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~Dachi's P.O.V~
My body was full of pain for a couple minutes. But soon enough, my body returned back to normal with no pain after a couple of minutes.

I took a rest like my friend Nikku said. I was sitting on a rock, breathing normally.

She's usually worried all about me most of the time. I mean, I'm not being ungrateful, since she saved me in a torturous way.

But sometimes I don't get it. Yeah she's my friend, but she's a little too worried about me.

I can take care of myself! For sure! But honestly, I shouldn't be talking since I fainted twice. But besides, I'm fine. Plus, how am I going to be strong enough to take Kronosa back to the leaf village. Or even strong enough to protect and save my friends and comrade?

But, there's a huge difference when our team had Kronosa and when our team and Nikku.

When we had Kronosa, we were so relaxed, happy, and we were full of joy. Plus, we had nothing to worry about. Yeah, we had to worry about people who tried to destroy our village, but besides that, we were cool.

Then, that all changed when Kronosa went to join the Akatsuki.

I don't why she did it. She refused to tell me when I fought her. Even Asuka, would want her back on our team.

Of course, we needed someone to fill in Kronosa's position in our team. Nikku.

At first, I thought she was a fraud. She would be nothing like Kronosa. But, I was wrong and right about her.

I was wrong that she would be nothing like Kronosa at all. But, she was a little bit like Kronosa, caring and loyal.

But at the same time, I was right that Nikku wasn't like anything like Kronosa. Kronosa was usually closed, cold, and quiet. But Nikku was open, welcoming, and interactive with us.

But in the time we had Nikku in our team, we were more focused and cautious then we were when we had Kronosa.

But either ways, they were both my and our friends. No difference would matter if they were really different.

From what I heard from Team Kakashi, Sasuke left the village. For power.

I know Kronosa wouldn't leave us for a ridiculous reason like that. It seemed like she cared about us more than she did about power.

If all of my friends were here, I would never feel alone. I wouldn't ask for anything more. Nothing more.


I need my friends. No matter what. I'll even fight for them if I have to. I'll fight for all my friends in this village, and my village where my friends I live in.

We'll have a bond, no matter what happens.

But also, I would also give anything just to be respected and known to be a good thing in the village. No one respects me right now, except my friends. I remembered.

When everyone hated me, and my only single friend was Naruto.

I wanted to protect Naruto, since he was my only friends. But people hated me for something that I was doing for my only friend.

They wouldn't know. They wouldn't at all. They could never understand the feeling of being so alone. And the only one you can lean and depend on, was your friend.

I never knew my parents either. So I was alone, right from the start. Wouldn't they do something for their friend?

Naruto. Me. We are human beings. Just like them. What makes us so different. I just don't get it.

They knew Naruto was a jinchuriki, and they didn't know I was jinchuriki.


We're both human beings just like them. Why did they treat us so differently. We bleed the same, breathe the same air. What makes us so different?

And it wasn't Naruto's fault that a beast was sealed inside him. It wasn't his choice. He couldn't control that.

"Hey Dachi!" A voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned my attention to the voice. It was Nikku.

"Huh? What?" I said puzzled.

"I think your break is already over." She said.

"Huh? Oh yeah! Totally forgot about that!" I said.

I got up from the rock I was sitting and stood up. "You were lucky that I completely healed you. I didn't even know I was capable of even healing you fully." Nikku smiled.

"Thanks anyway." I said with gratitude.

"Your welcome." She said with a smile still on her face.

Whew! Almost a week since I didn't update this. But I ain't gonna let that happen! I try to update this book once a week. Also guys, I'm kinda having a writer's block. Since I haven't watched Naruto completely, it's hard to come up with a plot. So I'm struggling a bit, but I'm trying. Well, thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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