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~No One's P.O.V~
"Lee, what is it?" Dachi asked.

"We'll talk about soon, just follow me guys." Rock Lee said.

"Uh, hello..." Nikku said.

"Oh hi! I believe we haven't met yet! My name is Rock Lee! Yours?" he said.

"Nikku." Nikku said.

"Well, you are very welcome to come with us Nikku!" Rock Lee said.

Rock Lee led the three to a bench in the middle of the forest. "So, what is it?" Dachi questioned.

"It's about Sasuke." Neji said.

It's been a while since the three heard about Sasuke. Asuka used to like Sasuke back in the academy. But she couldn't bring herself to keep liking a power hungry traitor after he left the village.

Nikku on the other hand, didn't know who Sasuke was. Based on Team Morihro's description of Sasuke, he was a traitor of the leaf village.

"So... what about Sasuke?" Asuka questioned.

"So some cloud ninja came over and told Naruto that Sasuke kidnapped their master." Kiba said.

"He did what?!" Asuka said.

Out of all of Team Morihro, Asuka was the least careless about Sasuke. "Yep, you heard me." Kiba said.

"W-What..? Sasuke would never do that." Ino said.

Soon enough, Ino was crying herself out. "If Ino is acting like this, just imagine how Sakura and Naruto would be taking this." Shino said.

"And don't forget Shikamaru, he still blames himself for that mission to retrieve Sasuke." Choji added.

"Yeah.." Dachi said.

Dachi felt bad for Naruto. Naruto was his best friend afterall. He also knew that Sasuke was one of Naruto's best friends. The fact that one of his friends left him, it hurt Dachi. "What about Kronosa?" Asuka questioned.

"So far, Kronosa hasn't done anything wrong to the other nations. She may be an Akatsuki member, but she surprisingly hasn't harmed any nations." Neji said.

"Yeah, but she's bound to do something. Afterall, she's the daughter of Orochimaru. She'll probably do something snaky just like her father." Kiba said.

"Kiba, shut up." Dachi said.

"Huh, what?" Kiba said.

"You don't know anything about Kronosa. Let alone her intentions. Just because Kabuto said she's the daughter of Orochimaru, doesn't mean it's true. And even if it is true, she's different from Orochimaru." Dachi said.

"Then how do you know her intentions?" Kiba questioned.

"Because she's our friend. Kronosa would've destroyed the village already if she was just like Orochimaru. " Asuka said as she jumped into the conversation.

"That's right." Dachi added.

"Why you..." Kiba growled.

"Enough. Let's not jump to conclusions and fight. Fighting will get us nowhere. It won't solve any of our problems." Shino said.

"Shino is right!" Rock Lee said.

"Sasuke and Kronosa has done enough damage to us! We'll have to take them down!" Kiba said.

"Kronosa hasn't done anything!" Asuka said.

"Don't tell me you don't know, we all know that Kronosa is part of the Akatsuki. Meaning she's trying to capture all the tailed beasts like Naruto and Dachi." Kiba said.

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