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~Dachi's P.O.V~
I ran to the area that Kronosa told me to meet her up to teach me a new jutsu. "Hey Kronosa!" I shouted.

"Wow, you're extremely early", she said as the ravens and crows that were on her flew away.

"Well ya! It's a new jutsu!" I shouted.

"You scared most the ravens and crows that were on me", she said.

"So?!" I said.

"Hmp, whatever", she said as she took out her book.

She flipped the pages. She handed me her book. "Copy those hand signs, and these movements", she said.

"Alright!" I shouted.

I did the hand signs and did the hand signs. It created a small force of wind. "As I expected, you can't master this jutsu on first style", I said.

"I'll try again! Wind Style: Gale Palm!" I shouted.

I smacked my palms together and created a medium strong wind. "Still not good enough", she said.

"I'll do again and again unless I master this jutsu!" I shouted.

"Alright, and I'll practice something else", she said as she walked away.

She called back her ravens and crows back. Her ravens and crows were flying around her. I had to focus on this jutsu not her birds!

"Wind Style: Gale Palm!" I shouted.

It created a force of wind. "Hm Dachi, to find out that you mastered this jutsu, the wind should be strong to blow away these crows and ravens", she said.

"Then, I'll blow away all these birds away!" I shouted.

"Then be quiet and do it, fool", she said.

Fool?! What?! "Fool?! Who are you calling fool?!" I shouted.

"Just be quiet and do it! I have things to do! You want to master it right?" She shouted.

"Fine! Wind Style: Gale Palm!" I shouted.

A incredibly strong wind of force blew the ravens and crows away, and they slammed to a tree. "Heh, good", Kronosa said as she walked over to her crows and ravens.

She picked one of them up. "This raven was the most clever and strongest", she said.

"Whatever! I mastered the jutsu!" I shouted.

"Well, yeah. Good job Dachi", she said.

"Yes!" I shouted.

"I'm surprised that you mastered it in under an hour", she said.

"Well..." I said.

"Well, I have to do my other training, see you", she said as she walked away.

I ran back home satisfied of my accomplishment.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
My crows and ravens regained conscious. Crows and ravens had an attraction to me. Probably because I created by evil spirits.

I could always use these birds to destroy my enemies. They could be good pets as well. But, I also had a another pet in mind. But, I don't have enough power to master it yet, I also haven't made the contract yet. Speaking of contracts, I also can make contracts for other people..

Dachi was so happy that he mastered that jutsu. But, he did less than an hour. Asuka took almost more than an hour to master hers. I have to say that Dachi is.... remarkable. But, he's still awkward at some times...

I trained my crows and ravens once again.

~Asuka's P.O.V~
I walked towards my parents. "Uh, dad?" I said.

"Yes Asuka?" He said.

"My friend Kronosa said there's a special jutsu for almost every single clan. Do we have a special jutsu?" I asked.

"Yes we do. Your friend is quite right. There's also usually a battle style and speciality in almost every clan as well. For example, our speciality is healing. Anyways, why do you ask?" He said.

"I wanna learn our speciality jutsu!" I shouted.

"Why?" He said.

"I want to be stronger and help out my friends!" I said.

"Very well", he said as he got up.

"Follow these hands signs", he said.

I followed the hand signs he did. "This jutsu takes a huge amount of chakra, but it is very helpful and powerful", he said.

"Water Style: Mist Aura!" He shouted.

I was surrounded by a cloud of must all around me, I could still see my surroundings. "Now try doing it to me", he said.

"Water Style: Mist Aura!" I shouted.

A bit of mist surrounded him. "Well, it isn't perfected. But, keep on trying", he said.

"What does this jutsu do?" I asked.

"This jutsu surrounds the target with mist, they are still able to see. It heals them and regenerates wounds, it also protects the target from physical things. For example, shurikens and kunai, and Taijutsu", he explained.

"Wow, this seems really cool", Asuka said.

"Maybe you should practice this jutsu on a wounded animal or creature Asuka", he said.

"Alright!" I said.

"Oh hello guys, what are you doing?" My mom said as she walked in.

"Dad is helping me learn a new jutsu that's from our clan!" I said.

"I see", she said.

"Bye guys! I'm going to something to heal!" I said as ran out the door.

"She's growing up so fast", I hear my dad say.

That's all for this part. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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