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~No One's P.O.V~
Soon enough, Dachi, Nikku, and Naruto and the others involved in the mission arrived at the location of the mission. And they soon took care of their business there. Asuka also had arrived at that location, even though she had no missions to attend that that specific location.

Kronosa and Kabuto had finally arrived at one of Orochimaru's hideouts. "You said this was the latest hideout he
was in before he was dead right?" Kronosa questioned.

"Yes." he responded.

"Do you know where the lab is?" Kronosa asked.

"Yes, just follow me." Kabuto responded once again.

Kabuto led Kronosa to the main lab in Orochimaru's latest hideout. Then Kabuto led her to a certain section of the lab. "This is where Lord Orochimaru kept files of all his test subjects. You might be in the special section, afterall, you are his daughter. But I suggest looking at both sections." Kabuto suggested.

"Alright thank you. Kabuto." Kronosa said.

Kronosa checked all the files, which was Kabuto's suggestion. She thought she might find more information if she checked both.

Luckily, the files were organized in alphabetical order. So once Kronosa saw "K," she instantly checked that part of the files. Finally, after years in her life.

She had finally found the information she always needed to confirmed.

Her picture was on the paper. She exmained the text on the paper very carefully.

The text explained information about herself and information in how she was created.

'...Purpose: To be a perfect weapon.... Created from blood samples and flesh from 70 different notable clans. 30% of her flesh and blood is from myself. While in her other 70% flesh and blood was 1% from each different notable clan. I also done some experiment, to make her humanoid body more stable and durable.....

Hypothesis: Subject: Kronosa should be able to inherit all types of kekkei genkai and other abilities. I'm unsure in how much she can inherit. But I do know she'll inherit some qualities of my own....

Final Product: Subject: Kronosa was able to inherit the Sharigan from her 1% blood from the Uchiha clan. She also was able to inherit the Dark Release from another clan. It was a 1% chance to inherit a couple more kekkei genkai, but I knew she would inherit some. But, there was possibility of her inheriting even more. Somehow, she inherited a dojutsu that I never heard or seen before.'

"Kabuto." Kronosa said sternly after reading the paper.

"Yes Lady Kronosa?" he asked.

"What does he mean by new dojutsu? I would've already been able to know by now that I have another dojutsu besides the Sharigan. His description of the dojutsu does not match any dojutsu I have currently." Kronosa questioned.

'Wait... if Orochimaru didn't give me any misinformation on this paper. Then that means, I would probably need to reawaken this new dojutsu just like any other dojutsu. But... the question is, how can I reawaken it?' Kronosa thought.

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