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~No Ones P.O.V~
The red crimson chakra covered Nikku's entire body, and it also covered Naruto and Sora's body.

'Master Jiraiya told me that I had some nine tails chakra in me.... if Naruto and Sora have this chakra and shrouded in the cloak... Then, I must be linked to the chakra...' Nikku thought.

"Nikku!" Morihro-Sensei and Asuka shouted.

"What's happening to her?!" Choji shouted.

"The nine tails chakra sealed within Nikku is also reacting to other two's chakra!" Morihro shouted.

"Nikku! Fight it!" Dachi shouted.

Dachi was utterly oblivious that he had a situation like that once. Or to put it in a way, he had no idea that he was a jinchuriki and he had the two tails tailed beast sealed inside him.

Nikku tried her best to contain the chakra within her. Then, Sora began to grow another chakra tail in his cloak.

Nikku remembered about the seals she had. 'But Master Jiraiya said to use them on Naruto and Dachi, but if Captain Yamato can't remove that chakra cloak, what will these seals even do? And I can't use them on myself, I'm not a jinchuriki... and it wouldn't effective on me at all....' Nikku thought.

She strained to hold the chakra in. While Sora had almost turned into the beast. He was completely in a dark crimson red, and he was almost unidentifiable at all.

Naruto was forming into that form, but Naruto strained himself to not transform into that form. "I can't...." he groaned.

Then Naruto took a kunai and stabbed it in his thigh. That caused the forming to stop. 'If that stopped the spread of the nine tails chakra.. I have to try that too.' Nikku thought.

She also took a kunai out and stabbed it on her other thigh. The spread of chakra had also stopped.

She then started to heal herself with her healing ninjutsu. She panted from the exhaustion. "Nikku are you alright?" Dachi asked.

"Yeah..." she said.

"Here I'll help." Asuka said as she started to heal Nikku as well.

In no time, Nikku's wound healed quickly. Naruto tried to convince Sora to snap out of it.

Sora was twice as powerful now. He had slapped Naruto a couple if times with the cloak of chakra.

But, in due time, Naruto had succeeded in suppressing Sora's nine tails chakra. Sora's body was completely covered in wounds.

The others rushed to them feeling with worry. Naruto's body had many wounds. While Sora's body was utterly covered in wounds.

They had exhausted their selves during this fight. Then, Dachi, Asuka, Nikku, and Morihro went to the hospital.

They all lied in their hospital beds. The nurses and doctors treated their wounds. "Rest guys." Morihro said.

"But I need to train!" Nikku and Dachi shouted.

"Dachi, I know you're training with me, but you need lots of rest before you rest. And Nikku, same goes for you." He said.

They both groaned. Asuka just grabbed the books she had borrowed from the library and started reading them.

"Hey Asuka." Morihro said as he glanced over to her books.

"Yes Morihro-Sensei?" She said.

"Can you let Dachi borrow some of your books? He needs to know what chakra natures are." He said.

"Sure." She said as she passed a book to him.

"Read sensei?! How is going to help me?! Plus, I'm too lazy to read..." He said.

Morihro sighed in stress. "Anybody want to read that book to him..?" He asked.

"I'll do it sensei." Nikku said.

"Huh?" Dachi said dumbfounded.

"I'll explain it simpler, and I'll point out the important parts." She said.

"Okay nevermind, I'll read it myself." Dachi said.

"Oh ok..." Nikku said feeling rejected.

"Alright then." Morihro said.

Asuka resumed her reading. While Dachi was trying to read the book he was given. Nikku was just resting in her hospital bed.

"Oh yeah Dachi, there's something you need to know about yourself." Morihro said.

Nikku gulped. She knew how Dachi was so oblivious of being a jinchuriki. Asuka also didn't know about his condition.

"Dachi, you're a jinchuriki." He said.

He put his book down. "What...? But... how...?" He said.

"Dachi is a jinchuriki?! How?!" Asuka shouted.

Nikku and Morihro nodded and began to speak the truth.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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