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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
Mist surrounded Dachi and I. The must healed our wounds. "Is This your clan's speciality jutsu?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. It takes a lot of my chakra to do this jutsu, and also replenishes your chakra", Asuka said.

"I see", I said as I looked at the barrier.

"Hey the barrier is gone!" Dachi shouted.

We saw sound ninja take Orichimaru away from the forest. "Hey! They're getting away! Let's go guys!" Dachi shouted as he began to get up.

"Stop Dachi, it won't do any good. We proabably wouldn't be able to reach them. And if we did, it's four against three", I said.

It looks like Orichimaru is weakened. His arms don't look too good. Wait, if he gotten away, does that mean? The Hokage didn't succeed killing him?

Then, the Hokage is dead himself and also along with other shinobi.. then, war is finally over.

Asuka had to go heal other shinobi. The other people started to rebuild the village. I went to where I lived. I cleaned off the blood off me.

~Some Time Later~
It was time. A funeral of the third Hokage and the other leaf shinobi who died. What's the point? Why would I celebrate for someone people I didn't know. Then, I heard my door slam open. "Kronosa! Aren't you going to the Hokage's funeral?!" Dachi asked.

"There's not even a point of being in the funeral. Leave me be Dachi", I said.

"Yes there is!" He said.

"Tell me then", I said.

"He's done everything for everyone in this village", he said.

"Oh really, what has he done for me?" I said.

"He protected your home! The hidden leaf village!" Dachi said.

"The hidden leaf isn't really my home, it's just a mere place that I set foot on", I said.

"So what happens if everything in your house and village was destroyed?!" Dachi shouted.

"So what, I can always pick another place", I said.

"Ugh!" Dachi shouted.

"Hn", I nodded.

"So here's the question, are you a traitor of the hidden leaf or a comrade? You figure that out, 'cause I can't", he said as he shut the door and left.

I looked down on the ground. "Maybe".

I heard the droplets of water coming down. So even the heavens are crying.

I looked at the window. I walked over and opened it. A crow came into the window, settling on my shoulder. I closed the window.

I brought out some seeds and held them in my hand. "Friend or Foe? Good question."

Time passed. Everyone was back inside their homes. I walked. And placed a white flower on the pedestal and walked back.

"Maybe I am, or maybe I'm not"

So the enemy has failed, and the enemy is a traitor of the hidden leaf. Our village is growing weak. We'll have more invaders. And we need a new Hokage. Or this village will crumble, till it's nothing but rubble and dust.

I wonder who it'll be.

But, how about my purpose?

I have little memory of who created me. All I know, is that... they had a mind of a demon.

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