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~No One's P.O.V~
Last night, Dachi slept on the bed. Nikku slept on the floor, while Asuka slept on the couch.

Nikku was the first to wake up. She had finished all the sushi that Asuka's mom had made for her.

She got up and looked out the window. It was still raining. Asuka started to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes. Nikku looked at her.

Asuka yawned and stretched. "Good morning Nikku..." She said.

She got up and looked outside. "... Well, not exactly a good morning...." She said.

Nikku nodded. "Shouldn't we be checking on Dachi?" Asuka asked.

"Oh yeah!" Nikku said.

Nikku walked to Asuka's bedroom. Dachi was already awake, stretching and rubbing his eyes.

"Where am I...? How did I get here...?" Dachi grumbled. He looked around and saw Nikku and Asuka. "Oh! Nikku and Asuka, where are we?" He noticed.

"Dachi, we're in Asuka's place. You're in Asuka's bed since you fainted during training. Then, it started raining, and I was worried that you might sick, so I brang you to the Kurokawa household." Nikku said.

"Fainted?! Training!?" Dachi started to pull down his blanket. "I gotta go now!" Dachi started to get off the bed.

"Slow down Dachi!" Asuka said.

"Asuka and I are both medical ninja, so we know what's best for you!" Nikku said.

"Right Nikku. You need to rest from training, from what Nikku told me, you fainted countless times from the exhaustion of your training." Asuka said.

"Awww man!" He groaned.

"I'm going to ask my mom to cook us food." Asuka said as she left her bedroom.

"Ugh... How am I ever going to protect my friends..?" Dachi groaned.

"You will soon Dachi." Nikku smiled. "You just need some rest right now." She said.

Dachi sighed. "Fine."

Asuka came back. With a saddened look on her face. "What happened Asuka...?" Nikku asked.

"During one of the missions... Someone lost their life..." Asuka said sadly.

"Who?!" Dachi shouted.

"Asuma-Sensei..... " She said.

Dachi and Nikki's expressions began to sadden as well. "Why..? Just why..? First it's the third Hokage, now it's Asuma-Sensei...." Dachi said.

"Who killed him?" Nikku asked.

"An Akatsuki member..." Asuka said.

"How did you get this information..?" Nikku asked.

"I went to my mom outside, she had a saddened look... And she told me why she was upset.. And this was the reason... " Asuka said.

"I see..." Nikku said.

She then walked to Dachi. "Dachi... It's going to alright. I know that his team members were very close to him, and they will honor Asuma-Sensei." Nikku said.

"Thanks Nikku..." Dachi said.

Dachi looked down. "The Akatsuki will pay, for taking away Asuma-Sensei, and Kronosa." He said.

Kronosa laid against a tree. She was using her ring to communicate with the other Akatsuki members. "Hidan actually killed one of the leaf's shinobi?" Kronosa said.

"Hey are you underestimating me Kasaku?!" Hidan shouted.

"No, I'm surprised even a man like the stupidity you have, actually defeated Asuma, one of the Guardian Shinobi Twelve." Kronosa said dryly.

"Argh! Your insults annoy me Kasaku!" Hidan said clearly irritated.

"That wasn't an insult. It was simply critism." She said.

"Goddamn y-"

"Hidan. Shut up." Kakazu said.

"But Kakaz-"

"I said SHUT UP Hidan." Kakazu said in a slightly more irritated voice.

"Enough all of you." Pain said.

Everyone turned to him. "We don't have the nine tails or the two tails. Some of you keep failing to bring us the jinchurki." Pain said in a stern voice.

Everyone stayed silent. "We must capture the two tails and nine tails soon." Pain said.

Everyone nodded. "I hope you all understand." Pain said.

Then, everyone's holograms disappeared. Kronosa opened her eyes. Revealing her yellow, fierce eyes.

"I will soon know about who I am." She said.

The rain soon subsided. Nikku, Dachi, and Asuka ate their breakfast before going outside to get some fresh air.

Nikku sighed and stretched. The three were walking around the village. They looked around, wondering around.

"Do you think we're going to save Kronosa?" Dachi asked.

"We will, and bring her back in the leaf village." Asuka said.

"I hope so." Dachi said.

"Me too." Nikku said.

Sorry it's a bit short. Well that's it for this chapter. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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