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~No One's P.O.V~
"Hidan and Kakuzu are dead?" Kronosa said.

"Yep un." Deidara said.

Kronosa was currently talking to Deidara about Hidan and Kakuzu's death. "I get how Hidan died, like the moron he is, but Kakazu? I wondered who killed him?" Kronosa said.

"I heard that Hidan was killed by a leaf shinobi named Shikamaru. While Kakazu was takened down by a couple of leaf shinobi un." Deidara said.

"I see then...." she said.

"But.... it's been a while since I been on a mission." Kronosa said.

"True un. How come un?" Deidara questioned.

"I don't know, but I feel like that I have to do something that's at least productive." Kronosa stated.

"I see un. Make sense un." He said.

'So far, we've failed to capture the nine tails which is Naruto, and the two tails which is Dachi. While, I'm here, trying to pick up the pieces of my past. I feel like that old man Orochimaru is telling lies, but at the same time, it feels like he's not. I just don't get it.' Kronosa thought.

Kronosa looked at the sky from the rock she was sitting with Deidara. She watched the clouds move slowly.

'Lies or truth? Lies or truth? I simply cannot decide. Maybe I should of not told him to stay away. I could've used that opportunity to ask some questions. But I was so caught up with my emotions to thinking he was telling lies. Next time, I'll use the next opportunity wisely, if there is a next opportunity.' Kronosa thought once more.

Kronosa was then thinking about her memories when she was a child. The ones she could remember. There, in that time where she was treated like trash.

'I've always thought that I never would need to use or resort to violence. I never knew that the world was so cruel. How they treat their kind with things that could harm a human being. I was teased for having for no parents. For being an orphan.

I had to become stronger, for no one would never stand up for me. In the academy, I was then respected for my skill and intelligence. No one bullied me anymore.

And if they did, it would resort to the sound of me breaking their bones, flesh, and the sound of screaming out in pain. I liked their screams of pain, it brings me joy that they're paying the price of inflicting pain on a being.

But, I guess that is just the world of shinobi.

I only accepted the people who lacked arrogance and had loyality in them. Dachi and Naruto. The two I knew who had experienced pain. They would know what I went through, having no parents and being alone.

But I gotten used to the feeling of being alone. And being emotionless, if you can't feel anything, I can't feel pain and happiness. But you feel like you have a giant void inside you, like you're empty inside...

Although I left my friends to join the Akatsuki so I can learn about past and who had created me. I hope my friends forgive for my decision. Although I mocked them, and caused them some pain. I don't know it's possible, but I hope they forgive me.

If there is a forgiveness like that.

I just know, I'm not a real human. I may be a monster. Or I may be both. I have both qualities from each kind, but I know that I was created. Artificial. I wasn't borned like a normal human was, I was simply created.

I know my purpose was to be a weapon. I need to know more. How am I? What am I? Who was my creator? Why is my purpose is to be a weapon? Why couldn't my life be ordinary just like any shinobi?

If I never know, I have no purpose in this world, and no meaning. No destiny. And that giant void of emptiness will grow larger and larger. If there is no past, there is no future. I'll be always asking these questions with no one to answer them, and I would be losing my sanity each day.'

"Kasaku? You still there un?" Deidara questioned.

Kronosa had her mind snap to reality from her thoughts. "Huh?" She said.

"You must of dozed off for a while un." He said.

"Yeah. Probably." She said.

Morihro was back from his main 'intention' in visiting the hospital. "Nikku, is Dachi alright and ready to go?" Morihro asked.

"No sensei. He stills needs resting from the recoil he got from using his new jutsu." Nikku said.

"I see then. Anyways, I intend to report this new discovery to the Hokage. Do you mind if I do?" He asked.

"You'll have to ask Dachi. Afterall, it was his discovery." Nikku said.

"Dachi. Do you?" Morihro asked.

It took a short moment for Dachi to respond.

"Sure sensei." He said.

Well, that's it for this chapter. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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