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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
There's been a lot of missions happening to try and save Sasuke. So far I haven't been trying to take back Sasuke. I hate him, so why would I help him?

I did eavesdrop on some people for some information. I used my ravens to spy for information. I did learn another jutsu. To be precise, a summoning jutsu. I'm the first to make a contract with this animal. I already know how to control three of these summoning animals. They at least obey me, but they are reluctant in most things. If they obey my commands, I'll at least be fine.

Dachi and Asuka gotten stronger as well, and they have gotten more strengths. If I'm going to access my abilities, I need to stop using my Skull Claws. They may be good weapons, but they put too much in my hands. I'll put them inside in my pouch in case if I need them. There really isn't much to do that is productive.

It's not my problem if Sasuke goes to Orichimaru. And it's not my problem if the Leaf Village goes down. Why do we fight so much for this village?

Whatever, but I plan on something that may be a problem to the Leaf. Maybe they'll try to kill me if I did it, but I'll do it anyway.

I realized I can't just keep stirring down and thinking. I at least need to do something productive. I went out the door, and closed the door afterwards.

I went out to eat something. Why not? Why not get some ramen, plus I haven't tasted it before. And Naruto loves eating this type of human food. I went there and saw Dachi and Asuka. "Oh hey guys", I said.

"Oh hi Kronosa, what are you doing here?" Dachi asked as he chowed down more noodles.

"Well, I wanted to do something productive. So eating is at least something productive", I said.

"These noodles are really good", Asuka said.

I took my seat. "Mister, I'll have the same thing their having", I said.

"Alright", he said as he served a bowl for me.

I paid the money for the food and got my chopsticks. Dachi and Asuka looked at me. "Hn?" I nodded as I looked at them.

"Uh..um..." Asuka said.

"Yeah?" I said I got some noodles out of the bowl.

"I paid for Asuka's meal..." Dachi said.


"I guess that's what you call being a gentlemen", I said.

"Kronosa, you have a lot of money with you!" Asuka said surprised.

"How did you get that much?" Dachi asked.

"I just earn it, by doing chores for some of these villagers", I said as I ate some noodles.

"Ok, I need to do that", Dachi said.

"This is actually good, good thing I didn't waste my money", I said.

"I agree", Asuka said.

"Well, ramen guy! Your stuff is really good!" Dachi shouted.

"Why thanks", he said.

"I'm really worried about Sasuke. He left the village to go to Orichimaru", Asuka said.

"Well, not that I care about Sasuke or anything. Orichimaru can't harm Sasuke yet, since he needed Sasuke in the first place. What's the point of wanting something if your gonna kill it. It's like taking a weapon that you worked so hard to make, and you just threw it off a cliff", I said.

"True", Dachi said as he chowed down more on his ramen.

"Really Kronosa?" Asuka asked.

"I know you have something for Sasuke, and I hate him. But, he'll be just fine since he's so power-hungry. And of course, he just goes to the  to get the power", I said.

"Isn't that something you would do Kronosa?" Dachi asked.

"No, unlike Sasuke, I don't crave for power. Power is just something that's a part of a human's greed. Humans are just selfish creatures", I said.

"I suppose it's true", Dachi said.

"But, Sasuke must a have good reason for leaving the village", Asuka said.

"Sakura said that she tried her best. All she did was beg and whine", I said.

"Do you have something against Sakura?" Asuka asked.

"What do you think?" I said.

"Why though?" Asuka asked.

"She has no dreams or goals, she's only attached to Sasuke. You may also be attached to Sasuke too Asuka, but at least you have a goal", I said.

"I guess... thanks", Asuka said.

"Well, I guess you have a point Kronosa", Dachi said.

"I guess so", I said.

That's it for this chapter. The next chapter will be the last chapter before Shippuden begins. So get ready. I'm also making an introduction for the Shippuden chapters. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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