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~No One's P.O.V~
It's been five days ever since the boy named Iur had came to this timeline. The shinobi alliance were getting suspicious and tired of all the waiting.

Asuka was sitting inside her tent, waiting and wondering.

'Just how long are we going to wait? Is the enemy trying give us more suspension so we're more easily ambushed? Well, I know I'm going to have my guard up. Also, I've been wondering, where's Nikku and Dachi? Wouldn't they be in this war as well? I haven't seen them at all since this war began.' Asuka thought.

Kabuto and Kronosa had already went through of Orochimaru's hideouts so they were on their way to Ryuchi Cave. "You know Lady Kronosa, the leaf village tried to imprison me." Kabuto said as they continued their navigation to Ryuchi Cave.

"Hm?" Kronosa questioned.

"Well they did imprison me but I escaped from the leaf's prison. The girl with the red hair was the mostly the one who helped imprisoning me with her blinding fire jutsu." he remarked.

"A red haired girl? With the blinding fire jutsu? I think I do know her, she was trying desperately to save Dachi when I was fighting him. From the information provided from Dachi, her name is Nikku." Kronosa said.

"Nikku, what?" Kabuto questioned.

"Just Nikku. I didn't hear her last name mentioned. She's my replacement for Team 12. I'll commend her talent as a shinobi, but she couldn't save Dachi." She said.

"Interesting, I never heard of her before. Also when you were in the Akatsuki, did you really intend to capture your old teammate Dachi?" he asked.

"Partially. I intended to, but I when I was there, I wasn't trying to capture him. I wouldn't let the Akatsuki use me like a tool, instead I used them instead. I didn't achieve any successful missions when I was there. I just used the Akatsuki for protection as a rogue when I was trying to find information about myself." Kronosa admitted.

"I see." he responded.

Soon enough, the two arrived at Ryuchi Cave. And that destination was where Kronosa honing her senjutsu.

Then presence that was not within in this timeline had made their existence known. It was an older woman, probably much older than the boy named Iur.

She had long red hair with a ponytail tying it up, a scar on one of her eyes, an eyepatch covering one of her eyes, and she had mostly red attire. She had possessed the Jougan on the scarred eye, but her eyepatch was covering her right eye so it was unknown if she had a dojutsu or not.

'My son is definitely in this timeline. I can sense his presence here. This land is much different from the one in my timeline. It's peaceful and alive with nature. But I can't stand here and think to myself all day. I need to find my son. And stop him.

'How far have you fallen Iur?' she thought.

She then scoured and observed the area to find the a presence with the highest chakra level using her sensory ability. She lunged at the direction of the highest chakra level, but she kept hidden to not get detected by other shinobi. Afterall, in her timeline, shinobi weren't exactly getting along.

It seemed like that the high chakra level she sensed wasn't Iur. But instead a shinobi of this timeline. The shinobi sensed her, and proceeded to throw a kunai at her. The shinobi who threw that kunai had brown hair with blue eyes. Which was Team 12's sensei, Morihro.

The woman had dodged it. And made herself visible to everyone. "I'm not your enemy!" she shouted.

All the shinobi who were all aiming their kunai, still kept their guard on. "Are you really?" Morihro questioned.

"Yes. In fact, I'm here to stop a potential enemy of yours." she said.

"What's your name and why do you want to stop this 'potential enemy of ours?'" Morihro asked.

"I'm Ukkin Namikaze. And I've come to stop this individual so I can stop him from wrecking havoc on this timeline." she said.

"Alright then, who's this individual and what do you mean 'from this timeline?'" Morihro questioned.

"This individual is named Iur Uzumaki. And I am from a future timeline away from this one." Ukkin said.

"Then, if you're from a future timeline. How were you able to time travel?" he asked.

"I combined the powers of my Jougan and Byakugan to time travel. But my power is limited. I cannot change events of the my timeline's past nor I am capable of traveling to my timeline's past. I am only able to travel to past timelines such as this one." Ukkin explained.

That statement received murmurs from the people behind Morihro. "And why does Iur have any business with this timeline?" Morihro questioned.

"I do not know his full intentions. All I know is that Iur wants to bring peace to our timeline. But I can tell his motives on this timeline was malicious before he time traveled here." She said.

"I see. But since you are from another timeline. I assume that you don't know that we're at war, to be exact, the fourth great ninja war." he said.

"War? No wonder you shinobi were really suspicious and cautious to attack me. If I may ask, who are you fighting?" Ukkin asked.

"Madara Uchiha. Is he in your timeline as well?" Morihro responded.

"Y-Yes... but Madara was dead since the First Hokage's time. And he never came back after he died. It seems that this timeline has encountered that monster again." she said.

"So, if Iur is a threat to us all, could we fight back against him?" he asked.

"Why is the shinobi alliance all going to team up against one person. We'll obviously take him down in less than a minute!" a stone shinobi said.

"Yes, shinobi of the stone, you obviously shouldn't waste your time. You have a war to handle afterall. I'll take of Iur myself. A-And the shinobi alliance?" Ukkin questioned.

"You never had a shinobi alliance in your timeline?" Morihro questioned.

"We never did. Shinobi could never agree with one another and they keep fighting with each other. Right now at my timeline, we're in the fourteenth great ninja war." she said.

"The fourteenth ninja war..?!" everyone from the third division exclaimed.

"How could they survive from those amount of wars... it almost makes me think that this war of ours is nothing..." a shinobi murmured.

"Also, so far into this war of ours. No enemy has ever attacked us for five days straight." Morihro said scratching that fatal fact of Ukkin's timeline out of his head.

'Five days straight...? And their opponent is Madara...? No... no.. it can't be. Iur couldn't possibly have.. if he did, then this timeline is in grave danger.' Ukkin thought.

"All of you are in grave danger. If an attack from Madara Uchiha for five days straight has not occurred, there's no reason for Madara to even hide and strategize. He announced this war I assume, so he must be prepared for it. So therefore, something is postponing Madara from attacking. Or something has happened to him..." Ukkin said.

"You're not indicating that Iur has killed Madara, right?" Morihro questioned, feeling very skeptical.

"Yes. I am indicating that. All of you are in grave danger." Ukkin spoke.

Welp that's it guys. Another individual from Iur's timelime has appeared! Also the picture above is my artwork. (The shading was scribbling since I was too lazy to color)

The artwork is basically what Iur looks like without his cloak, and with his Hakaigan and Rinnegan. (Yes I know the hand anatomy is off, I know I need to practice that) So, stay swag, and peace out!

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