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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
There was a mission. A mission to take Sasuke back from Orichimaru.

That douchebag had to left the village didn't he?

More problems yes, it's annoying.

Shikamaru is the squad leader. Dang it.

I have to go, and also Dachi. By the order of the fifth Hokage. Why do we have to sacrifice so much for him?

I hate him. If he wants to go to Orichimaru, let him be. But, leaf shinobi are like that aren't they? Never betraying or abandoning their comrades.

Such a bother.

We were at the entrance of the Leaf Village. Sakura was crying herself out, begging Naruto to bring Sasuke back. Naruto, I have to say.

Your promise is pure stupidity and idiocy.

Sasuke, won't take back his decision.

"What's the point of this mission, Sasuke left the village. Why would he take back his decision?" I said.

"What?! Do you even call yourself a leaf shinobi?!" Dachi shouted.

Everyone jumped in. "Yeah! Sasuke is a leaf shinobi too! We'll save him no matter what!" Sakura said.

"Tsk, tsk. And look at you, standing here begging someone that you trash talked", I said.

"She did her best!" Kiba said.

"Yeah. Worse of her 'best'", I said.

"If you don't want to do this mission, then leave", Shikamaru said.

"Of course", I said as I started walking away.

"How can you call yourself a leaf shinobi?" Dachi asked.

I stopped walking.

"I still haven't found the answer Dachi", I said.

"It doesn't take 48 hours just to think of an answer", he said.

"Hn. Maybe it does", I said as resumed walking away.

I wonder how their mission will turn out. I need more information about Orichimaru. If I need to know the situation better, I need to find a way. Orichimaru isn't a threat to me yet. He might be an important person to know about.

He must be a strong shinobi, taking down the Third like that. He uses many forbidden jutsu. I need to gather more information and knowledge. Knowledge is a strength. And I need more.

As for the others, they'll grow stronger soon.

As for my right eye, I need to keep this hidden a little longer. As for my kekkai genkai on my palm. I've been practicing how to use it, I think I'll use this kekkai genkai soon. I've learned to control it better. I'll use it.


I used my time to gather information and to train and read. And if some free time, sketch and draw.

~Some Time Later/ Dachi's P.O.V~
This, can't be.


We failed.

Two of my friends are in major injury. I helped all my friends in the mission. We were lucky that the sand ninja came to our aid. "I can feel your worry, don't worry. You and your friends will be fine", the nurse said.

I'm not just worried about them. I'm worried what the enemy will do. Gah!

I know Kronosa's strengths. She would've helped us a lot on this mission. But it would still be a failure. Sasuke isn't changing his mind anytime soon. Which sucks.

Asuka would've helped too. But, she would get injured badly and not able to heal us. Either ways. What happened, happened. And we can't change that. Naruto tried so hard to get him back. I feel bad for Naruto. He struggles to help his teammates.

How come Kronosa hasn't thought of an answer yet?

Then, Kronosa came and opened my door. "Hn" she said as she waved at me slightly.

I nodded.

"I suppose the mission was a failure", She said.

"Yeah..." I said sadly.

"Told you that Sasuke wouldn't change his mind", she said.

"Well, maybe it's alright to try!" I said.

"Yeah alright, the condition you're in is alright", she said sarcastically.

"Gah.." I groaned.

"Here Asuka gave me some good medicine to give to you to make your injuries heal faster", she said.

"I really don't think I need it, I mean the medics are helping me", I said.

"Hn. I see", she said as she put the medicine back in her pouch.

"Kronosa", I said.

"Hn?" She said.

"Why are you always so cold?" I asked.

".....I'm always dead inside.. I don't feel emotions most of the time. It's now I am. But I also have a question for your too", she said.

"Yeah?" I said.

"How can you remain so happy when the villagers despised you when you were younger", I said.

"I just always stay on the bright side!" I said as I smiled.

"I see, your ability to stay happy is impressive", she said.

"How is that impressive?" I asked.

"I couldn't stay happy, for even 10 minutes", she chuckled.

"You just chuckled, you are happy", I said.

"I felt every different emotion most of the time. But happiness and joy are rare for me", she said.

"Oh", I said.

"Enough of my pointless talk. Get better soon Dachi", she said as she went out the door and closed it.

Wow, she's really good at ending a conversation.

I sighed and layed back and relaxed. I need to feel relaxed and calm. But I can't help not being worried. I'll just do the best I can.

That's all for this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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