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~No Ones P.O.V~
The four stood there. "Well, I should better get going", Morihro said as he started to walk away.

"Uh... sensei? Why are you here?" Asuka asked.

"Umm.... well I saw Dachi, so I came by", he said.

"So... you and Dachi were stalking Kronosa and I?'' Asuka suggested.

"Why do you guys take it in the wrong way..?" Dachi and Morihro groaned.

"Then, what were you guys doing?" Kronosa asked.

"Not much honestly", Dachi said.

Then three saw Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, and the rest of Team Guy. They were near the entrance heading for the hospital. "Well... looks like Naruto came back from a mission." Dachi said.

"Aren't you pointing out the obvious?" Kronosa said.

Dachi nodded in annoyance. "After they come back! I'm gonna ask Naruto!" Dachi shouted.

"Ok.. you didn't have to announce it." Kronosa said.

"Kronosa does kinda have a point.." Asuka said.

"Well... I'll leave you guys to talk..." Morihro said as he backed away.

"Wait! Morihro-Sensei, when are we going to a mission with you?! I mean, we're Team Morihro right?" Dachi said.

"He does have a point." Kronosa said. "For once in his life." She muttered.

"Alright you guys, you guys ganging up on me is getting really old. Plus, Lady Hokage hasn't requested a mission for us to go together." He said.

"Then tell her to!" Dachi shouted.

"Are you guys forgetting that she's the fifth Hokage?" He asked.

They all remained silent. "That's what I thought." He said.


"Alright guys, we'll go to a mission together soon. Don't worry. Sooner or later the Hokage will assign us to a mission together." Morihro said.

"Yay!" Asuka said.

Kronosa sighed at the convincing. "Well, see you guys." Morihro said as he disapperared.

"Well, do you guys want to go somewhere?" Dachi asked.

"Hmmm..." Kronosa and Asuka said as they thought.

Kronosa groaned and sighed. "Well, maybe we should ask Naruto what he did on his mission." Kronosa said.

".. Of course! Let's all go!" Dachi shouted.

~After a While~
Naruto and the others except Kakashi came out of the hospital. "Hey Naruto! Hey Naruto! What happened in your mission!" Dachi said as he greeted him.

"We saved Gaara. But.. the Akatsuki.." He said.

Kronosa had her instincts increased and her attention as well. "The Akatsuki? What happened with them?" Kronosa asked.

"Well.. the Akatsuki almost ended Gaara's life. But thanks to Granny Chiyo, who sacrificed her life for his, he's still alive. They took the tailed beast from Gaara.." Naruto explained with no happiness at all.

"So, based off from their intentions, what do you think is their goal?" Kronosa asked.

"I'm not sure." He said.

"But we got Gaara back and thats all that matters!" He said as he brightened up.

Kronosa thought of their goal. 'If they went through all the trouble of getting Gaara to extract the tailed beast from him, then they must be collecting tailed beasts. But.. for what..?' Kronosa thought.

Kronosa looked at Dachi. 'If I remembered correctly, hosts of tailed beasts are called jinchuriki' Kronosa thought again.

She looked at Dachi. 'Then, Dachi and Naruto are both jinchuriki' she thought.

That's all for this part. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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