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~No Ones P.O.V~
"So you failed the mission?" Pein asked.

They nodded yes. "I see then. We shall try again later on. And later, we'll succeed and have some better planning." He said.

"Alright then." Kronosa said.

The others nodded their head.

"The Rasengan..?" Nikku questioned.

"Yes." Morihro said.

"Master Jiraiya." She said.

"Huh? How?" Morihro asked.

"When I was in the sand village, he traveled there and taught me the Rasengan. He was my first master ever." She said.

"You do know that the Rasengan is the fourth Hokage's jutsu." He said.

"Of course I do, he told me." She said.

"Well, how long did it take you to master the jutsu?" He asked.

"2 years." She said.

Morihro was a bit shocked of the amount training she got from Jiraiya to perfect that jutsu. "I see then." He said.

Nikku laid back in her bed. "Well, Jiraiya is in the Leaf village." He said.

"Huh? Really?!" She shouted.

"Yeah." He said.

"Alright! I'm going to get up and-"

"No Nikku, you have to lay back down and rest." He said.

"Alright sensei..." She said.

"I want to get up too sensei!" Dachi shouted.

"Ugh, both of you are so impatient." He said.

"Sensei is right guys, we all need rest since we just fought the Akatsuki and we need to recover from our injuries." Asuka said.

They both groaned and laid back down. "But, my injuries aren't that bad. I'm a medical ninja too!" Nikku said.

Morihro looked at her. "Really?" He asked.

"Of course I am. All I have to do is heal myself and you guys." She said.

"Heal yourself then." Morihro said.

She healed herself on her arm, it healed quickly. "See!" Nikku said.

"Now we have two medical ninjas in our team..." Dachi said.

"So Nikku, you battle and heal?" Morihro asked.

"Hhm." She said.

"Who taught you how to heal?" He asked.

"Well, I was trained to be a medical ninja in the sand village. It was an old lady, not to be rude. I think her name was Lady Chiyo." She said.

"Chiyo huh? How did you learn how to fight?" Morihro asked.

"I practiced secretly myself. And also Master Jiraiya taught me some strategies." Nikku said.

"I see then." He said.

They all laid back down on their bed. Morihro sighed at his students. While Dachi wanted to get up and beat the Akatsuki up. Asuka was just resting since she worned out of the fight she had. Nikku was thinking about her old master.

"Nikku." Dachi said.

"Um..yeah?" She responded.

"Sorry for hating on you, even though I barely met you at first. But.. Kronosa will still be our friend." Dachi said.

"Its quite alright. Your emotions are completely understandable. And I know.. I can never replace your friend. We're both different people, and I never replace her. I know I can't replace the original." She said.

"...Yeah.." Dachi said.

Nikku stared into his eyes. "I want to take out the Akatsuki. I want to take them out becuase they took away my friend. I know they did. And they took away one of our leaf shinobi. And they hurt so many of my friends." He said.

"I see then. Your pain is quite understandable." Then, Nikku turned to Dachi. "Have you've felt pain of being neglected and hated?"

"Yeah.. it hurts." He said.

"Why did they treat you like that?" She asked.

"Becuase I was friends with Naruto, he was a jinchuriki. And some knew I was a jinchuriki myself too." Dachi said sadly.

"I was neglected, for being a shapeshifter. And I had abnormal chakra level. And being weak. But, I didn't want to kill anyone, the scene is just... horrifying." Nikku said.

"Guess we've felt the same pain." He said.

"Yeah." She said.

"Well, at least we have some friends to help us up." Dachi said as he smiled.

"Yeah.." She said. "Friends..."

Dachi laid back in his bed and started to stretch and yawn. "Well.. I'm tired as heck." He said then started to sleep.

Nikku turned to the other side of her bed and started to sleep as well. Morihro glanced over to them, and found them asleep. "Good, their asleep." He said.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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