even need to use my Sharigan", I said.

"With this, the preliminaries are over and the third exam will soon begin!" The proctor said.

We were gathered together in a group. "There's one thing we have to do before we can the third part of the Chunin Exams", the Hokage said.

"Aw come on! When are we going to start training?!" Naruto said.

"Ok calm down. I want all of you to take a piece of a paper that Anko is holding", the Hokage said.

"I'll just come to you", she said.

We took our papers. "Good, you all have received a number. Say it", the first proctor we had said.

The other people said their numbers. "11", I said.

"12", Dachi said.

They showed us a piece of paper. "This is how the matches are decided", the Hokage said.

I'm up against Dachi? Well, whatever. Our round is the last so I don't really know.

"Hey if this is a tournament, only one of us will become Chunin?" Shikamaru said.

"Actually no, there will be judged including myself and other leaders from other countries to decide if you become Chunin or not, depending on how you battle. So if you lose, it's possible you can still be Chunin", the Hokage said.

Well, if Dachi possibly wins or I win, we at least have a chance to be Chunin. "You are all dismissed, the final rounds will be next month", he said.

At least we get to train a bit more. "Dachi", I said.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Good luck, on trying to beat me", I said as I walked away.

I went to my home, and read some books. I got bored easily, plus this isn't even training. I grabbed my books and weapons and put them in my pouches. I went to the forest. I have been practicing new jutsus.

~Dachi's P.O.V~
I went to Morihro-Sensei. "Morihro-Sensei", I said.

"Yeah Dachi?" He asked.

"Kronosa, is sometimes scary and weird", I said.

"She could, but she's a bit similar to you", he said.

"How?" I asked.

"I can't tell you that", he said.

"Why sensei?!" I asked.

"Dachi, you should be training", he said.

"Now your changing the subject!" I shouted.

"Fine, I'll teach you a new technique", he said.

"Really sensei?!" I shouted.

"Yes.. Dachi", he said.

"Ok when?! Where?!" I shouted.

"Follow me", he said.

I followed him into a field. "Follow these hand signs", he said.

"Alright!" I shouted.

~Asuka's P.O.V~
I saw both Kronosa and Dachi practicing new hand signs. Maybe I should practice my own hand signs as well. I know that I can't really help, but it'll support at least to the team. I could ask Kronosa, she usually reads books about jutsus and other things. I went to her. She spotted me. "What is it Asuka?" She asked.

"I would like you to teach me a new jutsu", I said.

"Sure, but why?" She asked.

"I wanna help the team more", I said.

"Very well", she said as she flipped into a page.

She pointed to a jutsu. "This should suit you", she said.

"Alright", she said.

"Just follow the hand signs, and I'll practice my other jutsu. Alright?" She said.

"Oh ok", I said.

That's all for this chapter. It's a bit short but whatever. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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