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~No One's P.O.V~
Dachi, Nikku, and Asuka were training until they felt that violent shake. "What was that?" Asuka asked.

"I don't know." Nikku said.

They turned to see the destruction on the leaf village. "What?! How did this happen?!" Dachi shouted.

"Who would do such a thing..?" Asuka said.

"We're being under attack! Come on guys!" Dachu shouted as began to run to destruction.

"Wait! Dachi! You're being reckless by charging in! We don't know how strong the enemy is! The enemy was that strong enough to destroy a part of the leaf village in one blow!" Asuka said.

"We can't leave Dachi hanging! Come on Asuka!" Nikku yelled as she ran after Dachi.

Asuka sighed and went along anyway. Different giant summoning animals that had a purple ripple pattern on their eyes. They were also a part of the chaos.

It seemed like multiple enemies were attacking. "First we'll try to save and protect the civilians and get them to safety! Then we'll start defending the village!" Asuka yelled.

"Good idea!" Dachi said as Nikku nodded.

Nikku used her wind style to destroy an object that was about to fall on a civilian. Asuka ran to the civilian to heal them and told them to go to Konoha's hospital. Dachi guarded the three just in case if anyone tried attacking them while taking a civilian to safety.

They kept redoing this process until they saw a man who was wearing a black cloak with red clouds. It just looked like that he took the life out his victim.

The man turned his head towards the three and stared at them coldly. "The Akatsuki..." Asuka whispered.

"Run to safety!" Nikku yelled to the civilian.

The civilian nodded and ran for their life. "Dachi Uzamaki." the man said.

"Yeah? What do you want?" Dachi said.

The man charged at Dachi with fast agility, trying to get a hold of him. Dachi dodged quickly and backed up. "Guys. Don't let him get in physical contact with you, if you want to end up like that poor guy." Dachi said as he pointed to the victim's corpse.

"Alright." they both said.

"If this is the Akatsuki. Then, they want you Dachi." Nikku said.

'I almost forgot that the Akatsuki was after jinchuriki like me.... and Naruto. If they're this powerful, how many tailed beasts do they have now? How can I be so stupid? The Akatsuki are after me, and I barely have any knowledge about the enemy.' Dachi thought.

Then, a semi-medium slug was sliding slowly on the floor. "Lady Katsuyu!" Asuka said as she picked the slug up.

"Asuka, put me on Dachi's shoulder. I'll be some use by gathering information about this Pain, giving out information, and healing your injuries." Katsuyu said.

Asuka did what Katsuyu said, and placed the slug on Dachi. "Why me though?" Dachi asked.

"You're the one with the strongest ninjutsu so far in Team Morihro. I think you'll be able to be get close enough to this Pain. Espcially when the Akatsuki are after you." she explained.

"Alright then, let's get started then." Dachi said.

Nikku and Dachi were getting ready for their battle stance while Asuka was preparing her jutsu.

"Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones!" Dachi said as he weaved his hand signs.

"Fire Style: Divine Fire!" Nikku shouted.

"Water Style: Evaporation Phase!" Asuka said as did a single hand sign and stood there.

The Pain dodged Nikku and Dachi's attacks. "What?! No way!" Dachi shouted.

The Pain quickly charged towards Dachi. "Fire Style: Blinding Fire!" Nikku said as her jutsu blinded the Pain for a couple of seconds.

This gave Dachi an opportunity to use the training that he was taught by Guy-Sensei.

"Strong Fist!" Dachi shouted as he punched the Pain with extreme force, making the Pain get thrown back meters away and making him hit his back against some debris.

"Alright! Water Style: Condensation Phase!" Asuka said.

"Asuka, what's this jutsu?" Nikku asked.

"I have to hold one different hand sign for each of these phases of this jutsu for five minutes. Evaporation, Condensation, and Precipitation. After five minutes is done for one of these phases, I move on to the next one. Once I'm done with all three phases, I can either summon healing rain, snow, and hail depending on the humidity or temperature. And this can only last up for 5 minutes, and it takes up most of my chakra." Asuka explained.

Then they saw the Pain trying to get up. Dachi lunged at the Pain and used his Leaf Whirlwind jutsu to keep him down. "Wait... Lady Katsuyu do you have any info to pass on?" Asuka asked.

"Yes. There are six different pains. And another enemy to the village. I'm afraid to say this, but all six pains have their eyes linked together." Katsuyu said.

"Seven enemies in all? Wait, if six of their eyes are linked together, does that mean..?" Nikku paused, afraid to say the couple of words that she was about to say next.

"The other five can find Dachi and capture him." Asuka said.

"They're also in a hunt for Naruto. But since Naruto isn't here. And I'm the only jinchuriki here.... they'll be after me." Dachi said.

"Also. His eyes. Weren't his eyes the Rinnegan? The eyes of the sage of the six paths?" Nikku said.

Everyone turned to look at Nikku. "The sage of six paths? Then, we're facing a powerful opponent." Asuka said.

"The Rinnegan?! Sage of six paths?! What are you guys talking about?!" Dachi said.

"The sage of six paths is a godly being that possesses that Rinnegan. The Rinnegan can grant you powers of a god." Nikku said.

"Alright then. You can't defeat or kill gods right? Then how did I punch him a couple of meters across from here?" Dachi questioned.

"Each of the pains have different powers. Like this one can steal souls." Katsuyu said.

"Oh ok, I see then..." Dachi said when in reality, he doesn't get it at all.

'I just hope Naruto comes soon. That dude just keeps getting stronger. He'll probably beat these pains soon enough.' Dachi thought.

Then, another pain appeared in front of Dachi.

Welp that's it guys. I procrastinated a lot this weekend and I had to deal with a lot of art stuff. I hope I don't try to procrastinate a lot next time when writing a chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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