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~No One's P.O.V~
So far all the divisions hadn't encountered any enemies yet. All of them were starting to get suspicious. 'How come we haven't encountered any enemies yet. Madara annouces war and he he hasn't showed up yet. Not that I want to fight, but we were prepared for this to encounter nothing...' Asuka thought as she was sitting inside her tent.

Meanwhile, Dachi, Naruto, and Nikku were training with Killer Bee. Dachi really didn't have a problem turning in his two tails chakra mode. And he had no problem transforming into his tailed beast out due to him befriending her before training here.

The two tails, Matatabi was trying to assist Dachi of how to form a tailed beast bomb when he was transformed into the two tails.

Dachi was also assisted by Killer Bee as well. Naruto was having a harder time than Dachi in the transformation into his tailed beast. Naruto was also struggling with in forming a tailed beast bomb in only in his nine tails chakra mode.

"How are you doing this Dachi?!" Naruto asked.

"Well, the two tails and I were already friends before training so..." Dachi nervously laughed.

"Friends with the two tails?! H-How?!" Naruto questioned.

"I guess the two tails is the nicest out of all the tailed beasts...? Ha... ha...?" Dachi said as he was questioning that himself.

On the other hand, Nikku did not have undergo this type of training. She only had to hone her teleportation skills and manage her nine tails chakra. She did not have the ability to tailed beast chakra mode or even transform into the tailed beast9 itself.

Instead she had a form called Nine Tails Aura Form which was a yellow aura surrounding her. Her fox form was also affected by appearance by its red fur turning to yellow.

Iur had already gotten out of Obito's hideout and started searching for the remaining jinchuriki. 'Ah yes, Obito did say that the fourth great ninja war was occurring in this timeline. So these shinobi are on high guard. Especially with their precious jinchuriki.

But no matter, with the Hakaigan and Rinnegan in my possession, no one could stop me in this timeline. Hm, perhaps I should destroy this timeline, so no one will get in my way. Hm, not everyone I suppose. Just enough for a declined nuisance.

I just mostly have to find where the jinchuriki are. Jinchuriki are valuable, I hope they are just valuable here as they are in my timeline. So, they must be hiding them or letting them fight in war. Either ways, I'll find them.

No one is possibly powerful enough to stop me in this timeline. But who knows, some shinobi in this timeline could be capable enough to stop me. But I would like to see some strong shinobi, that way if I take them out, I can prove myself to be the strongest shinobi in two timelines. Again, I have a time limit when traveling into a timeline that isn't mine from my Hakaigan. One month. One month is all I have.

And it is sure to be enough.' Iur thought.

As Kabuto and Kronosa were searching through the hideout for more information about Kronosa. Kabuto asked her a question. "Don't you have the curse mark?"

"Yes, but it's not physically on my skin, only in DNA form. As Orochimaru said." Kronosa said.

"The curse mark is basically natural energy which is senjutsu." Kabuto said.

"Hm?" Kronosa responded.

"I mean with the curse mark, it does have more risky drawbacks than sage mode." He said.

"I'll still do senjutsu Kabuto if that's the case. I don't prefer to use the curse mark anyway, it's risky and some people I despise use it." She said.

"Then how many times have you used it?" Kabuto asked.

"It wasn't on command, if that's what you're suggesting. But it activated twice." Kronosa answered.

"Interesting." Kabuto whispered.

"Act like yourself Kabuto." Kronosa said.

"What?" Kabuto questioned confused.

"You don't act anything like yourself. You act just like Orochimaru. You know, I'll admit that you intriguing back in the chunin exams. Although I did have suspicions about you." She said.

"How so?" He asked.

"I'm not the type of individual to express opinionated facts. But it seemed like you had talent. Now it seems, you're just a clone of Orochimaru. And I'm not particularly proud of my father." She said.

Kabuto didn't respond to that afterwards. 'If Kabuto really was telling the truth that he injected Orochimaru's DNA into himself. Then there's a possibility that he's been overtaken by Orochimaru. Orochimaru is truly a snake if that's the case.

And of course, his objective of obtaining Sasuke, is just like Orochimaru. Kabuto really has been driven to a point where he doesn't even know or act himself anymore. I wonder if I could've been like him if I never found information about myself. Or I was created without knowing a single thing about myself. If this is really Orochimaru, he won't be completely obedient like Kabuto.

So I'll make Kabuto be himself again instead of being another Orochimaru. Because Kabuto Yakushi is his real identity. Not Orochimaru.' Kronosa thought.

Both individuals resumed searching for more information. And they were on the next hideout soon enough. As they searched once more, Kronosa was thinking about something in her mind.

'Why do I insist to help Kabuto in retrieving his identity...? Maybe I just despise how I hate that he's acting like a snake like Oorchimaru. Afterall, I never really had a bond with my father.' Kronosa thought.

"Kabuto. You did state that there was going to be a fourth great ninja war. How come we haven't heard any type of warfare?" she questioned.

"Hm, you are right. But that isn't really any of our concern unless if we get attacked." he said.

"Hn." Kronosa responded.

'I really wonder why warfare hasn't been heard yet. I know the nations aren't fighting another. They're fighting Tobi. How come Tobi hasn't come out fighting yet?

He has six tailed beasts. And I've one of his abilities before. Who knows what other abilities he has. There's no way he's being a coward, he's powerful and he knows it himself.' Kronosa thought.

Welp that's it guys. And by the way, the next chapter is the 100th part which is unbelievable. It's not the 100th chapter but we're close to the 100th chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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