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~Dachi's P.O.V~
I did the hand signs for the new jutsu that Morihro-Sensei showed me. "Earth Style: Mud Wall!" I shouted.

"Hmm Dachi, it seems like you have trouble controlling some chakra. But, you are good in building up on it", Morihro-Sensei said.

"Well, sensei, how do I control my chakra?!" I asked.

"Well, it's a mental thing, not a physical thing", he said.

"I'll try again! Earth Style: Mud Wall!" I shouted.

It formed a wall that was two inches tall. "See! At least I'm making some progress!" I shouted.

" .....Yeah, at least. Dachi, focus controlling your chakra instead of building it up", Morihro-Sensei said.

"Alright sensei!" I shouted.

~Asuka's P.O.V~
"Water Style: Strangling Water!" I said.

The water ran down on the ground and then came down. "Ok Asuka, at least you're trying. I'm trying to help you with this jutsu and I quit practicing mine. Strangle me like I was the enemy and you have an intent to kill me. You have perfect chakra control and perfect in chakra in building in chakra", Kronosa said.

"Morihro-Sensei also said you were incredible in building and controlling chakra. He even said that, when we were practicing walking on water and climbing on trees without using our hands", I said.

"This isn't about me or sensei. This is about you, master the jutsu, or quit", Kronosa said.

"Water Style: Strangling Water!" I shouted.

The water ran down the ground and went on Kronosa and touched her neck and squeezed it a little. "Good, but touching the neck won't work. You should move the water faster and control it's direction, the enemy proabably would move around", she said.

"Why do you think this jutsu fits me? Can't I do a healing jutsu instead" I asked.

"Your clan, the Kurokawa clan is excellent in healing. There's usually always a special jutsu in each clan. Since they excell in healing, they're should be a healing jutsu. I suppose you haven't learned it yet", she said.

"So, you want me to have an attacking jutsu?" I asked.

"Exactly, Dachi and I can't heal. You have amazing healing powers, and if you can heal, but can't defend yourself, what's the point?" She said.

"You do have a point", I said.

"Now, do it", she said.

"Water Style: Strangling Water!" I said.

This time, the water moved faster and I was able to move it. Kronosa threw a kunai at me, I blocked it with the water. She moved away a lot. My water traveled as fast as her. I used the water to trip her. Then, the water hastily moved to her neck and squeezed it. I removed the water. "As you just did, Water Style: Strangling Water can block things when it's traveling to the target", she said.

"I did it!" I shouted.

"Good job, but practice more. But this time, try strangling that deer", she said as she pointed at it.

"Isn't that cruel?" I asked.

"Prey is prey", she said.

"I'll get back in practicing my jutsu-" she said.

"Wait! Since, you have the Sharigan, you can copy anything right?" I asked.

"Yeah why?" She said.

"Show me an example", I said.

"Sharigan! Water Style: Strangling Water!" She shouted.

The water traveled fast, the water grabbed an antelope's horns and crushed them, and then strangled the animal. She hid her Sharigan. "Check that animal's pulse Asuka", she said.

I walked towards the antelope. I put my index and middle finger on the animal, it had a faint pulse. "It's still alive. It's just unconscious", I said.

"Prey is prey, I just didn't kill the prey", she said.

I healed the antelope, and it ran off to the wild. "Good luck Asuka", she said.

"Thank you", I said.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
I walked away and went back practicing my new jutsu. "Lightning Style: Electric Needles!" I shouted.

Needles of electricity shot threw the air. I targeted them at a tree. I did the jutsu again, then targeted at an antelope, it ran away then, I targeted needles at the animal. The animal got hit and died. Finally.

~Dachi's P.O.V~
"Yes! I finally did it!" I said as I sweated.

"Good job Dachi", Morihro-Sensei said.

"Yes!!" I shouted again.

"Now get a good rest", he said.

I ran home and ate a lot, and slept.

~Asuka's P.O.V~
"Yay! I finally did it!" I said as I panted.

"I also mastered mine", Kronosa said as she walked in.

"Thanks so much Kronosa! I have to go home now. See you!" I said as I ran.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
I am really inhuman, I don't even feel tired. I'll do what every human does, sleep.

~Morihro's P.O.V~
My students are interesting, especially Kronosa and Dachi. I went to Dachi's house. I knocked it. "Uh, hi sensei, why are you here?" He asked.

"I have a question for you", I said.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Why do you want to be stronger learn lots of jutsus?" I asked.

".. I want the village to acknowledge me! I want to be strong enough to protect my home!" He said.

"Thank you Dachi, and have a good night", I said as I left.

I went to Kronosa's home. "What do you want sensei?" She asked.

"What's your goal for this world?" I asked.

She thought about it. "I honestly don't know, all I know is my creators want to use me for a weapon only and nothing else. But, I'm still finding that goal, right now I want to strong so I can kill anyone that gets in my way", she said.

"I see", I said.

"Why do you care sensei?" She asked.

"Dachi and you are a little bit similar", I said.

"How? We are completely different creatures. Humans are way different than me", she said.

"Why do you refer creatures?" I asked.

She chuckled. "I'm not human, that's for sure", she looked at the night sky. "I was given a human body, but I'm not human inside. Humans are the most common creatures in this world, and also the most dangerous too. But, demons are more worst", she said.

"You may have evil qualities, but what happens if you are actually human?" I said.

"Impossible", she said.

"It is possible", I said.

"Shouldn't you be frightened? I'm a demon", she said.

"I'm not, because you don't have intent to kill me", I said.

"Or do I?" She said.


"Can you match up against me?" She said.

"I'm a jonin of course, your a genin", I said.

"Who cares", she said.

"You would've killed me in that bell test", I said.

"I was soft that time", she said.

"Heh, have a good night Kronosa", I said as I walked away.

My students are real interesting.

That's all for this chapter. I admit this was a bit of a filler chapter, but its important at the same time. So, stay swag and peace out!

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