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~No Ones P.O.V~
"You think that's going to work on me first try?" Kisame said.

The three nodded. "Heh." He sneered.

He took out his sword out and rested it on his shoulder. "We can't attack him bluntly, we should come up with a strategy and also observe his movements." Asuka said.

"You have a point. I'll plan the strategy alright?" Morihro said.

"Alright", Dachi said.

Morihro quickly whispered them the plan. They quickly jumped onto a different branch. "Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones!" Dachi shouted.

Kisame blocked the stones with his sword. The battlefield was clearly a disadvantage, even if he summoned water, it would be a waste of chakra since the terrain was a forest and  it had many things in it. While, the three had an advantage since two of them were earth users.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet!" Morihro shouted.

Kisame blocked with his sword once again, then Dachi activated his Jougan and teleported behind Kisame. "Wind Style: Typhoon Dual Swords!" Dachi shouted.

The typhoon swords made out of wind targeted towards Kisame. He dodged the first sword, but the other Typhoon Sword got him. He coughed out a bit of blood. "My typhoons swords, are impossible to remove from your chest." Dachi said as he stepped away from Kisame.

Kisame threw his sword up high and did some hand signs. "Water Style: Shark Bomb Jutsu!"

He took his sword back. The sharks targeted all of them. "Water Style: Sapphire Water Razor Blades!" Asuka shouted.

A couple of small water droplets shaped like blades targeted the sharks. The water hardened to a blue stone before hitting the shark bombs. Asuka destroyed the shark bombs that were coming towards them. "Good Asuka." Morihro said.

Asuka nodded in response. "Interesting jutsu you have there. I'm quite impressed actually." Kisame said.

Kisame then coughed off more blood. "I'll take off the sword, if you tell me where Kronosa is." Dachi said.

"Kronosa? Never heard such name." He said.

"Lies!" Asuka said.

"So you leaf village are here to find a certain person?" He said.

"Tell us, or that sword will never be removed from your chest." Dachi said.

"Hah! I never heard such name or person! Why do you think your 'friend' is involved with the Akatsuki?" Kisame said.

Morihro observed his expression. "He's telling the truth, he doesn't know Kronosa." Morihro said.

"Huh?!" The other two said.

"Hmp!" Kisame sneered.

"W-What?! What was the point of fighting him!? We wasted some chakra and he knows our techniques!" Dachi shouted.

"You have a a point.. Dachi." Asuka said.

"Don't we have to kill him?" Dachi asked.

"No.. it won't do us any good.." Morihro said.

"But! He kno-"

"I know Dachi, but we'll be stronger next time we face him." Morihro said.

"Wait what?! You don't mean we're going to release him? We don't know what's he's going to do next if we let him go!" Dachi shouted.

Kisame coughed out more blood. "Are you done yet with your little chat?" He said.

"We can't let him go!" Dachi said.

"Yeah!" Asuka said.

"No, stop." Morihro said as he halted him.

Dachi looked at Kisame. "We didn't destroy you yet, but you must know at least something about Kronosa. I just know it. That sword will stay stuck in your chest for a while." Dachi said.

The only way that Kisame could remove it is by getting a person a wind chakra nature to remove it from him. Only people with the wind chakra could touch the typhoon sword.

"Fine then. I'll find a way to get it off me." Kisame said as he fled.

With his condition, he couldn't possibly win with a sword stuck in his chest and a battlefield with a disadvantage for him. Asuka and Dachi seemed hopeless. "Don't give up, guys. Don't ever give up." Morihro said.

Smoke appeared on the battlefield. Three wolves appeared. One that was grey and had a scar on its right eye. Another one that had red and white fur. And another with black and white fur. "Greyuk, Fangii, and Lundlok, you know what to do." Kronosa said.

The three giant wolves charged at Itachi. Itachi dodged all the wolves. Greyuk stretched out it's tail and wrapped it around Itachi. She took out some needles dipped in poison and threw them at him. They other wolves charged at him with fangs open.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu." He said.

The fire harmed the two wolves and melted the needles. The fire also harmed Greyuk's tail. The three went beside Kronosa. "What's your strategy of yours Kasaku?" Greyuk asked.

"Just do as I say. We'll be fine." She said.

"I heard Itachi is a master of genjutsu how are you going to fare up against that?" He asked once more.

"Oh, I got that all figured out." Kronosa said.

Itachi didn't know that Kronosa had the Sharigan as well, which blocks genjutsu. "Thunder Style: Electric Needles!" She shouted.

The needles chased Itachi as Itachi tried to dodge it. The needles hit Itachi, but it was an illusion. 'Fine then, I'll use genjutsu as well.' Kronosa thought.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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