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~No Ones P.O.V~
Dachi and Asuka found out that there was a man replacing Kakashi for a while who goes by the name Yamato.

Dachi and Asuka were sitting together in the ramen shop. "First Sasuke, now Kronosa. What's this madness?!" Dachi shouted.

"It is weird.." Asuka said.

"Weird?! Weird is not the word! This is popostrus!" Dachi shouted.

"You young man, calm down." The ramen man said.

"I got him mister." Asuka said.

"Alright then." He said.

"Then, we get new members on a team. That weirdo Sai and a weird dude named Yamato!" Dachi shouted.

"Dachi calm down, maybe their good teammates. We just recently found them out, so we don't know." Asuka said.

"Yeah, yeah, I guess your right." Dachi said.

Asuka sighed as Dachi laid back. "WAIT, since Kronosa left our team aren't we gonna have a new teammate too?!" Dachi asked.

"I suppose..." Asuka said.

Dachi didn't want to use the word 'abandon for his friend for that other statement he said. He rather use something less harsh and disrespectful. "Gah! No! Nothing can ever replace our friend!" Dachi shouted.

"Well, we can't do anything about it, if they do replace Kronosa or not.." Asuka sadly said.

"Yeah.. let's just hope that- if we do have a new teammate, let's hope he or she won't be a douchebag." Dachi said.

"Hhm." Asuka nodded.

"Thanks ramen guy." Dachi said as he paid for the ramen and left.

"No problem." He said.

Dachi and Asuka walked around the village. They had their thoughts based off their teammate. They needed to stop thinking of Kronosa for a while at least.

"Wanna train?" Dachi asked as he turned to Asuka.

"Sure." She said.

They went to the usual training spot near the forest. They were practicing their jutsu and strategies. Then, Morihro-Sensei appeared.

"Guys, I have news." He announced.

"I have a suggestion. I am comrades with the two tails jinchuriki." Kronosa said in the meeting.

All the Akatsuki members looked at her. "Who is it?" Pain asked.

"Dachi Uzamaki." Kronosa said.

Pain thought of something for a moment. "Kasaku, when the time is right, I'll assign you a mission with a partner to capture the two tails jinchuriki." He said.

"Alright." She said.

"This meeting over." He announced.

Everyone's holograms disappeared. "Friends with a two tails jinchuriki un." Deidara said.

"Yeah." She said.

"Kasuku, how's he's like un?" Deidara asked.

"..If I were to describe him, I would say that he's loud but he's a strong shinobi." Kronosa said.

"I see un." He said.

"Well.. look what other shinobi did to your arms. So don't underestimate anyone." Kronosa said.

"Suppose your right un." Deidara said.

They both walked on. "Well, since we're partners. We should get to know each other's abilities and maybe we could tell each other something about each other." She suggested.

"Why not un." Deidara said.

"What is it sensei?" Dachi asked.

"Well... you guys are going to have a new teammate." He said.

"Wait what? WHAT?!" Dachi freaked out running to his sensei.

Asuka held him back. "Dachi calm down!" Asuka turned to Morihro-Sensei. "It will be a good teammate right sensei?" Asuka said.

"Yeah.." He agreed.

Dachi finally calmed down and Asuka let him go. "Well.. where is he or she? Anyways is our new teammate a guy or not?" Dachi asked.

"I'll show you guys." Morihro said as he signaled them to follow him.

"I hope our new teammate is nice and strong." Asuka said.

"Yeah!" Dachi shouted.

They resumed walking along with Morihro to see their new teammate.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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