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~No Ones P.O.V~
While Dachi was trying to inflict a punch on Kronosa, Nikku was trying to use Rasengan on her.

Kronosa dodged every attack. She then weaved some hand signs. "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu." She said as she puffed a ball of fire at them.

Dachi pulled Nikku by the hand and teleported with her to a different area. The two were teleported on top of a tree. Kronosa was clearly aware where they were.

"Your Jougan is useless against my Sharigan. I know exactly what move your going to make and where you are." She said as she threw some needles at them.

Dachi teleported once again with his Jougan with Nikku. Nikku tried healing herself with her ninjutsu. "Wind Style: Typhoon Dual Swords!" Dachi shouted.

Two swords of wind formed in his hands. Nikku was fully healed from her chest wound when Dachi took the time to weave his hand signs. "Here Nikku." Dachi said as he handed her one of the typhoon swords.

Nikku took it and stood up. "Dachi I have an idea." Nikku whispered.

"Yeah?" He said.

"I'll use my Blinding Fire Jutsu, and she can't use her Sharigan for 30 seconds. It should enough to inflict some damage on her." Nikku said.

"Great idea Nikku!" Dachi said.

"But you'll have to distract her." Nikku said.

"Alright then!" Dachi said.

Dachi took out his katana. He charged at Kronosa and prepared to swing his sword at her. Kronosa dodged every swing he swung at her.

Dachi then weaved some hand signs. "Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones!" He shouted.

Kronosa dodged every single of them. Nikku was also indeed fast as well. After Kronosa was done dodging the stones, she weaved some hand signs. "Fire Style: Blinding Fire! Now go Dachi!" Nikku shouted.

The fire blinded Kronosa for some seconds. Dachi charged at Kronosa and swung his typhoon sword at her. While Nikku had some hesitation, she was afraid to kill anyone. What would happen if she killed someone?

After all this was an enemy, who tried to capture her friend. But, she had a fear of killing people.

If she killed someone, she would proabably be treated harshly like the sand village did to her when she was younger.

They would call her a monster.

Maybe should could injure her, but not kill her. She targeted the sword at Kronosa's arm, while Dachi targeted the typhoon sword at her chest.

Kronosa had realized that some damage had been done to her. She coughed up some blood. Her arm wasn't chopped off by the typhoon sword, it was wounded instead. While the typhoon sword was in her chest. She coughed out more blood.

She started to laugh in a sadistic tone. "Why do you have hesitation to attack to me? It was a good plan, but if you actually did attack me full on with no hesitation, one of my limbs could've been amputated. Or if you targeted my chest, I could've died instead." Kronosa said.

"What are you? A masochist? Look at the condition you're in." Dachi said.

"All I realized is that you people need to work together to defeat to me." She said.

She coughed more blood out. "Who the heck are you anyway?!" Dachi shouted.

"Simple. A member from the Akatsuki." She said.

Nikku felt useless. She couldn't kill her right on the spot. "You Akatsuki... I hate you all! You try to hurt my friends!" Dachi shouted.

"Spit your rants at me, I don't care what you think about the Akatsuki. We could care less." She said.

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