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After Naruto and Hinata's wedding, Nikku and Dachi had gotten married to each other. Asuka had sewed outfits for thr both of them. Nikku had a red kimono with a white fire outlines while Dachi wore a traditional black suit. Asuka had also gotten married, making her own kimono. Her kimono was light blue with lavender outlines of thr lavender flower.

Nikku and Dachi had given birth to a child named Rui Uzumaki. To their surprise, Rui reassembled Iur in appearance. But they eventually found out that their alternate selves had a child together and they had give birth to Iur.

Asuka had gotten married to Neji Hyuga due to their clans arranging their marriages. The Hyuga and Kurokawa always had been allies since the first great ninja war so it only made sense that a member from each clan got married. They had given birth to a female child named Koharu Hyuga who possessed the Byakugan. Kronosa Yashagoro became Rui's godmother due to Nikku and Dachi's request. Kronosa had trained him to become a exceptional shinobi.

Overall Nikku and Dachi's married life was very balanced and healthy

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Overall Nikku and Dachi's married life was very balanced and healthy. They both divided the chores at home; Dachi cooking and teaching his son. And Nikku cleaning and taking care of the laundry. But they would do different chores ever so often.

While Asuka and Neji's marriage was very awkward at first. They weren't very close but their clans had forced them to marry. But they eventually got along and had an overall decent married life. Eventually, after Koharu they had a timid son named Uchiki Hyuga.

Due to the marriage, Dachi and Naruto became brother-in-laws. Boruto and Himawari were technically Rui's cousins. Naruto was Rui's uncle while Nikku was Boruto and Himawari's aunt.

Everyone became what they wished, Dachi became a hero to his village. He also became a bounty hunter to capture missing-nin. Asuka had finally became an exceptional healer and became the director of Kurokawa hospital. Nikku had became an ANBU captain, her duties mostly consisting of capturing and guarding. Kronosa did what she pleased, sometimes attending Dachi's missions. She was a snake sage, if you count that as an occupation.

Kronosa also had a little brother named Mitsuki, which Orochimaru had created. Mitsuki was just like her, and afterall he was her brother so she took care of him. Such as training and picking him up from the academy.

There was a new Team 12, their members consisting of Rui Uzumaki, Koharu Hyuga, and Tokage (toe-CAGE) Inuzuka. Tokage was the daughter of Hana Inuzuka, sister of Kiba Inuzuka. Surprisingly, their sensei was still Morihro Shuii. He was proud of the last Team 12, so he wanted to mentor the next generation.

Rui wanted to be the strongest shinobi who ever lived, Koharu wanting to be an exceptional shinobi and medical-nin, and Tokage being an exceptional Inuzuka clan member. At this time, Tsunade had passed her title to Naruto, making him the sixth hokage. Since Naruto was hokage, he had released Sasuke Uchiha from prison.

Of course, there conflicts in every life and flaws that shinobi may have to overcome. All the new members of Team 12 mostly had these flaws when they were about in their young adult and teenager stage.

Rui had arrogance in him since he was the best in the academy. Rui usually didn't have the most attention with his parents. Since his parents were always so busy, he usually didn't earn affection from them so he strived to be the strongest shinobi to make them proud of him.

Koharu was closed off and never wanted to open up to anyone. She mostly didn't want to interact with anyone since she was introverted.

Tokage was too reckless and impatient while in battle which could endanger her teammates in battle.

But they eventually overcamed their flaws. Rui was much more reserved and less arrogant, Koharu started to open up to people, and Tokage learned to be cautious.

When they became adults, Rui had become an ANBU Captain but eventually became the eighth hokage since Konohamaru was the seventh. Koharu became an exceptional shinobi and medical nin, and led the next generation of the Team 12. Tokage became another jonin of a team and eventually became a notable Inuzuka clan member.

Of course all three of them were exceptional shinobi. Rui possessed the Hakaigan and the chakra natures of fire and wind. Koharu possessed the Byakugan and the chakra natures of fire and earth. Finally, Tokage possessed great physical strength and the chakra natures water and lightning.

All of three of them trained hard everyday and possessed great strength. When they became an adult, they still persued greatness to further their life. Everyone eventually solved their resolves and solutions at the end. And the original Team 12 was very proud of them.


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Rui had put on his Hokage cloak as left to go to the Hokage's building. He was currently 27, his friends also being the same age. Instead of his usual childhood hoodie, he wore a jonin vest under his Hokage attire. He was met with Koharu and Tokage along the way. "How's being hokage Lord Eighth?" Tokage teased.

"Konohamaru just passed his title to me yesterday, I obviously don't know how position is yet Tokage." Rui sighed.

"Well, I think you'll be a great Hokage Rui." Koharu said as she joined the conversation.

"Thanks Koharu." Rui said as he continued walking.

Then Rui Uzumaki was met with familiar four people. It was his sensei and godmother; Kronosa Yashagoro, his parents Dachi Uzumaki and Nikku Namikaze, and a family friend Asuka Kurokawa. "We're all very proud of you Rui." Asuka said.

"You've endured all your struggles and now you're here. I'm proud my son." Nikku said.

"You even became the Hokage! That's way more successful than what I am!" Dachi shouted.

Kronosa's demeanor barely changed from the past couple of years and kept her cold look. She then patted Rui on the shoulder and her lips formed a rare smile. "Good job, Rui." she said.

"Hey do you mind if we come to your office Rui?" Tokage asked.

"Why not, it is my first day of becoming Hokage. I do want to see my friends and family to see my new office." Rui said.

"Alright then, let's go." Koharu said.

Rui's prodesscors were proud of him and his accomplishments. Kronosa Yashagoro, Dachi Uzumaki, Asuka Kurokawa, Nikku Namikaze, Koharu Hyuga, and Tokage Inuzuka all followed him inside.

That is the story of The Uprising Team, or maybe also- The Uprising Generation. Everyone had their struggles in life, but eventually overcame them. Even the next generation had their struggles, and the generation after that. Shinobi will always live a life of struggles, but will learn to overcome those struggles.


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