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~No Ones P.O.V~
Asuka quickly rushed over to Morihro's side. "Water Style: Sapphire Water Razor Blades!" Asuka shouted quickly.

The flying water that came towards Kisame hardened to a blue stone. Kisame dodged all of them. Then, Morihro had a plan. He whispered the plan to Asuka. Asuka nodded her head and began to do her part. "Water Style: Sapphire Water Razor Blades!" She said again.

"Earth Style: Stone Pistol Jutsu!" Morihro said.

The little fragments of different stone headed towards Kisame. Kisame decided to use his sword, Sharkskin to block the attacks. "Heh." He said.

Kronosa and Dachi resumed their Taijutsu fight. Dachi jumped back. "Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones!" He said.

Kronosa dodged the attack and threw her poison dipped needles at him along with some kunai. Dachi teleported to dodge the attack. Kronosa knew that genjutsu had no use on Dachi since he had the Jougan.

Both of them took out a kunai and charged at each other. Both of their weapons clashed each other. Kronosa backed away and needed to think of something. Then, she came up with an idea. 'Hm.. maybe I should wait Dachi to use a jutsu that uses some chakra. Then I can absorb and release it back to him.'

"You running away!? Wind Style: Wind Vortex Jutsu!" He said.

Kronosa held out her right palm to absorb the jutsu. Then she released the chakra back Dachi. Dachi exhausted too much chakra to teleport with his Jougan. The attack injured Dachi badly.

Both of them exhausted too much chakra to use their dojutsu. They began to fight with weapons.

Nikku put up a good fight with Itachi. Itachi needed to keep his eyes' usage low, or he could go blind. Nikku had a lot of chakra to keep going against Itachi. "Fire Style: Divine Fire!" She shouted.

The flames chased Itachi. Itachi proceeded to dodge the attack. Then, Nikku threw some needles and shurikens at him. Itachi dodged the attack again. "Then I'll have to use this jutsu. Scorch Style: Fox's Embers!" Nikku shouted.

Fire rained down from above Itachi. This jutsu was undodgeable. "Ameratsu." He said.

Then, a bunch of black flames came to counter the attack. It seemed that the black flames affected Itachi in a way.

Nikku proceeded to throw shurikens at Itachi. Itachi dodged them again. She couldn't even land a single hit on Itachi. Then, Nikku transformed to her fox form and charged at him.

Morihro and Asuka were struggling to defeat Kisame. "Water Style: Shark Bomb Jutsu!" Kisame said.

Asuka and Morihro countered it with their own jutsu. The recoil caused them to fall the water. "Water Style: Five Sharks Jutsu!" Kisame said.

Then, five sharks formed under the water and began to charge at both of them. Morihro did hand signs when he was underwater. 'Earth Style: Boulder Jutsu.' He thought.

He used the boulders to create land for him and Asuka. But he knew that he had to defeat the sharks first. Asuka used her Sapphire Water Razor Blades to take down the sharks.

However, Morihro and Asuka got injured from the sharks. Asuka proceeded to heal Morihro and herself.

As much as Asuka wanted to use her Healing Mist Jutsu on her sensei and her. She couldn't use it now, or she couldn't use it on her teammates since it took too much chakra.

"Healing ninjutsu huh?" Kisame said.

Asuka threw kunai at Kisame. Kisame just dodged it like it was nothing. Then Morihro put a tag on his kunai and threw it at Kisame. Kisame used his sword to block the kunai, which exploded that knocked out his sword Sharkskin out of his hand.

Morihro charged at Kisame quickly, and launched a kick towards him which Kisame blocked. "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" Asuka said.

The water dragon chased Kisame across the water. "Earth Style: Earth Dragon Jutsu!" Morihro said.

Both elemental dragons chased Kisame. "Water Style: Water Missle Jutsu!" Kisame said.

Asuka's water dragon took the water missle for Morihro's earth dragon. The earth dragon injured Kisame which caused him to fall into the water.

But, Kisame retrieved his sword back and jumped out of the water. As that battle still waged, Kronosa and Dachi were at it. Dachi knew that ninjutsu wouldn't work, he would simply give free chakra to her.

He could either use Taijutsu, use his dojutsu, or use his kunai and shurikens. Dachi teleported behind Kronosa and proceeded to punch her. Kronosa blocked it with her hand. Kronosa knew using her Sharigan would take some chakra but she had to. Their hand to hand combat lasted for a while. Dachi couldn't land a single hit on Kronosa becuase of her Sharigan.

"Lightning Style: Thunder Binding!" She shouted.

Bolts of lightning binded Dachi to restrain movement. Itachi took care of Nikku so she couldn't use her Rasengan on the binding. Then, Kisame and Itachi proceeded to flee. Kisame took Dachi and ran along with teammates. 

Nikku ran quickly to them. She matched evenly with their speed. She quickly used her Blinding Fire Jutsu and took Dachi along with her. It was so fast that the Akatsuki couldn't keep up of what she did.

The Akatsuki tried to come back to get Dachi but Nikku stopped them. "Scorch Style: Fox's Embers!" She said.

Fire rained down upon them, so they couldn't pass to get Dachi. Then Morihro did some hand signs. "Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet Jutsu!" He said.

The mud dragon bullet chased them. "Looks like we have to retreat." Itachi said.

"But your eyes, it would be a waste of power." Kisame said.

"No. We have to, we have no option." Itachi said.

"Alright then." Kronosa said as she bit her lip.

They fled from the Leaf Village. Nikku used her Rasengan to break the thunder binding. "We have to go to the hospital quickly." Morihro said.

"Of course." Asuka said.

Morihro took Dachi, along with his other two to the hospital. They all had to lie in bed and rest for recovery of their injuries.

"Ugh! I hate the Akatsuki.." Dachi groaned.

"Dachi calm down. Or your injuries won't get better." Morihro said.

"Hmp." He said.

He knew that he was the jinchuriki of the two tails so it wouldn't matter. He would heal much quicker than anybody. "Nikku." He said.

"..Yeah?" She responded.

"Who taught you that Rasengan?" He asked.

That's all for this chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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