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~No Ones P.O.V~
Kronosa looked at the older men. She recognized at least one of them. And they were both wearing cloaks, with red clouds on them. Kronosa recognized them, they were the Akatsuki.

"Hey Itachi, wouldn't we kill intruders who are in our territory?" The taller man with shark features said.

"Don't react too soon Kisame", the other man said.

Kronosa knew they were strong, so she knew that one mistake could mess it up. "Enemy territory? Your territory?" She said in a slightly deeper voice than her regular voice.

"Yeah!" The man with shark features said.

"Hn." Kronosa said.

The mask that Kronosa wore concealed from her face being shown. "You're from the Leaf Village, aren't you? Are you on a mission to hunt us down?" Itachi questioned.

"No, quite the opposite. But it would be quite idiotic if the Leaf Village sent one ninja to hunt down Akatsuki." She said.

"Then.. how do we know you're not lying?" Kisame said.

"I'm not attacking you." She said.

"Then what do you want?" Itachi asked.

"I want to join the Akatsuki." She said.

"Hah! Like we'll let you join! Are you even serious?!" Kisame said.

"I am serious. I may some use to you." She said sternly.

"What are your intentions then?" Itachi asked.

"My intentions..? To find out who I am." She said.

They both nodded. "I will do no harm to you. You have my word." Kronosa said.

"What's your name?" Kisame asked.

Kronosa did think about a name for hiding her identity. "Kasaku." She said.

"Alright then, let Itachi test out your abilities." Kisame said.

"Before we start testing your abilities. You must know my whereabouts since you are from the Leaf Village." Itachi said.

"Of course I do, I don't underestimate anyone." Kronosa said.

"Good. Let's begin." He said as he activated his Sharigan.

Kisame stepped out to a safe zone from the battle. Kronosa made her first move, since it looked like that Itachi didn't have an intention doing it. Kronosa pulled her sleeve up and removed her glove and used a kunai to cut her thumb. She performed hand signs and put her palms on the ground. "Summoning Jutsu!" She said.

The three scouted for Kronosa. They near the forest. "I feel a presence guys. Be cautious on be on your guard." Morihro said.

"Alright", Dachi and Asuka said.

After a while, they felt a presence. They stopped for a while. "Well..." A voice said.

"It's seems like I wandered into some enemies." The voice continued.

"Who are you?!" Asuka asked.

The shadow revealed himself. It was Kisame, but the three had no idea who he was. "That cloak.. you're from the Akatsuki!" Morihro said.

"You're quite right." He said.

Kisame drew his huge sword. Asuka and Dachi drew out their weapons that Kronosa made them. "Dachi, your katana can't be any use right now becuase of his sword." Morihro said.

"Alright." Dachi said as he drew it back.

"Asuka, small weapons may be some use like your sais." He said.

Asuka nodded. "You leaf village shinobi are like pests to us." He said.

"And you're a nuisance to our mission." Morihro said.

"Heh, I'll take you pests out." He said.

"Wind Style: Wind Vortex!" Dachi shouted.

"Water Style: Strangling Water!" Asuka said.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon!" Morihro shouted.

A dragon made out of all things natural came out of the ground. Asuka's stream of water was streaming towards him. Dachi's wind was charging towards him.

He dodged the wind and blocked the water. He also countered with his own attack which was the jutsu Water Style: Shark Bomb.

This battle was going to last a while.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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