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~No One's P.O.V~
"W-We're siblings..?" Nikku said.

"Heh, I guess so. I mean the fourth hokage or- our dad said so." Naruto said.

"How come we both didn't know? And how come I was in the sand village ever since I was a child?" Nikku questioned.

"Well, he said that you were kidnapped or gone missing. Your kidnapper probably dropped you off at the sand village." Naruto said.

"B-But why? And who?" Nikku said.

"Dad doesn't know. But he did tell me something else." Naruto said.

"What else did he say?" Nikku asked.

"There was a person who was controlling the nine tailed fox when we were both borned. On top of that, he said it was the one with the orange mask. He might be involved with your kidnapping." Naruto said.

'How can someone be powerful enough to control the nine tailed fox?' Nikku thought.

"Another thing Nikku, when the fourth hokage told me that he sealed half of the nine tailed fox's chakra in me, for some reason, you absorbed some of the chakra." Naruto said.

"Master Jiraiya told me that I had some nine tails chakra, but I never knew why until now." Nikku said.

The thought of Jiraiya made Naruto somber, making him nod instead of speak.

"No wonder I never knew who my parents were... thank you, Naruto." Nikku said as she rushed to hug her brother.

Nikku was originally a leaf shinobi, but she was kidnapped by someone she didn't know. Could it be someone from the sand village or someone else? She wanted to know who was her kidnapper. But she would have to wait and be patient.

It was weird to know that you sibling apprentice was actually your sibling. She wasn't quite used the fact the Naruto was her brother. In fact, saying that felt so weird.

"Well, I got to go now, see you, Nikku." Naruto said as he left.

The next thing that Nikku wanted to do is rush to Dachi and Asuka and tell them the news. Dachi was also welcoming Dachi back with a friendly gesture.

It felt so weird that you were hanging out with your sibling without even knowing it in the first place. It was going to take a while for Nikku to get used to this type of information. So the fourth hokage was her father, and Naruto was her brother.

To know that someone kidnapped you from your original birthplace. She felt confused. This sense of confusion made her brain filled with questions. She really didn't know how to react to this.

On top of that, she didn't even know who her mother was.

She wanted to talk this over with her friends.

Meanwhile, Kronosa was jumping tree from tree in pursuit for Kabuto. She didn't plan to kill Kabuto. Or become friends with Kabuto. She was planning to use him for information. She thought that Kabuto could be extremely useful to her.

Kabuto was an enemy to many and she was aware of the fact that other shinobi were after him. Kronosa couldn't afford anyone killing her secondary source of information.

She knew she was one of the few people that Kabuto would obey and listen to. Yes, she was planning to take advantage of Kabuto's obedience. But not to the point that she would feel pitiful for him.

She planned to take the people who were hunting after him.

Soon the crowd subsided, and everyone in the leaf village was repairing their lives and the leaf village itself. Nikku planned to talk to Team Morihro at this time.

She soon saw Dachi walking around.  "Dachi!" Nikku yelled out.

Nikku's voice caught Dachi's attention and turned around. "Oh hey Nikku!" Dachi said.

The two approached each other. "Have you seen Asuka or Morihro-Sensei anywhere? I need to talk about something to all you guys." Nikku said.

"Well, I haven't see Morihro-Sensei around, but I have seen Asuka around. So we can both try and find them." Dachi recommended.

They soon saw Asuka and Morihro-Sensei walking together and approaching them. "Hey, how are you guys doing?" Morihro questioned.

"One question, where were you throughout this whole destruction?" Dachi asked.

"Dead." Morihro said casually.

"Oh I see. Anyway, Nikku needs to say something in private to all of us." Dachi said.

"Oh in that case, we should go to out tent. Follow me guys." Morihro said.

Morihro led them in a tent and closed it. "So what did you want to talk about to us in private?" Asuka asked.

"Naruto is my brother." Nikku said.

"What?!" they all shouted.

"Naruto said, that, he met the fourth hokage. And he found out that we're the children of the fourth hokage. The fourth hokage was the one who stopped him from turning into the nine tailed fox." Nikku said.

"W-What?" Dachi said.

"A-And he said, that the nine tails attack sixteen years... the nine tails was being controlled by someone else. And when Master Jiraiya was training me, he said that I had some nine tails chakra. The fourth hokage said to Naruto that some of the chakra of the nine tails was transferred into me." Nikku said.

"Wait, don't forget, the nine tails attacked along with the two tails attacked the village sixteen years ago." Asuka said.

"Another shinobi must have been controlling the two tails as well. But there's no way that one person can control at the same time. A person with the Mangekyou Sharigan has the power to control the tailed beasts." Morihro-Sensei said.

"Who then?" Nikku questioned.

"We don't know." Morihro-Sensei said.

"I see." Asuka said.

"I want to talk to Naruto about this when we both have the time." Nikku said.

"Well something's up guys, gotta go." Morihro said before he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"I'm was surprised when you told us that Naruto was your brother." Dachi said.

"Yeah me too." Asuka said.

"Naruto was my best friend ever since we were kids. People looked down on me because I hung out with Naruto. But I didn't care. He was my friend, I wouldn't abandon him because some random villagers thought it was bad." Dachi said.

"Dachi." Nikku said.

"Yeah?" Dachi questioned.

"Thank you for looking out for Naruto. Espcially for looking out for Team Morihro." Nikku said.

"You don't have to thank me Nikku. I helped you guys because I wanted to." Dachi said.

Then, someone came in inside their tent. "Guys. We need to talk about something." Rock Lee said.

Well that's it guys. I had a lot of procrastination writing this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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