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~No Ones P.O.V~
The three resumed their search after the battle with Kisame. "Where are we going now?" Asuka asked.

"The next possible enemy, Orichimaru." Morihro said.

"Orichimaru?! If we couldn't rescue Sasuke, then what are our chances of finding Orichimaru?" Dachi shouted.

Morihro nodded and turned his head to Asuka for her response. "I agree with Dachi, right now,  our enemy right now is the Akatsuki. The Akatsuki is a threat to us right now", Asuka said.

"I suppose your right. Both of you are. If that's the case, this mission was a failure." Morihro stated.

"WHAT NO! We can't just give up!" Dachi shouted.

"Yeah, we would be betraying Kronosa!" Asuka said.

"Then... she may of betrayed us.." Morihro said with slight regret in his voice.

"No... she's nothing like Sasuke.. she would never.." Asuka whispered.

"No.. Sensei! Are you crazy?! She would never betray us!" Dachi shouted.

Morihro nodded in sadness. "I'm sorry  guys.." he said.

"No! No! Asuka and I are going to find her without you!" Dachi shouted.

Before their sensei could even speak or react Asuka went to his side. "Yeah, we are going to find her, and being her back to the village!" Asuka shouted.

"This mission was a failure.. we have to accept it. If the Akatsuki doesn't know who Kronosa is- I can tell Kisame wasn't lying. He was very much sincere." Morihro said.

"But.. I just know that the man knew Kronosa... but I don't know why I feel that way..." Dachi said.

Asuka saddened and turned to both of them. "I guess... we need to head back.." she said.

"Yeah.." Dachi said with sadness.

"I'm sorry guys..." Morihro said as they started running back to the village.
Kronosa tried using her genjutsu on Itachi but it didn't work.


"Fine then." Kronosa said.

Kronosa took off her right glove revealing her kekkai genkai. Itachi was a bit surprised but still kept his cool. But the truth was, that he never seen a kekkai genkai like that.

Kronosa's kekkai genkai was Dark Release. Her kekkai genkai had the ability to absorb, release, and manipulate chakra. Dark Release had two diamond designs on the palm.

Itachi had no clue of what her kekkai genkai could do. Since he had his Sharigan activated, he could predict her movements. Kronosa could also predict his movements as well, however Itachi had a better type of  Sharigan.

Kronosa knew she couldn't win this battle, she's hoping she could impress him enough so she can join the Akatsuki. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Itachi said.

Kronosa held out her pal in front of the fire and absorbed the chakra with her kekkai genkai. Then, she then released it back at Itachi.

Itachi observed the attack before dodging it. "You're in." He said as he landed.

Kronosa had a sense of relief inside her. Kisame rushed to them with his chest bleeding badly. "A little kid... pierced this air blade in my chest..." Kisame said as he conserved his breathing and oxygen.

Kronosa looked at it. "I seen this jutsu before- in a book. The only way to remove it is to ask a person with a wind chakra nature to remove it."

"I see." Itachi said as he looked at Kisame's wound.

"So Itachi, how did the battle go?" Kisame said as he held his wound.

"Kisame. Kasuku may offer us some good use. We just have to ask our leader to approve." Itachi said.

"Heh, I see then. If you say so, Itachi." Kisame said.

Kronosa called her wolves back and put back her right glove back on.

The two called their leader to come for a new member. Their leader walked towards Kronosa. He had orange hair, with many piercings on his face. Kronosa could tell he had the Rinnegan by looking at his eyes. One of the most powerful dojutsu. "What happened to you Kisame?" He asked.

"A kid from the Leaf Village stabbed an air sword in my chest." Kisame explained as coughed up more blood.

"I see then. But, both of you called me for a new member yes?" He said.

"Yes." They both said.

He turned to look at Kronosa. "So Itachi, what makes you think she would be some use to the Akatsuki?" He asked.

'She..? So much for acting as a man..'

"She has some considerable abilities. I battled her, and she battles well." He said.

"I see then. What's her name?" He asked.

"Kasaku." Itachi responded.

"Kasaku, I am Pain, leader of the Akatsuki. You will help the Akatsuki to achieve their goals of a world of peace and justice." He then handed her a sharp rod.

"You hereby reject the hidden leaf village." He said.

Kronosa crossed out her leaf headband with the rod and threw it back to Pain. She took the Akatsuki cloak and put it on. She also got a ring for being in the Akatsuki.

'So.. I guess being Kasuku will bring me amounts of information of myself.'

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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