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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
As the Akatsuki planned yesterday, we moved our location.

I'll have to be even more cautious about my identity. The leaf village will already know who I am because of Dachi, and they will mark me as a rogue. Does it really matter if the Akatsuki knows who I am or not?

Of course, it's better to stay hidden. They would obviously underestimate my strength, because I'm still in youthful years. But, they seen what I can do.

They would misjudge me for just a 'child.' Yes, that's what they would think of me.

But, I'll be more careful for now. I have to dodge all attacks that are targeted to my face as possible.

Dachi, he inflicted a wound on my right eye. The eye I usually cover my hair over. Good thing I did treat it when I arrived the Akatsuki base as soon as possible.

His rage. It was overwhelming, and because of the emotion rage, he had a chakra outbreak. I was lucky that he only had one tails before he developed two tails.

But, I feel like something big is coming. A presence that I should be aware of. Right now, my enemies with the Akatsuki are Orochimaru and the leaf village. While Orochimaru wants to take down more Akatsuki members and the leaf village are against him. And the leaf village has both of us as enemies. But as far as I know, Orochimaru and Akatsuki are both dangers to almost every village.

The leaf village? Not so sure.

Now, this is what I really wonder.

Does the leaf village mark me as a traitor of their village?

~Nikku's P.O.V~
"What?!" He shouted.

I nodded. "How come?" He said.

"I don't know... all I heard from Dachi is that she had a goal and reason." I said.

"And what was that goal and reason?" Master Jiraiya questioned.

"Dachi told me that she simply responded 'It's none of your concern'." I said.

"I see then." He said.

"Master Jiraiya." I said.

"Hm?" He said.

"He turned into this form. A crimson red color. It seemed like he had a certain chakra surrounding him. I don't know what it wa-"

"That's not good..." he interrupted.

"From looks of it Master Jiraiya, It didn't look good to me either. What is it?" I asked.

"A tailed beast chakra cloak." He said.

My eyes widened from his words. "So those seals you gave me a couple of minutes ago... were to seal Dachi' s tailed beast powers....?" I said.

"Yes Nikku. Everytime he has a chakra outbreak like that, you use those seals." He said.

"Then... if that form is that dangerous, how was Kronosa able to fare up against it?" I asked.

"I don't know. She must be a strong shinobi to dodge his attacks." He said.

I'll have to be careful now. It's better not to let Dachi into that form.

"How many tails did he have Nikku?" He asked.

"One." I responded.

I could tell her felt a bit worried. "What do the tails mean..? I asked.

"Each tail he grows, the more uncontrollable he is. And each tail, means his rage. But since he's a two tails jinchuriki, it will only take two tails to make him the full form. So Nikku... take care of Dachi. We can't afford to let the two tails to break out of his seal." He said.

"Of course Master Jiraiya." I said.

Dachi.... I hope I can help you.. and always be by your side to help you.

"Nikku, remember all these things I said to you." He said as he fled.

Of course... I'll do anything to protect any of my friends.

~Asuka's P.O.V~

Why would she do that? Did she betray the village...? No! She wouldn't! Dachi and I would know.

Now Kronosa is marked as a rogue and... everyone thinks she betrayed the village..

How important is this goal of hers?

That important to leave the village?

Right now, we know nothing.

But. She hated Sasuke.

She hated him so bad that she wanted to avoid any negative similarity to him.

I know she wouldn't betray the village. She wouldn't do anything for selfish reasons. Or would she..?

"Asuka! Are you okay?" My mother asked.

"Mom, I'm alright." I said.

"Alright then. Do you need anything?" She asked.

"No, it's alright." I said.

"Alright then Asuka." She said as she walked away.

I do have to admit. I remembered two and a half years ago, that I liked Sasuke. Then, he left the village.

He betrayed us, and we knew what were the exact reasons. He betrayed us for just power.

And of all people, it was Orochimaru. One of the legendary sannin, that betrayed the leaf village.

I couldn't stand people that would betray their own family and friends.

Because of that, my likeness of him died out.

At first, I thought he was an excellent shinobi. He was amazing at everything he did. He was so... perfect. Then I realized, he wasn't so perfect.

That's what I thought at least.

That's all for this chapter! Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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